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Africell-SL Furnishes SLENA Facility

By Foday Moriba Conteh

Africell Sierra Leone, one of the country’s leading mobile companies operating in the country, in partnership with the Ministry of Information and Communications, has on Thursday 21th November, 2019 donated office furniture or equipment to the  Sierra Leone News Agency (SLENA) facility on Wallace Johnson Street in Freetown.

In his address to those who graced the occasion, the Minister of Information and Communications, Mohamed Rado Swarray said that when he took over as Minister the Sierra Leone News Agency (SLENA) building was in a dilapidated state and as a Minister he was very concerned.

He further revealed how he was able to approach Orange SL for the rehabilitation of the said building, in order to make the building habitable furthering how he is very pleased to see Africell-SL furnishing the Sierra Leone News Agency facility with state-of-the-art furniture.

The Minister said Government is committed to ensuring that they empower the media and also create an enabling working environment for journalists.

He applauded Africell-SL for its support in making this dream become a reality.

Admonishing the Management and Staff of SLENA, he entreated them to always ensure that their work is professionally done within the realm of informing the populace on current happenings.

Chief Executive Officer of Africell Sierra Leone, Shadi Al-Gerjawi applauded the Ministry of Information and Communications for their partnership in making the furnishing of the SLENA facility a possibility, adding that as a company they believe in positive change and will ensure they contribute meaningfully towards the development of the country.

He said that the furnishing of the SLENA facility with furniture manifests their dogged commitment towards rebranding the media in the country.

Station Manager, Afriradio, John Konteh underscored how SLENA has been working assiduously to rebrand the media  adding that Africell is pleased to hand over the items to SLENA saying such will ignite the perception of what SLENA was known for in the past.

He mentioned some of the donated items which include desks, swivel chairs, cupboards, wire mesh, work stations, wooden & iron chairs etc.

Orange-SL Nominated 2019 ‘Best CSR in Entertainment’

By Foday Moriba Conteh

One of Sierra Leone’s leading GSM mobile operators Orange Sierra Leone has been nominated as an institution of Best Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Entertainment for 2019. Orange was nominated among several other institutions and companies for the upcoming National Entertainment Awards (NEA) slated to take place on the 23rd December, 2019 live at the Golden Tulip Hotel.

It is not surprising that Orange Sierra Leone was nominated because during the year under review, Orange Sierra Leone contributed in many ways to the improvement of the entertainment industry in Sierra Leone.

Among several ways in which Orange-SL has contributed to the growth of the entertainment industry includes direct sponsorship and indirect assistance.

The company has been very forthright in signing Memoranda of Understanding with big artists in the entertainment industry to become brand ambassadors to help market the various products it has to offer to the general public. Through this means the company has been creating avenues by which these artists could be projected to reach other higher heights.

The NEA awards ceremony is an annual event designed to celebrate talented Sierra Leoneans with artistic skills in music, film, comedy, fashion, tourism, sports and cultural heritage, for personal and interpersonal growth. More importantly, it is designed to re-brand Sierra Leone to the outside world through entertainment.

The first and second editions of the National Entertainment Award (NEA 2017 and 2018) were held at the Bintumani International Auditorium in Aberdeen, Freetown and were organized by the LAKE Production (SL) Ltd, in partnership with RUGGED and the Ministry of Tourism and Cultural Affairs.

The maiden edition (NEA 2017) was one of professional showbiz of its time in the country. It brought the best in entertainment including fifteen government ministers, two of the biggest TV channels in the world, TV5 France and Hip TV-DSTV, and one of Nigeria’s biggest event host, blogger & CEO of Pocket TV – Osh Money.

As one observer at that time puts it, “The Bintumani Conference Centre was coroneted and transformed into an opera or a royal castle of Kings and Queens of entertainment. The euphoria was splendid, with ecstatic extravaganza. That was just the tip of an iceberg, all thanks to LAKE Productions (the premier and hosting company of NEA).”

NEA is assiduously striving to bring home the flavour of the BET, the Afrima, the Grammy and the Oscars kind of awards to Sierra Leone. NEA is the absolute ‘Taste of Elegance.’

The 2018 NEA awards ceremony is the ONLY event that brings together over 300 entertainers (from music, fashion, movie, sports, etc) in one night.

Many that this medium engaged to comment on the nomination of Orange Sierra Leone opined that the company deserves it bordering their assertion on the qualitative and dependable communications service delivery platforms that the company is offering. Some even went to the extent of predicting that the company will surely emerge victorious to bag the prestigious award.

To vote for Orange SL send BC12 to 429 only on Q-CELL.

Stop the Blame Game….. NP-SL is Here to Serve the Nation

By Amin Kef Sesay

It is really unfortunate that there are certain individuals, who out of ignorance have been unfairly, unduly blaming the National Petroleum Sierra Leone for the current fuel shortage that is been experienced at the moment.

As a matter of fact, NP-SL, like other oil marketing companies in the country, is going through various challenges militating against its smooth operations. One of the greatest challenges is that which has to do with accessing foreign currency, specifically the Dollar which it uses to purchase petroleum products. The companies do exchange the Leones they derive from sales in order to be in a position to again import petroleum products but of late with the depreciation of the Leone to the dollar it is no mean feat to do so.

It was against such a backdrop that in the recent past when summoned by a Parliamentary Committee, the Management of NP lay bare the huge debt, running into millions of Leones which the Government of Sierra Leone owes it and pleaded for the intervention of Parliamentarians to help remedy the impasse or situation.

When this medium went outside yesterday to find out whether indeed fuel is available but is hoarded it discovered that the oil marketing companies are really finding it extremely difficult to keep on surviving amidst the high exchange rate of the dollar to the Leone and what we are now seeing is a culmination of a problem that has loomed for too long and if not addressed will further create future problems.

For the past three days it has only been NP Sierra Leone that has been selling fuel to the public. However, it was learnt that other companies including Total are not hoarding fuel but the fact of the matter is that fuel is not available and they are finding it very difficult to import at the moment.

It will only be prudent if Government, through the Ministry of Trade and Industry act very smart by addressing some of the constraints these companies are going through particularly with the one that has to do with accessing foreign currency with ease and at affordable prices.

There has always been the misconception held by certain people that the National Petroleum Sierra Leone is owned by the Government of Sierra Leone. However, it will interest some to really know that the company is privately owned by Sierra Leoneans who years back established it out of their end of service benefits and worked assiduously for it to become a towering business entity that is renowned for marketing qualitative petroleum products.

The company, although it keeps reminding the Government of the outstanding debts is in no way disillusioned to discontinue serving members of the public diligently as it is a 100% indigenous company.

Regardless of that, the company has been steadfast with regards marketing qualitative petroleum products and from what was gathered its shareholders and Management have resolved to serve humanity and deal with outstanding issues professionally.

It  must be reiterated that for the past few days vehicle owners as well as users of fuel generators were greeted by queues for fuel at the various fuel stations and this has caused various degrees of inconvenience among residents in the country. To make matters worse there was a statement issued by the regulatory body of petroleum products, the Petroleum Regulatory Agency (PRA) that there is no shortage of fuel.

Currently, NP-SL has its pumps open and is selling to members of the public. As an indigenous company, NP-SL is desirous of serving the nation.

Some economic analysts say that the statement issued by Total in respect of losses and request for the provision of foreign exchange to enable them import petroleum product, is in place, although the country’s indigenous petroleum supplier, the National Petroleum Sierra Leone Limited, has huge debts owed them by Government than that complained of by TOTAL, whose parent body is not in the country.

As for now NP-SL has been rated 1st for Customer Care, is held in high esteem for introducing both NP Gas and Smart Card, is impressively rolling out its Corporate Social Responsibility and lot goodies that it has to offer.

The oil marketing companies, from our findings, are not ben on undermining the Government; it is not anti- government as it has always maintained an apolitical stance only focusing on its business ventures. It will therefore be a great disservice to the company if some people are blaming it whenever shortages do occur.

PRONG is Poised to Meaningfully Change Lives

By Amin Kef Sesay

On 16th November 2019 the Platform for Advocacy, Research and Capacity Building for NGOs in Africa (PRONG) was officially launched in Sierra Leone at the National Youth Commission Conference Room at Brookfields, Freetown. Founded in 2013, during the assessment of Millenium Global Goals, PRONG actively contributed in the process of transforming the new development agenda, strenghtening the actions of advocacy on poverty, inequality and climate change.

Mr. Paul Lengar, Country Representative of Platform for Advocacy, Research and Capacity Building for NGO’s in Africa  said in 2015, PRONG collaborated with the Copenhague Consensus Center  to organize a youth national forum for the assessment of the Sustainable Development Goals, accelerating partnerships with the government of Guinea and other Technical and Financial Partners.

Since 2015, PRONG had been getting more leadership roles in Guinea, sharing its experiences and contributing to the developement of Guinea and African countries through  development Projects and making consultation for enhaning the different policies and programs on poverty réduction, inequality and Climate Change in Western Africa. PRONG aims to impact all the countries in Africa by 2030.

During the launching ceremony, over 40 youth leaders and representatives from both government and international non-governmental organisations were present. Representatives were from UNPOS, Office of the National Security, Pikin Bizness and WASH-Net Sierra Leone, were also represented. Statements on various environmental hazards ranging from water ressource management, illegal sand mining, waste management, Eco Housing, and Climate risk and emergancy response were presented by various speakers at the event.

Dr. Adonis Abboud, Founder and CEO Pikin Bizness, during the event dilated on the nagative impact of illegal sand mining in Sierra Leone. stunning past, for an uncoordinated and selfish present and at the expense of the future. He

Mr. John  Rogers Director of the ONS Disaster Management Department in his presentation gave the risk and climate impact on Sierra Leone since 2014, pointing out the core elements that constitute governments’ effort in addressing disaster preparedness, mitigation response and recovery through the adoption of best practices and methodologies with the objective of ensuring human security.

According to him, Sierra Leone is faced with common challenges such as: climatic hazards, floods, water shortage, extreme heat, thunder, wind storm,   lightening etc.   Geological Hazards: Landslide, Mudslides, rock falls, and erosion. Social Hazards: Demonstration, strikes, conflict and poverty. Epidemic Hazard: Ebola, Cholera, measles, HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis. Human Induced Hazards: Accidents, deforestation, waste management, depletion of catchment areas, collapse buildings.

He further stated that all these challenges are due to human interaction with the environment which is based on unplanned urbanization around the country, poor solid waste management practices, blocked drainage facilities, deforestation, land reclamation along the coastal strip, stone mining in catchment areas, sand mining along the sea front and poor enforcement of policies and that these can only be address by the intervention of youth groups, communities and individuals. He commended Mr. Paul Lengar ,Country Representative of PRONG Sierra Leone  for their work in developing tools and providing capacity building for youths and other institutions on the use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and remote sensing as an innovative approach for providing smart solution in the fight against climate change in Sierra Leone.

West Africa Youth Network Celebrates International Students Day

Cross Section of Participants

By Foday Moriba Conteh

In order to enhance the development of young people in Sierra Leone, the West Africa Youth Network (WAYN) a youth-led organization in partnership with Patriotic Advocacy Network (PAN) on Saturday 16nd November, 2019 joined other countries in celebrating International Student Day at Africell American Corner, Bathurst Street in Freetown.

Speaking to this medium in an interview, Assistant Executive Director, West Africa Youth Network, James Fortune disclosed that the International Day of Students is geared towards raising awareness on issues affecting students globally and find possible ways to eradicate them within society, adding that in order to celebrate the day, the West Africa Youth Network brought together students from different institutions to discuss and raise awareness on these issues affecting them in their various institutions and the society as a whole.

He said it is no secret that students in Sierra Leone face huge challenges ranging from sex for grade, marginalization, injustice, corruption etc. He noted that corruption in the educational system is the order of the day and it has eaten into the fabric of our educational system.

He said students have the ability to change Sierra Leone positively and in that regard he encouraged them to not only look at issues surrounding them but to do something in order to change the narrative, noting that they are partners in development and constitute the majority of the country’s population and in that regard he encouraged them to contribute to nation building.

He called on the government of Sierra Leone to own up to their promises towards the development of young people in the country.

Executive Director Patriotic Advocacy Network Ansumana Keita disclosed that the International Student’s Day started in Germany 1939 during the Nazi era in Germany, when Adolf Hitler and his Nazi Party (NSDAP) controlled the country through a dictatorship and Germany was transformed into a totalitarian state where nearly all aspects of life were controlled by the government. During this period students were marginalized, killed, raped etc.

He said that since 1939 the International Day of Student is a day set aside every year to raise awareness on issues affecting students and increased recognition of students as key agents for social change, economic growth and sustainable development.

He said that however, students in Sierra Leone face huge challenges in the areas of education, employment, health, and governance, noting that with students strength, flexibility, unwavering desire to effect the needed change in their society, they are indeed the centrality of the development of Sierra Leone.

He disclosed that celebrating this day in Sierra Leone will help raise awareness on issues affecting students in the country ranging from corruption within the educational system, lack of learning materials, sex for grade, injustice, marginalization within the system which he considers to be the negative things that have destroyed the educational system.

He said that this year’s celebration focuses on three major areas education, empowerment and engagement, adding that the event was also geared towards looking at contributions made by students.

OXFAM, CARL Admonish Girls to be Resilient 

Cross section of participants

By Theresa Vamboi

With support from OXFORD, the Community Action to Restore Lives (CARL) on Saturday 16th November 2019 ended its Fourth Girls’ Conference for 100 Girl Ambassadors at the Heakam Preparatory School, York Road, Waterloo in the Western Area Rural District on the theme: ‘Empowering Girls for the Future.’

The 100 Girl Ambassadors were drawn from the Pathway Academy, Sunday Foundation, Ahmadiyya Agricultural Secondary, Rural Academy Secondary, Saint Francis Roman Catholic, Tombo Junior Secondary, Saint Peters, Evangel Baptist and Russell Technical Schools in Grafton, Waterloo, Newton and Forgbo including representatives of Mothers’ Clubs from the same communities.

Mrs. Madiana Samba, founder and Executive Director of CARL disclosed that the organization is restoring the lives of the hopeless and empowering girls for a better tomorrow emphasizing that the conference is not only about formal but informal education but also entrepreneurship and skills development.

She further encouraged the girls to make salient contributions and inspire others reiterating that education would improve their lives as the aim of the conference is to catch them young.

She continued that with education, they can make informed decisions about sex, drugs and other issues affecting their lives as well as be role models, adding that one of the mandates of OXFAM is to ensure reduction in injustice and create a level-playing field for all, and that OXFAM is enthusiastic for girls to be educated and commended the organization and the Ministry of Education for their support.

According to Madiana Samba, formal and informal education is very important, and urged girls to work hard and be committed in spite of the several challenges facing them, and that in the past pregnant girls were stigmatized but that now that there are NGOs advocating for the rights, education and welfare of girls, she is appealing that they should not make themselves vulnerable. She reiterated that education brings empowerment and that CARL also works with mothers in various communities in the Western Area Rural District.

The CARL Executive Director also revealed that CARL would soon start its “E do so Campaign’, and called for more trainings while lamenting that women are tired of rape and sexual penetration, and observed that the back of girls is for their backpacks and books and not for making babies.

Some girls who give birth become untimely managers, and it is painful to be a mother and student at the same time. She appealed to them to have dignity and pride, and underscored the importance of the interactive conference to build their confidence, and that the sky should be their foundation not their limit and that the girls should keep pushing and never give up.

In his keynote address, Mr. Stephen Alie Korosah from the Ministry of Basic and Senior Secondary Education (MBSSE) underlined that the conference would enhance government’s free quality education as well as reduce violence among girls. He recalled that the CARL project, launched four years ago, has benefited other districts including Bo and Moyamba.

He continued to say that empowerment of girls can only be realized through quality education in spite of the challenges in the free quality education program including poverty, social media/smartphones, low priority for education, poor parentage, socio-cultural practices, early/forced marriages, lack of libraries and examination malpractices.

Mr. Stephen Alie Korosah also cautioned the girls to desist from examination malpractices which the ministry is determined to eradicate. He encouraged them to take advantage of the provisions provided by government for the free quality education including the school buses, teaching and learning materials, a child-friendly environment and the second chance to take the Basic Education Certificate Examination; enrollment of dropouts, review of the code of conduct for teachers and menstrual hygiene kits.

The panel discussion focused on the significance of girls’ education and some of the barriers in attaining university education or developing a career choice, how girls can be resilient to sexual and other forms of violence within their schools and communities and the role of parents, teachers and government and community leaders.

Highlights of the conference included the establishment of ground rules by the pupils, distribution of pupils into the various houses including Restoration, Endurance, Confidence, Dignity, Success and Courage as well as the development of the action plan/charter, distribution of school bags, shoes, books and pens to the girls, bead work, arts, culture, fashion, career guidance, talent show, goal setting and presentation of certificates.

Cross section of girls at the event

VP Juldeh Jalloh Re-iterates Govt’s Commitment to Deepen MCC Partnership

By Amin Kef Sesay

In the United States of America there is currently a high-powered delegation led by the Honorable Vice President, Dr. Juldeh Jalloh with the primary mission to discuss Compact readiness. The delegation on Monday 18th November 2019 met with officials of the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC).

The Sierra Leone Government was able to engage MCC on the remarkable strides that have been made on the MCC scorecard and the continued successful implementation of the $44.4 million Threshold Program.

In the bilateral meeting with the MCC CEO and Vice President for Policy and Evaluation, Dr. Juldeh Jalloh used the opportunity to reiterate Government’s commitment to deepening and strengthening the MCC partnership. He also conveyed His Excellency the President’s determination to continue to build the partnership by successfully completing the Threshold Program and ensuring that Sierra Leone is selected for a Compact.

The Sierra Leone delegation  which included the Ambassador to the USA, Minister of Finance, Bank Governor, Deputy Minister of Water Resources, the Managing Director (GVWC) and the CEO of the local accountable entity (MCCU) spoke at length of the reforms that are being implemented in line with the MCC scorecard interest areas.

These include ruling justly, investing in people and economic freedom. The delegation made several presentations and illustrated the improvements in the investment climate and the unwavering commitment to the rule of law and the fight against corruption.

The Vice President noted during the discussions that the scorecard is a reflection of the state of affairs on the ground, and while there are gains, Government is committed to improving its performance.

He highlighted the inter-ministerial coordination that has been boosted by the scorecard, and the embedding of the scorecard in the Medium-Term National Development Plan.  Within this context, the Sierra Leone team discussed how the prioritization of human capital development has had a significant impact on the scorecard especially in the areas of health and education.

The MCC CEO congratulated the Vice President on Sierra Leone’s performance on the FY 2020 scorecard. He also indicated the MCC’s desire to build a strong partnership with Sierra Leone for the long term.

The Minister of Finance and the Bank Governor of the Central Bank spoke briefly on the prevailing investment environment in the country.

The Vice President, who is in Washington DC for a week, will meet with other key US stakeholders to explore opportunities to enhance trade and deepen the US- Sierra Leone bilateral relationship.

Journalists Urged to Report Ineffective Healthcare Services

Executive Director Initiative for Media Development, Commissioner Yeama Thompson

By Assanatu Labble Sillah                               

In the bid to enhance health accountability of journalists in Sierra Leone, Initiative for Media Development (IMdev) in collaboration with United Nations International Children Emergency Fund, (UNICEF) on Friday 15th November 2019 concluded two days training for journalists across the country on Health Accountability Network of Journalists. The event took place at Sierra Leone Association of Journalists headquarters on Campbell Street Freetown.

Speaking at the opening ceremony, the Executive Director Initiative for Media Development, Commissioner Yeama Thompson disclosed that the two days training is geared towards increasing media capacity in Sierra Leone in order to monitor and oversee health care services in the country. She admonished journalists to be conscious and report any ineffective service delivery.

The National Commissioner for Democracy Southern Region, Marian Samu, also called on journalists to stop compromising their profession but rather to lift up the banner of this noble profession by giving credible reports, adding that they should add value to the profession and work in unity.

Madam Samu advised journalists to be attending meetings to get and gain information especially in their local communities, as their role is to give credible report and also to advocate  for the rights of the citizens.

In her closing statement she said the media should assume its rightful position as the Fourth Estate, noting that most people no longer have respect for the media despite the fact that the media plays a bright and bigger role on health accountability.

What is Holding the Establishment of the Commission for Peace and National Cohesion?

By Ambassador Festus J. Lahai

In his address to Parliament, President Julius Maada Bio was very firm on the Establishment of Peace and National Cohesion Commission which has long been overdue going by the promises of past leaders in the country.

Immediately after the 11 years civil war, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) Report made it very clear for the establishment of many democratic institutions including the Peace Commission.

This is what President Bio said in Parliament in May 2019:

Building and Promoting National Cohesion

“Mr. Speaker, Honourable Members, 12 months ago, we recognized the fact that the past governance strategy was characterized by divisiveness, exclusion, and the weakening and subversion of state governing institutions. We promised to launch a Presidential Initiative that will herald a national conference on diversity management and the rebuilding of national cohesion. We also promised to fully implement the national youth service scheme where young people from one part of the country will be cross-posted to other parts for their national youth service”

“Mr. Speaker, Honourable Members, I am pleased to report that Government has prepared for the establishment of the Independent Commission for Peace and National Cohesion. A Green Paper has been submitted for consultation on how to achieve inclusive governance and improve on the infrastructure for peace and democratization. Together with the Green Paper on Democratic Consolidation and National Cohesion, we shall host a National Dialogue Conference to be called Bintumani III on Democratic Consolidation for Peace and National Cohesion scheduled for 23-25 May 2019”

“I have initiated multiparty stakeholders’ dialogue meeting at State House with all registered political parties. This initiative will promote political dialogue among political parties and help promote national cohesion. This dialogue meeting will be held at least once every quarter or as when deem necessary by any of the parties”

“Mr. Speaker, Honourable Members, to further enhance national cohesion, my administration will work with political parties to develop bi-partisan programmes on critical development challenges in the country. This year, I will make public the Terms of Reference and composition of two bi-partisan committees to develop long term national programmes on housing and persons living with disabilities. My hope is that this bi-partisan sectoral programme development will culminate into the preparation of a Long-term Development Plan that can even be legislated.

Furthermore, in a Press Release from State House it clearly stated that the Peace and National Cohesion Commission was to be established in June 2019 even before the much-talked-about Bintumani lll Peace Conference six months ago.

Many Sierra Leoneans were of the view that a Secretariat should have been set up, headed by the would-be-Commissioner of the Peace Commission to be doing some activities with regards Peace Clubs and working with Peace Organizations across the country.

I was at the Golden Tulip Hotel this year when the Vice President Dr. Mohamed Judeh Jalloh, Keynote speaker of the International day for Peace and Democracy in Freetown said:

“We are a peaceful nation and we have conducted many elections without Violence, Free, Fair and Credible and the outcome accepted by all Political parties”

State House recently received diplomats from the United Nations Peace Building who visited President Bio. I am very sure those diplomats may have reminded our President about his Speech in Parliament of the establishment of the Peace and National Cohesion Commission which will help Sierra Leone move away from Tribalism, Regionalism and Political divide.

Mr. President please be reminded that we have so many Peace Experts in this country including PhDs and Masters holders in the field, who have contributed towards the development of this country’s peace and development.

We are not expecting your proposed Commissioner to come from the Diaspora but choose from those who organized the much talked about Peace Conference at Bintumani because they are experts and some of them have international recognition and can unite this country for the next generation with your support towards the Commission.

Mr. President this is November and we are yet to see any tangible move relating to the establishment of the Peace and National Cohesion Commission. Why the delay, Prezo?

You are pushing for the establishment of other institutions and yet the Peace Commission is still not formed. We all know how important this Commission will be and we need it now in order to heal the wounds of division and political intolerance across the country.

Mr. President, please do all in your powers to get the Commission established before the end of 2019 or we’ll continue to experience the things that will continue to split our people apart. You are also a Peace Expert and you wouldn’t want the country to go down that line.

I rest my case as I await prompt action on the establishment of the Commission.
God bless you all!!!


President Bio Attends Renewable Energy & Clean Cooking Confab

By Alim Jalloh

On Monday 18th November 2019, His Excellency President Dr. Julius Maada Bio has officially opened a two-day high-level Multi-Stakeholder Renewable Energy and Clean Cooking Conference for Mano River Union, MRU countries at the Radisson Blu Hotel, Aberdeen in Freetown.

In his keynote address, President Bio stated that improving the supply of energy is an imperative for any meaningful development and for poverty reduction as it had permeated the development of various energy-based industries, adding that it would also enhance human capacity through improved educational facilities, better health services, improved industrialization and communication facilities.

“Energy facilitates human capital development activities and outcomes and also supports innovation and ICT-related activities and services which are very crucial for telecommunications and financial services for persons who cannot otherwise access formal services and institutions. I am happy to report that through our Government development of a clear regulation that encourages private sector partnership, I am informed that Sierra Leone has emerged as a mini-grid leader on the continent.

“More than 145 mini-grids should be operational by 2022, serving over 400,000 customers, mostly in rural areas. This significantly contributes to narrowing the disparities in energy access between urban and rural areas. While our MRU neighbours may well learn from this experience, we are eager to look to theirs. Our governments are at an inflexion point and with focused commitment and action and the right technical input and investments, we can collectively achieve greater energy access for our people,’’ he said.

He said that the event was built on a journey towards greater regional harmony, and shared prosperity and unity that started on October 3rd 1973 when President William Tolbert Jr. of the Republic of Liberia and President Siaka Stevens of the Republic of Sierra Leone initiated the “Malema Declaration’’ to promote free movement and closer cooperation between the two sister republics.

Secretary-General of the MRU, Ambassador Medina Wesseh, said that the theme of the event within the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs, sought to ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all. She said that clean cooking would enable everyone reach the SDGs, saying that just clean cooking could help provide answers to many issues and unlock many areas for growth and economic development.

Minister of Energy, Alhaji Kanja Sesay, said that the event was for the first time bringing representatives from governments, lawmakers and the energy sector from all four MRU countries. He said to fully capitalize on the important moment, they must work together to fulfil several intentions and urged participants to make good use of the event.

Founder and Chairman of ‘The Energy Nexus Network’, TENN, Honourable Kandeh Kolleh Yumkella, commended President Bio for attending the conference, noting that that was indicative of how important energy access was to economic and social development. He said that the conference was unique because it had been able to bring together ministers and lawmakers, adding that there was a need for an integrated market to increase energy access around the sub-region.