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ReNIP Breaks Silence on Sierra Leone Economy

with Beresford Victor Williams, the Chairman Republic National Independent Party( ReNIP),

By Leslie Showers

During a snap engagement with Beresford Victor Williams, the Chairman of one of Sierra Leone’s latest political parties, the Republic National Independent Party( ReNIP), he disclosed that the party is prepared to create change and a growing economy across Sierra Leone if given the opportunity to govern.

According to the Chairman of the Party, “Now is the time to build on a Nation, a nation for the people, by the people and with the people. A nation that is proud to be called Sierra Leone”.

He noted with disdain how the country is undergoing an economic emergency and the Government of President Julius Maada Bio should take workable steps to transform the economy.

Beresford pointed out how since the conclusion of the elections ReNIP has been pursuing its unique style of constructive opposition adding that they have been patiently watching the strides at which the Government is going  to transform the ailing economy.

He revealed that they will continue to do so as it is in line with their guiding principles of putting “Country First” in whatever they say or do.

He also stated that as an opposition party they are committed to defending the interests of the voiceless who continue to suffer in poverty on a daily basis.

Beresford Victor Williams noted that according to the Sierra Leone Constitution, political parties are established “to participate in shaping the political will of the people, to disseminate information on political ideas, social and economic programmes of a national character.”

He added that in keeping with that, ReNIP will therefore engage the Press on critical issues and problems affecting the daily lives of the common man.

“Three out of every five Sierra Leonean today are living below the poverty line and this is the result of many years of decline, mainly due to mismanagement, corruption and bad governance.

“What we the political leaders need to understand is that the great call for change that we heard from the people in the 2018 election was not merely for a change of Government but for a change from the hardship they have endured for so long,” he underscored.

“Things are getting worse and at a rate that is becoming frightening,” he expressed lamentation adding that there is a school of thought that holds the view that all that is happening today is not new and that with time things will work out as they have always done in the past.

He highlighted that people are exposed to external forces to such a point where they could be influenced by these global trends through the impact of the internet and social media.

“It is difficult to tell but we believe that it is better to fix the problem than waiting to find out,” he stated.

“We at ReNIP consider that at this moment our country is facing a state of economic emergency and that no other priority is more urgent now than reducing the burden of hardship on the common man,” he posited.

ReNIP , he continued, wants to restore the pride of the nation back to her former glory when Sierra Leone was the pinnacle of Africa; which most of the Sierra Leoneans could not remember.

“We will turn things around and allow the citizens to enjoy the riches of the land; we will create jobs for the youth, the unemployed and everyone making the nation as one of the fastest growing economies in the world,” he assured.

“We will get back our national finances back under control; become a producer rather than a country depending on aid; we will have our deficit as a share of our economy, the jobs we will create will put more people into work more than ever before in our history,” he assured.

Sierra Leone, he said, will be back on its feet, strong and growing stronger than ever before and become the giant of Africa.

“This will not happen by accident, it will be the result of difficult decisions and of patiently working through our long-term economic plan. Above all, it will be the product of a supreme national effort, in which everyone will have to make sacrifices and everyone will play their part in creating a brand new nation.

“It is a profound ReNIP belief that Sierra Leone will be made great again not through the action of Government alone, but through the flair, the ingenuity, hard work and sacrifice of the Sierra Leonean people as our forefathers did.

“Our friends and competitors overseas look at Sierra Leone, and they see a country that is not capable of putting its own house in order, a country on the sliding scale; a nation of poverty. They see a country that does not believe in itself. But our national recovery will work in a progressive way that we have never witnessed or seen before,” he instilled confidence.

He called on Sierra Leoneans to be part of the ReNIP transformation drive come 2023 for a better Sierra Leone.

NP-SL: Just too Steadfast in Rolling Out Optimal Customer Satisfaction

By Amin Kef Sesay

The selfless commitment of the original 37 shareholders of the National Petroleum Sierra Leone (NP-SL) to ensure that their efforts should not go in vain but rather turn out to be very successful has been   identified as a cardinal contributory factor that drove the initiatives and policies of an indigenously-owned petroleum company to become a towering business entity not only in Sierra Leone but within the West African sub-region.

Talking about strict adherence and effective implementation of the  Local Content Policy, NP-SL stands tall as it is truly the only truly 100% indigenous owned company that employs almost 100% Sierra Leoneans as employees. It has been established that with the proper implementation of the Local Content Policy economic empowerment is assured of individuals and the State.

It is important to note that under the current Local Content Act, industrial, manufacturing, mining, petroleum, services (legal, financial and insurance), agriculture and agro-business, transportation (road, maritime and aviation), hotel and tourism, public work/construction, energy and health have been identified as key areas covered by the Act to enhance sustainable socio-economic growth. Investors are supposed to be employing Sierra Leoneans in managerial and lower level positions as required by the Act thereby increasing job opportunities in the country.

NP-SL, by giving preference to employing Sierra Leoneans, is a clear indication of a company that is utilizing local talents thus making it possible for indigenes to acquire useful knowledge and skills through training courses that could be applicable in other places.

Furthermore, it has been discovered that the synergy that runs through management, staff and board members of the National Petroleum Sierra Leone (NP-SL) company is another major reason why the company is contributing greatly to improving the lives of its workers and their dependents and also contributing to the company’s growth and the socio-economic development of the country at large.

The National Petroleum- Sierra Leone (NP-SL) is on record for having capable and competent managerial teams of Sierra Leoneans at the helm of affairs, who from time to time come up with smart initiatives, always ensuring that those initiatives are effectively and efficiently implemented to derive value for money.

It is also anchored that the National Petroleum (NP) Sierra Leone Limited, apart from it being lauded for being one of Sierra Leone’s biggest tax payers, is also being commended for its invaluable contributions towards building the country’s economy.

Besides having filling stations in various parts of the country, NP-SL is also vibrantly operating in Guinea, Liberia, Ivory Coast and The Gambia. In all the aforementioned countries the company is indeed doing tremendously well to the utmost satisfaction of many who continue to benefit from NP-SL products and services.

This company has so far offered various jobs to workers in the afore-mentioned countries, thereby reducing the levels of poverty to a considerable level in those countries.

Since its establishment, the company has grown from leaps and bounds; weathering storms that would have run it down. However, the dogged resolve of its shareholders and successive management teams having the zeal to succeed at all cost under any strain has been the driving force propelling NP to higher levels thus making it very competitive in the sub-region.

Asking those who really know NP, the feedback you get indicate that one of its prime commitment is that which has to do with customer care which NP strongly believes must be prioritized to give optimal satisfaction.

It has maintained a good business relationship with its numerous customers right across the sub-region where it exists and operates with most consumers honestly confessing that they are always delighted in dealing with NP.

The company deals with individuals and various sectors of society, always ensuring that its various petroleum products are available and are sold at affordable prices. This keen mutual relationship with its customers has been paying huge dividends, always resulting in a win-win situation, making NP very endearing to all and sundry and envy to its competitors.

The regulatory institution of the different petroleum companies in the country, the Petroleum Directorate, has also lauded NP in recent times for its efficient service delivery in its areas of operation and for its committed adherence to the country’s business laws.

The company is also known for offering Sierra Leoneans affordable NP Gas Cookers of various sizes, which are safe and very friendly to use. NP Gas could be purchased at all their filling stations across the country and the very gas used to refill them is also sold to replenish depleted stocks.

The company’s result-oriented management team is definitely and sustainably continuing to put NP at the top and conspicuously on the map of the West Africa sub-region..

It  is doing exceptionally well in all the countries it is functioning and indeed there are prospects for further expansion.

It can therefore be justifiably stated that the National Petroleum Limited is the country’s reliable fuel provider as it always ensures that its stockpile of petroleum products is always at an appreciable level to last over time.

NP has received numerous awards; the latest being: “Best Company of the Year” that was received on 6th July 2019 during the National Business Award 2018/2019 held at the prestigious Bintumani Hotel.

Various tests to determine quality and standard indicate that consumers of National Petroleum-SL products say they have never had cause to grumble about the company’s products.

It should be reiterated that customer care is one key element for the success of the National Petroleum Sierra Leone (NP-SL).
Another most important feature of NP-SL is its smart cards which customers can use to make transactions very easily and conveniently.

It has been widely acknowledged that NP SL has been very business savvy over the years amidst foreseeable and unforeseeable challenges, doing so diligently and professionally to continue to be a very progressive company that will stand the test of time as it continues to serve humanity.  .



As it Launches 2019 Nominations: AWOL Awards Set to Break Record

By Amin Kef Sesay

All Works of Life (AWOL) has launched its 2019 National Achievement Awards (NAAS) by inviting nominations from the general public. Ambassador Anthony Navo Jr. is the current President of AWOL.

AWOL’s National Achievement Awards have now become an important feature in the calendar of annual events in Sierra Leone. Come as it does towards the close of the year, most Sierra Leoneans see it as part of their Christmas and End of Year entertainment recipe. During the course of the year, AWOL keenly watched Sierra Leoneans in their various works of life as well as institutions with the avowed objective of recognising them for their good works.

The AWOL family considers this approach as a trend as “it adds worth and meaning to our efforts, and brings fulfilment to our dreams; for over and above recognizing and awarding merit, effort, achievement, ability, devotion, commitment and scholarship, to deserving Sierra Leoneans.’

AWOL is also working in underprivileged communities through its various social, educational and humanitarian interventions.

It should however be noted that AWOL is a non-political and non-profitable organisation which focuses on national development. AWOL’s philosophy is to be selfless, to serve, to give back to society and expect nothing in return as reward or profit.

AWOL is hinged on determination to complement government’s effort in nation building; regardless of which democratic government is in power.

For the last eighteen (18) years, AWOL has contributed its own quota to the development agenda of Mama Salone and continues to pledge its love and loyalty to Mama Salone and to serve her interest above all else.

AWOL has stayed together as a group, worked together as a family, and pursued its goals and aspirations as patriotic Sierra Leoneans who care and love their country. As may be the case in other organizations, AWOL may have its own internal problems, for no group or organisation exists without conflict; but AWOL has been able to resolve its differences amicably without any threat to the developmental aspirations of the organisation as a whole.

As part of its constitution, no individual member is bigger than AWOL. AWOL is bigger than each one and their leaders are charged with the responsibility to always bring members together as a family, maintain and promote the traditions that have held AWOL together since the founding and current members became one family 18 years ago.

President of AWOL, Ambassador Anthony Navo Jr., maintains that over these eighteen years AWOL’s contributions to national development have been immense.

He says AWOL supports Sierra Leone’s development and transformative drives to build a new Sierra Leone which is the dream of every Sierra Leonean. AWOL shares in that dream of every Sierra Leonean to see our small but naturally blessed country develop into a paradise on earth:

AWOL has since its inception been involved in imbibing into the nation a whole new attitude of progress, patriotism, unity, freedom and justice. The organization seeks to see non-violence, peaceful co-existence and tolerance among politicians, religions and young people. It further wants to see quality and relevant education for children and young people and it wants to see an improved, accessible and affordable health care delivery system across the country.

AWOL further seeks to see a nation with improved social amenities for the enjoyment of young people and also to see a nation able to grow its own food and able not only to feed itself but its neighbours as well. The organization also wants to see a nation that is less dependent on donor funds for its survival and become a nation that idolises her past, present and future leaders and heroes; and also to see functioning, responsible, pro-active and delivering state institutions.

Research shows that the good thing about recognizing hardworking individuals in society is that it motivates, inspires and encourages hard work. The research adds that more often than not the average Sierra Leonean is easy to point at people he/she deems corrupt or not worthy of emulation.

According to the research, it is so easy for one person to cry down successful people knowing very little, or nothing about those successful individuals. The research adds that the AWOL annual National Achievement Awards since it was established sought to seek that attitude and based on statistics, at least 70% of Sierra Leoneans think well of successful people and aspire to emulate them.

All Sierra Leoneans who have diligently, honestly, dedicatedly and selflessly played and are playing, their part in nation building stand to gain from AWOL and young people who are especially encouraged, inspired, motivated; will aspire to emulate the good examples.

All Works of Life (AWOL) has launched its annual National Achievement Awards (NAAS) by inviting nominations from the general public.

A release from AWOL states: In a view to improve on public participation and engagement in the process, AWOL incorporates public Participation in the nomination and, ultimately, the selection of Award winners. Nominations are invited for the following categories of awards:

NAAS 2019 Categories Education

1. Tertiary Institution of the Year 2019

2. Secondary School of The Year 2019 (Institutional; No Public Nomination).

3. Primary School of the Year 2019 (Institutional; No Public Nomination).

4. Young Achiever of the Year 2018- NPSE (Institutional; No Public Nomination).

5. Young Achiever of the Year 2018 –BECE (Institutional; No Public Nomination).

6. Young Achiever of the Year 2018 –WASCE (Institutional; No Public Nomination).

7. Young Achiever of the Year 2019 –NPSE (Institutional; No Public Nomination).

8. Young Achiever of the Year 2019 –BECE (Institutional; No Public Nomination).

9. Young Achiever of the Year 2019 –WASCE Sports

10. Sports Personality of the Year 2019 Governance

11. Ministry of the Year 2019

12. Parastatal of the Year 2019

13. Parliamentarian of the Year Media

14. Print Media House of the Year 2019

15. Radio Media House of the Year 2019

16. Television Media House of the Year 2019

17. Media Practitioner of the Year 2019 (Female)

18. Media Practitioner of the Year 2019 (Male) Arts & Entertainment

19. Performing Artist of the Year 2019 (Music)

20. Performing Artist of the Year 2019 (Movie)

  1. Performing Artist of the Year 2019 (Comedy)

    22. Artist of the Year 2019 (Fine Art) Finance & Business

    23. Banking Institution of the Year 2019

    24. Indigenous Business of the Year 2019

    25.  Medical Practitioner of the Year 2019 (Institutional; No Public Nomination). Medicine

    26. Humanitarian of the Year 2019 (Humanitarian)

    27. Legal Practitioner of the Year 2019 (Institutional; No Public Nomination). (Law)

    The Forces 28. Military Officer of the Year 2019 (Institutional; No Public Nomination).

  2. Police Officer of the Year 2019 (Institutional; No Public Nomination).

    30. Fire Force Officer of the Year 2019 (Institutional; No Public Nomination).

    31. Correctional Officer of the Year 2019 (Institutional; No Public Nomination).

    Agriculture 32. Farmer of the Year 2019 (Institutional; No Public Nomination).

    Civil Society 33. CSO/CBO of the Year 2019

    Hospitality Industry 34. Hospitality House of the Year 2019

    Fashion 35. Fashion Designer 2019

    Petty Trading 36. Petty Trader of the Year 2019

    National Service 37. Public Servant of the Year 2019

    Communications 38. Tele-Communications Company of the Year

    To optimize the nomination process, AWOL has developed a set of criteria to guide the public in submitting candidates for awards.

    Closing date for receipt of all nominations is 17:00 hours on the 20th November, 2019.


Orange Sierra Leone Hosts Orange Senegal Sonatel

By Foday Moriba Conteh

One of the leading GSM mobile operators in the country, Orange-SL, has on Saturday 16th November, 2019 hosted their counterpart Orange Senegal (Sonatel) in a Football friendly match between the two countries at the SS Camp Playing Filed in Freetown. Orange Senegal the visiting team defeated the host team Orange SL 2-1.

In her address to participants, Annie Wonnie Katta, Public Relations Officer of Orange SL, expressed warmest appreciation, on behalf of her colleagues, to the visiting team Orange Senegal (Sonatel), adding that this will serve as a way of strengthening networking between the two sides.

She emphasized that such an exchange will also redefined# the negative perceptions outsiders have about Sierra Leone as a country of war, Ebola, Mudslide, blood diamonds etc. She added that this is what the international world portray about Sierra Leone and forced to believe further underscoring that through this visit it will enlighten them to rather see Sierra Leone as a united and peaceful nation.

He noted that such a venture is not only timely but really important to the both sides.

She encouraged staff of Orange Sierra Leone to make use of this opportunity by networking with staff of Orange Senegal saying it will broaden their understanding not only in terms of the football but also on other developmental issues.

President of Sporting Association, Sonatel, Ibrahim Seye expressed gratitude to Orange Sierra Leone for the warm welcome adding that this shows that they are really a family.

He said that the visit will help them to interact with their colleagues disclosing how they have 500 members of staff working for Orange Senegal. Seye pointed out that the tour is the starting point of paying visits to their colleagues in other countries and Sierra Leone is fortunate to be the first country they have visited.

He said that Orange Senegal wants to build a coalition with other Africa countries where Orange operates.

President Julius Maada Bio visits The Orange Laboratory in Paris

By State House Media and Communications Unit

Paris, France, Wednesday 13 November 2019  – His Excellency President Julius Maada Bio has visited The Orange Laboratory whilst in Paris attending the Paris Peace Forum and the 40th Session of the UNESCO General Conference.

The President, whose move was part of efforts to promote foreign investment in Sierra Leone, was received by the senior global management of Orange including the Chief Executive Officer of Orange Sierra Leone, Aminata Kane Ndiaye. This was followed by a brief welcome of his entourage by Ludovic Pech, Deputy CEO of Orange Middle East and Africa.

Director, Product Marketing and Design, Karine Dussert-Sarthe, gave an overview of Orange as a global brand and the global innovation themes of Orange which include Connectivity (5G and On-Demand Networks), Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, Mobile Communication Services, Mobile Financial Services, eSIM and digital identity.

During a tour of the lab, the Orange executive also informed President Bio about four new innovations demo for Sierra Leone in the areas of E-education, Smart metering, Digital Identity and Big Data. On E-education, Thierry Coilhac told the President about the “Orange Campus” through which the company had used digital platforms to make quality education and training accessible to all.

According to the company, it had also collaborated with leaders of online training worldwide to provide content and services, using a dedicated low price mobile data offers.

Explaining the Smart-metering for utilities, Alain Tales said the smart-metering demo ensured that manual metering operation made automatic, billing accuracy and payment experience improve, adding that it also had ensured fraud identification and resolution, monitoring of the low voltage grid and avoided blackouts.

His Excellency the President and members of the delegation were also taken through two other sessions on digital identity and big data. Thierry Prignaud said digital identity had supported African states in establishing national digital identities which were important for payment, banking and customer data management, especially for a multi-service operator.

Nicolas De Cordes and Stefania Rubrichi demonstrated how big data could be used to achieve sustainable development goals. They also showed how “mobile data can be used for electrification planning, leveraging population statistics for mobility and transport and for providing new proxies of poverty index to national statistics offices”.

Throughout the laboratory sessions on the four new innovations demo, the Chief Executive Officer of Orange Sierra Leone, Madam Ndiaye, also explained what efforts Orange Sierra Leone was making to support the innovation ecosystem in the West African nation.

Human Rights Defenders Condemn Arbitrary Arrest of Journalist

By Foday Moriba Conteh

In the bid to enhance the promotion of democracy and good governance, the Consortium for Good Governance, Human Rights and Democracy, referred to as (CGHRD SL)  comprising certain Civil Society Organizations  with  key focus on Good Governance, Human Rights, Democracy, Rule of Law, Social Justice, Transparency and Accountability has on Thursday 14th November, 2019 in a joint press release condemned the unlawful arrest, manhandling  and detention of  the  Managing Editor (Salieu Tejan Jalloh) of the Times SL  by joint Security personnel led by the Sierra Leone Police at his Soldier Street office, on Monday, 11th November, 2019 at about  7:40 pm at the  alleged orders of the Chief Minister, Prof. David Francis.

The released noted that, as civil society organizations,  CGHRD holds the view that the promotion of democracy and good governance is mind boggling, and if freedom of the Press is gagged, the liberty of the individual is undermined and freedom of speech is compromised, adding that by virtue of their mandate, it is their duty to advocate against developments that can negatively affect citizens.

The release noted that according to sources, the arrest was accompanied by physical assault and intimidation on his person, before been dragged to the headquarters of the Central Investigations Department ,detained and later released on bail as a result of health conditions, noting that the arrest and detention of the renowned journalist was precipitated by a text sent by him to the Chief Minister seeking clarification over an alleged transfer of a whopping sum of $ 1.5 M into the Chief Minister’s private account at ECOBANK on diverse installment.

Against this backdrop, CGHRD categorically and unequivocally condemned the orders of the Chief Minister and the actions of the Police as preposterous and politically motivated  harassment, adding that thereby unreservedly negating the President avowals and his Government’s commitment to uphold the principles of democracy, good governance, human rights and press freedom, adding that the arrest and detention of the said journalist is an additional attack on media freedom in relation to the series of violations already committed against journalists, the opposition and the citizenry in recent times.

“Incontrovertibly, subjecting a journalist into detention for merely seeking clarification from a public official on an issue that can generate public interest is unacceptable and unlawful. And if measures are not put in place, the obnoxiously machinated action will not only  damage the image of the country but will  undermine the willingness and ability of the Government to adhere to its commitment towards international human rights obligations, protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression. It undermines the fight against corruption, transparency and accountability”.

CGHRD noted that with regards media publications, the IMC and SLAJ Codes of Ethics, and international best practice demand that a journalist is expected to make clarification or cross check his information; so as to hear the other side, noting that undisputedly, the Managing Editor was on point in showcasing his professionalism as a sober minded media practitioner before his surreptitious incarceration.

The release said that in view of the aforesaid, and in conformity with  Chapter Three of the 1991 Sierra Leone Constitution, the principle of protection against arbitrariness, human rights and justice, right to freedom of expression and opinion, right to access information and public accountability are guaranteed.

CGHRD, it contains chose not to justify the alleged transfer of $ 1.5m into the Chief Ministers private account at ECOBANK, for it is a serious allegation that is subject to investigation to ascertain its veracity.  But however, they are deeply concerned about the arbitrary arrest, manhandling and detention of the Managing Editor of the Times S L Newspaper.

On the whole, the Consortium for Good Governance, Human Rights and Democracy in good faith and for sanity, public accountability, conscientiousness and justice demands the following:

“That the Anti-Corruption Commission acts independently, impartially and fairly in the public interest as provided in Section 9 (1) of the ACC Act of 2008. We therefore beseeched the ACC to mount an immediate investigation into the said matter involving the Chief Minister, Prof, David Francis in which it has been alleged that the sum of $ 1.5 M was deposited into his private account at ECOBANK on diverse dates.

That Prof David Francis be discharged of his position as Chief Minister until the investigation of the said matter is completed as in the matter between the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) and the President of the Sierra Leone Football Association (SLFA) Isha Johansen (First Accused) and Chris Kamara (Second Accused) in which the ACC Commissioner call for a discharge of the duties of the SLFA President among others.

That the  police refrain themselves  from  the  incessant temptation of being used as political tools by politicians  to intimidate , manhandled  , arrest  and detained  peaceful citizens they  vowed to protect.

That we applaud  Government for  its pronouncements to amend Part 5 of the Seditious Libel Law  of the Public Order Act of 1965, which is still being used to  curtail press freedom in the country.

That the Human Right Commission Sierra Leone (HRCSL) act now on the issue or at least make a comment or press statement.

That the Independent Police Complaint Board (IPCB) to launch an investigation into the alleged police brutality perpetrated against the journalist in question.
Over and above, we call upon the Sierra Leone Media to continue playing their role in informing citizens on issues of public interest affecting them and create platforms where they can share their views on the issue”.

PAN-Sierra Leone bags Prestigious Awards 2019

Ansumana Keita, Executive Director, Patriotic Advocacy Network- Sierra Leone

By Foday Moriba Conteh

The Patriotic Advocacy Network- Sierra Leone (PAN-SL) a voluntary organization working to impact the spirit of patriotism and oneness in the minds of Sierra Leoneans has on Monday 11th November, 2019 bagged a  Student Against Violence Everywhere (SAVE-SL) Prestigious award 2019 for their relentless efforts towards the successful implementation of the “Start with Hello Program” 2019.

Speaking to this medium in an interview, Ansumana Keita, Executive Director, Patriotic Advocacy Network- Sierra Leone (PAN-SL) disclosed that “The Start With Hell” program is a school violence prevention program that teaches school pupils and teachers on how they should be socially included and connected with each other in order to ensure a fruitful relationship between pupils and teachers, adding that through this program they were able to engage pupils on issues relating to violence and patriotism.

He applauded Student Against Violence Everywhere (SAVE-SL) for recognizing their effort in contributing to nation building, noting that their organization fosters the promotion of fundamental human rights in line with the provision and facilities provided by the constitution of Sierra Leone, by advocating for good governance, protection and promotion of human rights of citizens.

Ansumana Keita disclosed that the award is heartily dedicated to the cause of impacting the spirit of patriotism and oneness in the minds of Sierra Leoneans, promoting the ideals of human rights, the rule of law and democratic good governance in our beloved nation. He further dedicated the award to the Board of Trustees and the general membership of the Patriotic Advocacy Network- Sierra Leone (PAN-SL) for their contribution towards the organization.

He further disclosed that they are committed to impact the spirit of patriotism in the lives of young people, adding that recently they partnered with the West Africa Youth Network to celebrate the African Youth Day, a day set aside every year to promote and increase recognition of youths as key agents for social change, economic growth and sustainable development in Africa.

He disclosed that celebrating this day marks one year in the fight against corruption, injustice, marginalization within the educational system, adding that they are proud to say they have succeeded in establishing sound and active school chapters in various schools who are serving as Ambassadors in the fight against corruption, adding that the celebration focuses on three major areas Education, Empowerment and Engagement.

“We will remain humble and committed to impact the spirit of patriotism and oneness in the minds of Sierra Leoneans the ideals of human rights, the rule of law and democratic good governance in our beloved country,” he proudly stated.


YADI unveils NIA 2019 Voting

By Foday Moriba Conteh

Youth in Action for the Development of Islam (YADI) has on Thursday 14th November unveils the voting process for the National Islamic Award 2019 at their online website.

Speaking to this medium in an interview Executive Director, Youth in Action for the Development of Islam (YADI) Amadu Wurie Barrie disclosed that the organization has finally unveiled its online voting process that will run from the 14th November, 2019 and it will end on the 5th December, 2019, adding that the voting process is going to be done online and Sierra Leoneans who wish to vote for their nominees should visit their organization’s website: www.yadisl.org

He said that after a thorough national nomination process including all district headquarter towns they have finally shortlisted qualified nominees for the award, adding that Sierra Leoneans at home and abroad can now vote for their nominees in various categories, and that after the unveiling process people have already stated voting for their nominees nationwide.

He disclosed that they have engaged Muslim stakeholders in relation to the said award and  assured Sierra Leoneans that they are prepared to ensure that they give them the very best including entertainment.

He finally guaranteed the general public that after the voting process deserving nominees will be given their awards further pointing out that the awards are prepared in Dubai and they are already in the country.

He stated that several individuals and entities have been working relentlessly towards the development of Islam. “But we’re deprived the honour and motivation to continue benevolent work. YADI saw it incumbent upon itself as an organization to promote, appreciate and inspire Muslims through this annual award program which will be third in a row,” he revealed.

He disclosed that the National Islamic Award is scheduled to take place on Sunday 15th December, 2019 at 7:00pm at the Miatta Conference Center in the presence of  a galaxy of dignitaries at home and abroad including diplomats, Muslim stakeholders etc.

He said that nominations were opened to the general public through the organization’s website (www.yadisl.org) from the 1st to the 30th September with outlines of the nominations criteria for every category, and that special personalities like Scholars, Sheikhs, Imams and other Islamic dignitaries were given the opportunity to nominate deserving nominees on hard copy forms.  He noted that there were 15 voting categories with 5 additional honorary categories of awards and that the Award Jury comprise trustworthy Islamic personalities from various fields with integrity, extensive experience and connection with the Islamic community in Sierra Leone.

He called on interested sponsors to contact +23276724085 for sponsorship details, adding that partnering with NIA will not only earn them great rewards from Allah, but also contribute to the promotion of their businesses and brands. He proceeded to reveal that this year going forward, sponsors will have the opportunity to name awards after their brands.


Executive Director, Youth in Action for the Development of Islam (YADI) Amadu Wurie Barrie

ACC Frees former Master & Registrar but found 3 Guilty of Corruption

By Brima Sannoh

The High Court of Sierra Leone, presided over by The Honourable, Justice Bintu Alhadi on Tuesday 12 th November, 2019, convicted Adele Faya, former Account Clerk of the Judiciary of Sierra Leone, Isatu Ulaikatu Kiamp Kamara and Abu Bakarr Bangura , both former Revenue Officers of the National Revenue Authority on two counts of Conspiracy to Commit a Corruption Offence, Contrary to Section 128(1) and Misappropriation of Public Revenue, Contrary to Section 36(1), of the Anti-Corruption Act, No 12 of 2008.

The Hon. Justice fined Isatu Ulaikatu Kiamp Kamara the sum of Thirty Million Leones (Le30, 000,000) and ordered her to pay Two Million Leones (Le 2,000,000) restitution. Adele Faya was fined Thirty million Leones (Le30, 000,000) and ordered to pay Two million Leones (Le 2,000,000) restitution; whilst Abu Bakarr Bangura was fined Thirty million Leones (Le30, 000,000) and ordered to pay Fifty One Million Leones (Le51, 000,000) restitution.

The Court ordered the three convicts to pay the fines and restitutions on or before 11th December, 2019 or serve a jail term of three years.
It could be recalled that the three between the 12th and 20th March, 2019, at Freetown, misappropriated the sum of Sixty Million Leones (Le 60,000,000), being revenue due the National Revenue Authority as fines paid by Mr. Emmanuel Ekundayo Constant Shears-Moses  in respect of sentence in the High Court of Sierra Leone.
Meanwhile, the first accused in the same matter, Stephen Yayah Mansaray, former Master and Registrar of the High Court of Sierra Leone was acquitted and discharged on both counts. He is however still standing trial on a separate indictment for various corruption offences.

In this regard, the Commission is advising all public officers who are in control of public resources to comply with laid down laws and procedures in the handling and disbursement of same.
The Anti-Corruption Commission was represented by Lawyers Victor T. Biandorma and Mohamed Sow, whilst the defendants were represented by Sahid Sesay for the 1st accused, J.B Dauda for the 2nd accused, E.T Koroma for the 3rd accused and F.K Gerber for the 4th accused.

Parliamentary Committee Chair launches National Union of Private Schools

By Fatmata Jengbe

In a latest development, the Chairman of the Education Committee on Primary and Secondary in Parliament Hon. Dominic J. Lavalie-Tshombe has officially launched the National Union of Private Schools (NUPS) with the Theme “United for Best Practice for the Goal of Sierra Leone”.

The launching took place at the British Council Auditorium in Freetown.

Hon. Dominic J. Lavalie-Tshombe commended the NUPS for their move. He assured them of the Committee’s support in the drive to achieve free and quality education in the country.

In her welcome remarks, NUPS National Auditor, Rev. Mrs. C.D. Mansaray, described the day as one that is meant to bridge the gap between the Government and private schools.

The Chairman of the ceremony Joseph B.M Kosia said NUPS started as an Association that was looking only for private schools in some parts of the Freetown but now with a Union they have covered the entire country.

He emphasized that they were there to complement the efforts of the Government not to compete or challenge them as they can’t do it alone. He spoke about access and quality curriculum.

He assured Government that they will continue to do what the Government wanted them to do and also asked for some of the facilities given to government assisted schools to be extended to them.

NUPS Secretary General, Mrs. Onike King, gave a background about the formation of NUPS of which she said for several years back, private schools had believed that they were not properly represented in the making of educational policies and decisions. They have not been consulted before this time as a recognized stakeholder in education and there was no conventional body representing the general interest of private schools in Sierra Leone.

She continued to say that some authorities in the Ministry of Education were just filling the gap of private schools representation by selecting a proprietor/ proprietress of their interest and personal relationship.

The interests of all private schools were not sought properly; their complaints/cries were not heard.

Provincial Private Schools were not catered for; teachers in some private schools were being marginalized. Establishing private schools within the rural areas, particularly in the provinces, was discouraged.

“Only bigger and older private schools within the urban areas, particular western urban were being considered and called upon intermittently to represent private schools. The interests of those selected private schools were channeled leaving out majority of the private schools in both the rural and urban areas.”

She said it was in search of solution against these odds, heads of private schools (Proprietors &Proprietresses, Principals & Heads teachers) came together and brain stormed on the solution for total inclusiveness of private school representation for all and by all, nationwide.

In 2015, under the Western Area CPSS leadership in the person of Mr. Sylvester Meheux, he encouraged private schools to come together in order to seek their own interests in terms of challenges and complaints. Heads of private schools therefore, came together and had a meeting at the Government Rokel Secondary School to actualize this dream. Since that time many efforts were put in place to move on, but to no avail.

In March 2018, Rev. Victor O.M Davies summoned a meeting together with eight other Proprietors at John .F. Kennedy International School to look into the affairs of private schools. During the meeting, he emphasized the need for private schools to come together as one body, instead of fragmented bodies to confront the newly elected government to present the issues and challenges of private schools in Sierra Leone.

On Friday 25th March, 2019 twenty Six (26) schools including most of the big, old, well established and influential schools were summoned to another meeting at John .F. Kennedy International Schools for consultative meeting on the issue of the unity of private schools.

After three consecutive weekly meetings, 56 out of 74 private schools voted on the 14th of April in favor of the establishment of a union for private schools to be named as National Union of Private Schools in Sierra Leone, to serve as the umbrella body for all private schools and private schools organizations nationwide.

“In the same month of April, a congratulatory message was sent to the newly elected President of Sierra Leone from the union on behalf of all private schools and also a familiarization visit was made to the appointed Minister of Education by the executive of the union.

In May, 2018, another official visit was made to the Ministry (minister) by the representatives from private schools from all regions of Sierra Leone.

The Deputy Minister was also visited to establish a good working relationship and collaboration between the ministry and union.

The establishment of the Public Private Partnership Unit at the Ministry of Education by His Excellency the President breathed a breath of relief to private schools and provided the platform for good working relationship and proper coordination between the ministry and private schools union generally.

Since the formation of the union, it has embarked on several trainings to upgrade and make personnel’s of private schools prepared to take the lead and face the challenges and consequences of the free quality education in Sierra Leone on private schools. In July, 2018, training was organized by the union in collaboration with Orthodox Christian College and Transformation Education for Early Childhood Educators and Private Schools Administrators.

In August, 2018, training was conducted by the union in Bo for private schools educators. In September, 2018, the union increased more collaboration with all private schools in Kenema and the union was formally established. In the same month of September, similar move was done in the North-West and the union was formerly established there too and a training was organized in collaboration with Transformation Education. In April, 2019 the union established zones across Sierra Leone to provide total inclusiveness and delegation of responsibilities. In September, 2019, training was organized by the union in collaboration with IPAM for Proprietors and Heads of Private Schools.

“The union has been representing and advocating on behalf of private schools in Sierra Leone as in the case of the last approvals of schools, formulation of minimum standard for Early Childhood and many more. Now to authenticate the formal operation of the union, this launching ceremony is organized to formally pronounce the recognition of the union as one of the as stakeholder of education in Sierra Leone.”

The launching was graced by different schools, children, and well-wishers and the Deputy Minister of Primary and Secondary Education.