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New Direction Govt. Throws Transparency, Accountability and Credibility out the Window!

By Amin Kef Sesay

Many political pundits have stressed that it would do the ruling SLPP New Direction government no good to continue to be indifferent and give deaf ears to the concerns of the people over certain controversial issues that affect both the people and the country’s democracy.

One such issue is the inclusion in the 2020 Finance Act of a clause for the President, Vice President and the Speaker of Parliament to be granted non-accountable travelling expenses. To the minds of many people this provision sounds like a license to corruption by a government that prides itself on transparency, accountability and is dedicated to fighting corruption.

Why is transparency and accountability central to the concept of good State Governance? It is because transparency serves to achieve accountability, which means that authorities can be held responsible for their actions. Without transparency and accountability, trust/credibility will be lacking between a Government and those whom it governs.

What is the meaning of transparency and accountability?

Transparency, as used in science, engineering, business, the humanities and in other social contexts, is operating in such a way that it is easy for others to see what actions are performed. Transparency implies openness, communication, and accountability.

Why is transparency important in government?

Transparency is the condition of being seen through. An example of transparency is the fact that you can see through glass. Simply put, Government transparency enables the taxpayer to easily research to be able to hold government/elected officials accountable for how they spend the citizens’ money at all levels of Government.

Why do we need transparency?

Perhaps the most important aspect of transparency is that it helps to build interpersonal trust, something which is absolutely essential for getting people to share and collaborate with each other. Organizations do not need to tear down the silos; they just need to make them more transparent.

Why is transparency important in a democracy?

The process of governing is most legitimate when it incorporates democratic principles such as transparency, pluralism, citizen involvement in decision-making, representation, and accountability. The rule of law is also an essential element of democracy.

As such, Government transparency is important for democracy. Open transparency is important. If Government officials weren’t transparent, they could avoid being held accountable by the public, make self-serving decisions and keep on hiding their hidden agendas. As such, transparency and accountability are pillars of good governance.

Sierra Leone’s quest for good governance will become a reality when transparency and accountability become the watchwords of all public office holders, including the President, Vice President and the Speaker of Parliament.

From a democratic point of view, the people who elect governments are the ultimate owners of the country’s resources, which must be managed for their benefit by Government.

Financial resources in particular are of special interest to all. When these resources are effectively, efficiently and economically managed for the benefit of the citizenry, good governance is said to exist. Corruption thrives under a hidden environment. From an audit point of view, you cannot have good governance when these pillars (transparency and accountability) are lacking.

Parliament entrusts Government of the day with public funds; the Government of the day in turn reports back to Parliament how these resources have been used or utilized.  Between these processes lie two critical bodies which are at the heart of public accountability – the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) and the Office of the Auditor-General.

PAC essentially seeks to ascertain to what extent revenues have been collected and expenditure incurred in the manner Government or the legislature approved or intended; PAC uses the Auditor General’s report (s) and oversight functions to examine accounting officers and other persons entrusted with the receipts and utilization of funds and other assets. At the end of its consideration of the Auditor General’s report (s), PAC submits a report of its conclusions and recommendations (guided by the Auditor General’s recommendations) to the whole House.

In ensuring transparency and accountability, the fundamental function of the Auditor General is the protection of public interest, through a detailed and objective examination of public accounts and timely reporting to the legislature, to enable it ascertain how the resources entrusted to government have been utilized.

Independent audit carried out by the Auditor General helps to give assurance; public accountability is diminished without such independent audits. PAC on the other hand, assists Parliament in ensuring that public funds are used in keeping with the intentions of government, particularly as regards economy, efficiency and effectiveness in the use of such funds.

To most people it is like the New Direction Government has thrown transparency, accountability and integrity out the window!


6 Congress Members Host VP Juldeh Jalloh & Delegation In USA

Vice President of  the Republic of Sierra Leone, Dr. Juldeh Jalloh

By Fatmata Jengbe

The Vice President of  the Republic of Sierra Leone, Dr. Juldeh Jalloh and delegation, on Wednesday 20th November 2019 met with six  congressional members to  discuss  progress on Sierra Leone’s Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) partnership within the context of the New Direction’s Human Capital Development focus. The meetings were also an opportunity to identify areas to enhance and deepen the much cherished US-Sierra Leone bilateral relationship.

While speaking to Republican Congressman Member, Michael McCaul, the VP stressed Sierra Leone’s keen interest to improve trade with the United States. He also talked about the Government’s commitment to fighting Trafficking in Persons and sought the support of the Congressman on this issue as a member of the Foreign Affairs Committee.

In another meeting with Congress Members Karen Bass, Susan Jackson Lee and three other members of the Congressional Black Caucus; the delegation showcased the progress that has been made in implementing the $44.4 million MCC Threshold program. The Congress Members were interested in exploring how a Compact could address the challenges in the water and electricity sectors to build on the gains of the Threshold Program. Congress Member Bass conveyed her support of Sierra Leone and His Excellency the President’s drive to promote Human Capital Development. She noted that Sierra Leone can count on her support in its bid for a MCC Compact.

Prior to this meeting, the Vice President and delegation have had successful engagements with key US stakeholders including the Deputy US Trade Representative, USAID Administrator, Ambassador Mark Green and  the MCC CEO.

LAB Secures over Le100M in Benefits for Ex-Port Staff

By Joseph Dumbuya

The Legal Aid Board has secured benefits payment totaling 116 million Leones to a former employee known as one Sheikh of the Sierra Leone Port Authority. Sheikh worked at the Sierra Leone Port Authority as Chief Security Officer for 21 years before his contract was terminated in 2007.

Dissatisfied with the benefits that was paid to him, he decided to lodge a complaint with the Office of the Ombudsman, the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) and the Human Rights Commission of Sierra Leone in 2008.

Also, he took the parastatal to the Industrial Court in 2011 but the matter was never concluded at that stage. Sheikh reported the matter to the Legal Aid Board in April 2018.

As usual, the Board referred the matter to the Ministry of Labour and Industrial Relations. The Ministry took the matter to the Industrial Court in December 2018 presided over by Justice Jamesina King. This was after it became apparent that the parastatal was not ready to cooperate. Sheikh was represented by Legal Aid Counsel, Mamako Betty Sao Kallon by virtue of the fact that he is a client of the Board.

Even though notices were serviced coupled with a number of adjournments, the defendant Sierra Leone Ports Authority failed to make an appearance in the court. As a result, Justice King decided to proceed with the matter during which Ms. Mamako Kallon lead witnesses in evidence.

The lawyer for the parastatal decided to make an appearance at a time when the matter was being concluded and requested for an adjournment for time to examine the file and advice his client accordingly on the course of action.

He informed the court at the next adjournment date that the Parastatal has agreed to pay Sheikh his benefits in full.  He appealed to the court for the payment to be done in installment which was not objected to by Legal Aid Counsel. It was agreed that payment will be done to Sheikh through the Legal Aid Board.

The Executive Director of the Legal Aid Board, Ms. Fatmata Claire Carlton-Hanciles has described the judgment as a major victory for workers in the country. ‘With this ruling we are sending a loud and clear message that the abuse of the rights of workers will no longer be tolerated,’ she said, adding ‘Employers who keep workers as casual workers for months and years be warned.’ The defendant lawyer did not have any objection and decided that the company should pay.

The first installment of 30 million Leones was paid in May 2019 through the Board.

President Bio Engages UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador

By Alim Jalloh

Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations Children’s Emergency Fund, UNICEF, Ishmael Beah, on Tuesday 19th November 2019 called on President Julius Maada Bio at State House.

The Goodwill Ambassador was there to demonstrate his stance in the protection and promotion of the welfare of children in Sierra Leone.

Ambassador Beah, a Sierra Leonean, said that he was grateful to meet the President, adding that his mandate was to advocate on behalf of children who were the most vulnerable in society. He said that he was particularly happy to come to the country at a time when the New Direction Government was laying the foundation of human capital development and taking care of children.

“We are happy that you are building a future on human capital development, particularly to have a country that has a strong foundation for children; not only to feed them but also to pay attention to their psychological educational initiatives. I also want to commend you for the free quality education that you are providing for children, especially for those who were not going to schools.

“We know that there are some challenges and I want the Government to continue working with UNICEF. I do hope that the commitment between Sierra Leone and UNICEF continues. I have heard of the remarkable work being done at the various ministries and I hope this continues to build this country,” he said.

On his part, President Bio said that he was thankful to UNICEF for their work in the country, saying that that had aligned with his vision for human capital development. He said his government was concerned about the future of children and noted that that was the reason for providing free quality education to develop children into meaningful citizens that would be able to support the development of the country.

“Your work supports what we want to do and I hope we can work together to support the children in Sierra Leone and around the world. It is a responsibility we should take seriously and we are fully committed and ready to celebrate children,” he said.

Established in 1946, UNICEF is a United Nations agency responsible for providing humanitarian and developmental aid to children around the world.


With Parliamentary Approval… 13 Presidential Appointees take Oath of Office

By Theresa Vamboi

The Parliament of Sierra Leone has on Tuesday 19th November 2019, unanimously approved the Thirteenth Report of its Committee on Appointments and the Public Service, chaired by the acting Leader of Government Business, Hon. Dickson Rogers.

The following presidential nominees were approved by Parliament:

  1. Professor Foday Jaward-Minister of the Environment
  2. Mr. Dennis K. Vandi-Minister of Agriculture and Forestry
  3. Ms. Manty Tarawalli-Minister of Gender & Children’s Affair
  4. Brigadier (Rtd) Kellie Conteh-Minister of Defence
  5. Mr. Ahmed Abu Kemokai-Commissioner, Public Service Commission
  6. Mr. Philip K. Lansana-Minister of Water Resources
  7. Col. (Rtd) Muana B. Massaquoi-Deputy Minister of Defence
  8. Mr. Mohamed Hassan Kaisamba-Sierra Leone’s Ambassador to Turkey
  9. Dr. David Moinina Sengeh-Minister of Basic & Senior Secondary Education
  10. Col. (Rtd) Simeon N. Sheriff-Sierra Leonean Representative to the Islamic Military Counter-Terrorism Coalition in Saudi Arabia
  11. Mr. Stephen S. James Jusu-Deputy Minister of Environment
  12. Mr. Paul Ansumana S. Minah-Deputy Ambassador to Turkey
  13. Mr. Ansumana L.M Swarray-Chairman, Board of Directors, National Water Resources Management Agency (NWRMA)

Seconding the motion, Hon. Bashiru Silikie of SLPP cautioned the nominees to work in the best interest of the State and in line with the spirit of the New Direction Manifesto. He also encouraged the nominees to do well in their new appointments for the Government to succeed in addressing some of the challenges relating to the military including improved conditions of service such as health and housing.

In his contribution, Hon. Lahai Marah of APC thanked President Bio for appointing two prominent indigenes of Falaba District, namely Brigadier Rtd. Kellie Conteh and Ms. Manty Tarawalli. He assured the House that the two nominees would deliver on their new appointments. He also called on the nominee for Water Resources to pay keen attention to the provision of safe drinking water which according to him would help the Government to achieve the Free Quality Education amidst good health and safety.

On his part, Hon. Ansumana Bockarie of SLPP informed colleague MPs that 90% of the recent appointments made by President Bio had done well in their respective career paths, adding that he was of the conviction that they would perform as well.

Contributing to the debate, Hon. Abdul Kargbo of APC said that he was meticulous in certifying people, while acknowledging that there were credible people among the nominees. He also decried those who do not wish to see progress and development in the country. “We want people to love the country more than their political parties”, he re-echoed. He heaped praises on some nominees and also drew their attention to address some of the challenges facing the offices relating to their appointments.

Hon Francis Amara Kaisamba of SLPP called on the nominees to work in the interest of the country, while cautioning them not to personalize their offices; stating that the consequences may be counter-productive.

Hon. Daniel Koroma of APC commended the nominees, particularly the Minister of Basic and Senior Secondary Education, Dr. Sengeh for his stance against receiving and accepting gifts; which amounts to corruption.

Hon. Neneh Lebbie of SLPP advised the nominees to do their best by changing the narratives relative to the development of the country.

On his part, the acting Leader of the Opposition, Hon. Hassan Sesay said he was very sensitive about gender and would have liked President Bio to appoint more women; instead of one among the nominees. He also informed the House that it was timely to collaborate and cooperate in Parliament for the development of Sierra Leone. “Let us live for Sierra Leone, the country is bigger than all of us” he stated.

Concluding the debate, the acting Leader of Government Business, Hon. Dickson Rogers took a glance at the galleries and asked the people to stop fighting for politicians, stating that what has been demonstrated in the Well was living testimony of political tolerance in Sierra Leone. He cautioned all and sundry to stop political violence for the development of Sierra Leone.

Reacting to the debate, the Rt. Hon. Speaker of Parliament, Dr. Abass Chernor Bundu informed the appointees that the President has reposed his personal trust and confidence on them and that Parliament has replicated same through their approval. He also cautioned the nominees to open their doors when MPs contact them during the course of executing their oversight duties.

During a subsequent event, on Wednesday 20 November 2019 the newly approved Ministers and Deputy Ministers subscribed to the Oath of Office before His Excellency President Dr Julius Maada Bio in accordance with Section 57 (Act No. 6) of the 1991 Constitution of Sierra Leone at a ceremony held at State House.

Delivering a statement on behalf of the other appointees, the new Minister of Gender and Children’s Affairs, Ms. Manty Beatrice Tarawalli, said that on behalf of herself and her people, she was particularly delighted and honoured “to be appointed as the first female Cabinet Minister from Koinadugu and Falaba districts and also the first from the Kuranko ethnic group”.

“With boundless gratitude for the confidence placed in us by the President and with an unwavering desire to honour that trust, we have humbly accepted our appointments. We are each aware of the scale and gravity of challenges in our institutions but let me assure you, Your Excellency, that with dedication, leadership and our experiences, we will endeavour to find sustainable solutions that will improve on overall performance and achievements. I assure you of excellence, result, loyalty and professionalism,” she said.

In his remarks, President Bio congratulated the public officials and reminded them of the enormity of the task ahead, saying that they had been meticulously chosen to take up the new duties and that he expected them to bring their best to help the development of the country.

“I have the thought that you are fit to hold these positions and I expect nothing less. I even expect more because the task ahead is enormous. I want to assure you of my full support in the discharge of your duties. Congratulations and I wish you all the best,’’ he ended.

During the ceremony, newly appointed Commissioner of the Public Service Commission, Ahmed Abu Kemokai and Commissioners of the Political Parties Registration Commission, PPRC, Alhaji Muctar Babatunde Williams and Christian Sawyer also subscribed to the Oath of Office before President Bio in accordance with Section 151 (8) of the Constitution of Sierra Leone and Section 2(7) of the PPRC Act 2002 respectively.




DHL Express Opens Live Chat for Customers

By Abibatu Kamara

As part of DHL Express’ commitment to innovation, the company launched a unique Multi-Channel Tool (MCT) that allows customers to interact with DHL Express via live chat and specialized email services.

Hennie Heymans, CEO of DHL Express Sub Saharan Africa, says customers benefit from quicker response times and by interacting with the company with the channels that are most convenient to them. The deployment of MCT is a great step towards our goal on continuously improving our customers’ experience.

“A recent CMO study found that 85% of respondents expect a seamless omni-channel service from companies, where they can interact using their preferred channel. This tool offers just that, and provides personalized service in real time that eliminates long waiting times and potential frustration.”

He explained that customers can use the live chat option on a mobile device or on the DHL Express website and receive assistance with self-help options online. “Live chat is the popular choice of many customers due to its fast response times.”

A report by Communications Technology Company (COMM100) of over 45 million chat interactions in 2018 revealed an 83% customer satisfaction rating, which highlighted the importance of including a live chat function in the tool. Another benefit of live chat is that it can eliminate the issues that come from bad connections which can cause distorted spoken messages.

For customers who would prefer to communicate via more formal channels, DHL Express’ MCT also offers a specialized email service where customers can send their queries. “The key to success is making sure that we are available at every touch point that is convenient for the customer,’ add Heymans.

The Multi-Channel Tool uses a centralized knowledge management system that offers a customer service agent desktop, web self-service, case management, and customer interaction channels such as e-mail, telephony, live chat and social media. Customer service agents also have access to processes, policies and procedures, and case studies they can use to answer queries effectively. This empowers the agents with the correct information on hand, speeding up query resolution time.

In addition, when a query is received, it is routed to an agent knowledgeable in that specific subject matter, further enhancing the customer experience.

“The central view of a customer’s interaction history allows us to answer their questions accurately and quickly, as our agents have access to all the information they require in one place,” says Heymans“Responses to queries will be more consistent and accurate because all agents have access to the same information.

“Our customers are looking for speed, variety and convenience, not only in the way their deliveries are managed, but also in how they communicate. MCT helps drive that sense of convenience and improved time management and is an important part of our continued drive to innovate and use digital technology to improve our customer experience,” Heymans added.

DHL Express’ Multi Channel Tool is currently available in South Africa, Kenya, Nigeria, Ghana, Senegal, Cote d’Ivoire, Cameroon and Mauritius with plans to roll out to additional sub-Saharan Africa markets in the coming months.


Come 22nd November 2019… AWOL leads all Roads to Radisson Blu

By Amin Kef Sesay

Nominations for  deserving individuals and institutions who will qualify for the 2019 All Works of Life(AWOL) Awards  to take place  at the Bintumani International Conference Center on Sunday 29th December, 2019 came to an end on the 20th November 2019.

The official launch of this year’s award ceremony will take place on Friday 22nd November, 2019 at the Radisson Blu Hotel in Freetown with the theme : ‘Education is the Key to National Cohesion and Development’. President Julius Maada Bio is expected to give the keynote address.

This year’s AWOL Awards ceremony is set to break barriers according to several people interviewed by this Press.

Indisputably, AWOL’s National Achievement Awards have now become an important feature in the calendar of annual events in Sierra Leone. Come as it does towards the close of the year, most Sierra Leoneans see it as part of their Christmas and End of Year entertainment recipe. During the course of the year, AWOL keenly watches Sierra Leoneans in their various works of life as well as institutions with the avowed objective of recognizing them for their good works.

As a family, AWOL considers that approach as a trend as “it adds worth and meaning to our efforts, and brings fulfilment to our dreams; for over and above recognizing and awarding merit, effort, achievement, ability, devotion, commitment and scholarship, to deserving Sierra Leoneans.’

AWOL is also working in underprivileged communities through its various social, educational and humanitarian interventions.

Contrary to what some may want to believe, it should however be noted that AWOL is a non-political and non-profitable organization which focuses on national development. AWOL’s philosophy is to be selfless, to serve, to give back to society and expect nothing in return as reward or profit.

AWOL is hinged on determination to complement Government’s effort in nation building; regardless of which democratic government is in power.

AWOL, for the last eighteen (18) years,  has contributed its own quota to the development agenda of Mama Salone and continues to pledge its love and loyalty to Mama Salone and to serve her interest above all else.

It is on record that AWOL has stayed together as a group, worked together as a family, and pursued its goals and aspirations as patriotic Sierra Leoneans who care and love their country. As may be the case in other organizations, AWOL may have its own internal problems, for no group or organization exists without conflict; but AWOL has been able to resolve its differences amicably without any threat to the developmental aspirations of the organization as a whole.

One thing that makes AWOL very outstanding and as part of its constitution, no individual member is bigger than AWOL. AWOL is bigger than each one and their leaders are charged with the responsibility to always bring members together as a family, maintain and promote the traditions that have held AWOL together since the founding and current members became one family 18 years ago.

President of AWOL, Ambassador Anthony Navo Jr., maintains that over these eighteen years AWOL’s contributions to national development have been immense.

He says AWOL supports Sierra Leone’s development and transformative drives to build a new Sierra Leone which is the dream of every Sierra Leonean. AWOL shares in that dream of every Sierra Leonean to see our small but naturally blessed country develop into a paradise on earth:

AWOL has since its inception been involved in imbibing into the nation a whole new attitude of progress, patriotism, unity, freedom and justice. The organization seeks to see non-violence, peaceful co-existence and tolerance among politicians, religions and young people. It further wants to see quality and relevant education for children and young people and it wants to see an improved, accessible and affordable health care delivery system across the country.

AWOL further seeks to see a nation with improved social amenities for the enjoyment of young people and also to see a nation able to grow its own food and able not only to feed itself but its neighbours as well. The organization also wants to see a nation that is less dependent on donor funds for its survival and become a nation that idolises her past, present and future leaders and heroes; and also to see functioning, responsible, pro-active and delivering state institutions.

Research shows that the good thing about recognizing hardworking individuals in society is that it motivates, inspires and encourages hard work. The research adds that more often than not the average Sierra Leonean is easy to point at people he/she deems corrupt or not worthy of emulation.

According to the research, it is so easy for one person to cry down successful people knowing very little, or nothing about those successful individuals. The research adds that the AWOL annual National Achievement Awards since it was established sought to seek that attitude and based on statistics, at least 70% of Sierra Leoneans think well of successful people and aspire to emulate them.

All Sierra Leoneans who have diligently, honestly, dedicatedly and selflessly played and are playing, their part in nation building stand to gain from AWOL and young people who are especially encouraged, inspired, motivated; will aspire to emulate the good examples.

As nominations have been made the die is now cast to see the emergence of deserving individuals and institutions bagging various prestigious awards.

Amidst Challenges… NP-SL’s Dedication to Serve is Unparalleled

By Amin Kef Sesay

For the past few days Sierra Leone has been experiencing fuel shortage and such is disrupting the conduct of normal businesses and work across the country. However, it was learnt that during this difficult period of fuel scarcity, it was only the National Petroleum Sierra Leone (NP-SL) which is selling its meagre stock to consumers; thus living up to its name of being truly indigenous, customer-friendly and caring.

An in-depth investigation conducted by this outlet led to the discovery that there are surmountable challenges that are really militating against the smooth operations of oil marketing companies in the country which could be the main cause of the present ugly situation in which we do find ourselves.

Against such an unfortunate backdrop, it will be prudent on the part of Government, through the Ministry of Trade and Industry to act very smartly in addressing some of the debilitating constraints oil marketing companies are facing to import and sell petroleum products particularly that which has to do with accessing foreign currency with ease and at affordable prices.

It is really unfortunate that certain individuals during this fuel scarcity scare, out of ignorance unfairly and unduly have been blaming the National Petroleum Sierra Leone for the quagmire. This is very unfortunate.  NP-SL, just like other oil marketing companies in the country, is going through real challenges militating against its smooth operations. One of them has to do with timely access to foreign currency, specifically the Dollar which it uses to purchase petroleum products. The company does exchange the Leones they derive from sales in order to be in a position to import petroleum products but of late with the depreciation of the Leone to the Dollar it is no mean feat to do so.

Just in the recent past the Parliamentary Committee on Trade summon the Management of National Petroleum Sierra Leone Limited to explain about the company’s social corporate responsibility and other activities. It was at that meeting the Management of NP laid bare the huge debt, running into millions of Leones which the Government of Sierra Leone owes the company and pleaded for the intervention of Parliamentarians to help remedy the impasse.

When this medium went out to find out whether indeed fuel is available but hoarded, we discovered that there is not much in the offing for sales to the public and no attempts had been revealed of any form of hoarding. The plain fact is that fuel is not available in the required quantity simply because the hands of the oil marketing companies are tied to import petroleum products with ease.

There has always been the misconception by certain people that the National Petroleum Sierra Leone is owned by the Government of Sierra Leone. However, it will interest some people to know that the company is privately-owned by Sierra Leoneans who years back, established it out of their end-of-service benefits and worked assiduously for it to become the towering business entity that is today renowned for marketing qualitative petroleum products.

The company, although it keeps reminding the Government of the outstanding debts is in no way disillusioned to discontinue serving members of the public diligently as it is a 100% indigenous company.

Regardless of that, the company has been steadfast with regards marketing qualitative petroleum products and from what was gathered its shareholders and management have resolved to serve humanity and deal with outstanding issues professionally without the slightest objective of undermining the Government or stability.

While Sierra Leoneans are going through all this making the situation so confusing was when the regulatory institution, the Petroleum Regulatory Agency (PRA), of all oil marketing companies operating in the country issued a statement that there is no shortage of fuel.

Currently, the NP-SL pumps are opened and  the company is selling to members of the public. As an indigenous company, NP-SL is desirous of serving the nation.

To its credit NP-SL has been rated 1st for Customer Care, and is held in high esteem for introducing both NP Gas and Smart Card, and is impressively rolling out its Corporate Social Responsibility and offering lots of goodies to its numerous consumers. In recognition of all the good things that the company is doing to foster development in the country it emerged as the winner of the prestigious 2018 NEA Award as Best Indigenous Company of the year.

It must be reiterated that there is the utmost need to make the oil marketing companies very financially solvent in order to capacitate them to be in better steads to effectively engage in the purchasing and selling of petroleum products and prevent avoidable shortages in the future.

NP-SL, as an oil marketing company, from our findings, is not in any sense undermining the government; it is not anti-government as it has always maintained an apolitical stance only focusing on its business ventures. It will therefore be a great disservice to the company if anyone were to accuse NP-SL of being politically motivated in its business dealings. This has never been the case and will never be the case, according to NP-SL management; especially when the country experiences fuel shortage.



Orange, UBA Partner to Make Banking Easier

By Foday Moriba Conteh

One of the country’s leading mobile operators, Orange Sierra Leone and financial giant, United Bank for Africa (UBA) on Wednesday 20th November 2019, launched a partnership pack wherein subscribers of the GSM Company who are also customers of the Bank will be able to transfer money to and from their Orange Money Wallet to their UBA account.

Welcoming guests to the ceremony, Chinedu Obeta, the Managing Director of UBA said that such a partnership will make life easier for their customers who are also subscribers of the mobile company.

He envisaged a situation where this will impact positively on the lives of their customers and may further increase their customer base as well as that of the company. This collaboration, he said, is a big thing in Africa, as they are operating in some 20 African countries.

The benefits of this partnership, according to him, include the ability of customers to transfer money from their accounts to their mobile money account and remit same to their accounts at the bank.

For people living in remote areas, he added that this system will enable the bank’s customers quick access to their money, which they can plough into business without having to visit the bank and can even credit their accounts in a similar manner.

This financial inclusion is good for business, he said, as it will promote economic activities and provide job facilities for the youths. He further said that other products will be coming soon.

“What the bank wants to do is embrace change, as this is where banking is going in this digital age and no one should be left behind. All will benefit from this collaboration. To benefit one should have a mobile money account with Orange-SL and join the banking services of UBA,” he stated and explained how it works:

  1. You should have an Orange Money account and have a UBA bank account.
  2. Using your phone you can dial #144*6*1# and follow the instructions.
  3. Select UBA from bank partners
  4. Enter your Orange Money secret code (four digits)
  5. You will receive your activation

CEO of Orange Money, David Mansaray, expressed his delight at the launch of such a partnership, adding that “even when the bank is on holiday you can get money by the use of this product easily without going to the bank; withdraw from your account put into your wallet and go to the nearest Orange money cashier to get your money. With this huge customer base, every customer is a winner”.

Sadia Kanu from Orange noted that Orange Money reaches the grassroots, as one can transact as low as ten thousand Leones. She called on all to get the Orange Money SIM and open an account at UBA.


As Daaf Van Tilburg takes Leave … Laurent Bukasa Becomes Brewery’s New MD

By Amin Kef Sesay

Sierra Leone Brewery Limited (SLBL) on Wednesday 20th November, 2019 bade farewell to Daaf Van Tilburg, the outgoing Managing Director of the company. The ceremony took place at Sierra Lighthouse Hotel, Aberdeen in Freetown.

Addressing his audience, the outgoing Managing Director SL-Brewery, Daaf Van Tilburg expressed his appreciation to his team for such an event to bid farewell in honour of his service as Managing Director over the past years, adding that they were key partners and stakeholders and that he acknowledges them as being very important for the success of the company in previous years.

“I am having mixed emotions as I had a great career opportunity for which I am grateful. I am very sad to leave a beautiful country like Sierra Leone and it’s a pleasure to say that my family and I had a fantastic time in Sierra Leone,” he said with profuse smiles.

Highlighting some achievements made he disclosed that as a team, they made great improvements, adding that they invested over 35 million EUR in  the SL- Brewery limited.

He said the implementation of such a programme, whilst running the business was complex but with the support of the team they were able to achieve it and it was successful and that the Brewery is now fully modernized with extended capacity.

He noted that along with the investments the company has made in the modernization of the company, they also invested in the people of Sierra Leone and that the company has been steadily growing in the last year.

“More than 95% of our employees are Sierra Leoneans and it is amazing how they have developed and adapted to using modern state-of-the-art technology. One example, our state-of-the-art canning line is now 100% run by young and promising Sierra Leonean engineers and technicians. This is fantastic,” he exclaimed!

He said that they were also able to invest in their consumers, as they invested in new brands and they all look refreshed and modern, adding that they introduced innovations like Star Citron, Trenk, Dark Malt Energy and Amstel International Lager Beer and a full canning format portfolio; the first of its kind which is very much appreciated by everyone.

He noted that they worked together with their distributors to provide the best service. At the same time, they invested a lot of time and effort in sorghum development and communities via different corporate social responsibility projects.
‘I saw the great impact, which our company has had on communities and livelihoods of Sierra Leone,’ he said. He maintained that they have also made a large amount of tax contribution to government revenue. Nevertheless, he added that with their investments, they have also contributed to creating benefits for thousands of people directly and indirectly through jobs at the brewery, and as distributors, suppliers, transporters, the entertainment sector, retailers and most importantly the sorghum development project in which tens of thousands of farmers and family members benefitted.

He further noted that since last year, they have started a Hawker project in which they have equipped over 2000 entrepreneurs with equipment to build their own businesses and that he is of the strong belief that the socio-economic development of Sierra Leone will be achieved through the establishment of a strong private sector.

He applauded his fellow Board and Council Members for their great collaboration as he has invested a lot of time in his role as Council Member of the Chamber of Commerce.

He introduced and welcomed Laurent Bukasa. Laurent Bukasa is the incoming Managing Director of SL Brewery Limited. He was until recently the Corporate Affairs Manager in the Heineken operation in DR Congo and has a long international career in Heineken in different designations as commercial, country manager and corporate affairs manager.

He underscored that with his great experience, the incoming GM will add a lot of value to the business here in Sierra Leone and encouraged his team to give him a warm welcome and support in every way they can.

Managing Director Designate, SL Brewery Limited, Laurent Bukasa, applauded Daaf Van Tilburg  for the tremendous work he has done in the past years at the Brewery, adding that it is a great pleasure to have joined Sierra Leone Brewery Limited, which is part of the HEINEKEN Group.

He considered himself fortunate to have been given this opportunity to join an organization with such a fine reputation and goodwill for its quality products/services/ and for its contribution to national development and that of communities in this beautiful country, Sierra Leone.

He noted that the Managing Director position offers a new and exciting platform to him and he is looking forward to do the job.

“Prior to coming to Sierra Leone Brewery Limited, I have worked for HEINEKEN for over 23 years. My background entails a lot of experience in the field of Marketing and Sales. The last position I held was Corporate Affairs Director of the HEINEKEN Brewery in DR Congo,” he added.

He noted that at HEINEKEN, they are partners for growth and development in any country in which they operate and as Managing Director, he promised to maintain all these links and useful engagement with stakeholders including the Government of Sierra Leone, distributors, suppliers, the Chamber of Commerce, Association of Manufacturers, Employers Federation, Sorghum Farmers and Marketers Association, MCCU and all other partners.

He promised that they will continue with the outgoing MD’s trajectory to invest on capacity and quality to meet the demands of the market. For their consumers, he said ‘we are committed to good services at all times” and confirmed that his team will keep an open door policy and continue with laid down strategy to be the best in class in Sierra Leone.

Madam Zorah Anthony, Head of Human Resources Sierra Leone Brewery Limited, the Minister of Trade and Industry, Dr. Hinga Sandy, Denis Jusu Chairman Sorghum Farmers Association, and Christopher Forster, President Chamber of Commerce were present at the ceremony and applauded the outgoing Managing Director for his tremendous work in the country and welcomed the incoming Managing Director.