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MMCET withholds 28 Results & Rusticates 13  

Elizabeth Sesay ,Public Relations Officer Milton Margai College of Education and Technology

By Elizabeth Sesay

Elizabeth Sesay ,Public Relations Officer (PRO) of the Milton Margai College of Education and Technology, (MMCE&T) polytechnic, on Tuesday 12th November 2019 revealed at her Goderich campus office that the administration recently investigated and withheld the results of 19 students for examination malpractices, rusticated 13 for riotous conduct during the Students’ Union elections and withheld the results of 9 others for disrespecting the college administration as they sat to the examination while on suspension adding that 14 of the students are from the Goderich campus and 5 from the Congo Cross campus.

She guaranteed that the culprits were thoroughly investigated by credible people who made up the Committee with some of the students even confessing underscoring that the consequences of examination malpractices to the development of the country need not be overemphasized, affirmed that all the students have the right to appeal stressing that the college is determined to eradicate examination malpractices to prevent students graduating empty.

She also disclosed that the administration has dismissed a lecturer for examination malpractices intimating that this is not the first time the lecturer has been involved in the fictitious award of grades to students citing the 2009/2010 academic year, that he was even invited by the police and Anti-Corruption Commission for same on various dates and suspended, the reason the college would no longer entertain him guaranteeing that the investigation was done free of malice, vindictiveness or any other sentiments but just to sanitize the system.

According to the PRO, the administration setup a Disciplinary Committee to investigate the matter after some students complained that some of their colleagues who did not even take the examinations were awarded grades by the said lecturer and informed that other evidences in the possession of the Committee that was used to penalize the culprits are the footages of CCTV cameras of the students who were involved in the Students’ Union election violence, statements from the college’s security guards who saw and identified them and that some of the suspects called the names of their colleague students.

Elizabeth Sesay further disclosed that the students were first suspended pending the investigations and assured that they were given fair trial to defend themselves and that those in the first year were rusticated while the results of those in final year were withheld for a year to serve as deterrent to others adding that those students who cheated were found with foreign materials in examination halls for which they were thoroughly investigated and that some even confessed while others admitted after the evidences were presented to them.

City Globe CEO Confirms increase in Diabetes Complications

By Joenal Sesay

Madam Manal Ghazzawi, the Consultant Clinical Pharmacist and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of City Globe, has said that based on her research Diabetes is on the increase in Sierra Leone.

She made this disclosure over the weekend during walk from Congo Cross to Gulf Club organized by City Globe to raised awareness and educates the public about diabetes as the world is commemorating World Diabetes Day on the 14th November, 2019.

Madam Manal Ghazzawi went on to say based on her research Africa is the next destination for high rate of diabetes simply due to the adoption of westernized culture. “Diabetes will not only be disease of the developed work but also disease of the developing world.”

She went on to say that increases in urbanization, westernization are some of the factors leading to the increase in diabetes in Africa as they have access to transportation, exposed to unhealthy diet, some seated in the offices for longer period tend to be less active and lack of knowledge about nutrition and what they should be eat among others.

City Globe Madam Manal Ghazzawi said has been raising awareness of diabetes since 2013 and every year they are commemorating World Diabetes Day.

She said one can also get diabetes if that person have family history but if he or she do regular exercise and eat healthy, it will take longer period for the disease to show up. “There are some without family history but because of obesity which is one of the main causes of diabetes will end up to cause isocline resistance because of the fat.”

She defined obesity as a disorder involving excessive body fat that increase the risk of health problems and it is often results from taking in more calories than are burned by exercise and normal daily activities.

Diabetes, a non-communicable disease, chronic condition characterized by increase blood sugar level. It is a condition that impairs the body’s ability to process blood glucose, otherwise known as blood sugar.

“There are several types of diabetes. Three major diabetes types can develop: Type 1, type 2, and gestational diabetes.

Type I diabetes: Also known as juvenile diabetes, this type occurs when the body fails to produce insulin. People with type I diabetes are insulin-dependent, which means they must take artificial insulin daily to stay alive.

Type 2 diabetesType 2 diabetes affects the way the body uses insulin. While the body still makes insulin, unlike in type I, the cells in the body do not respond to it as effectively as they once did. This is the most common type of diabetes, according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, and it has strong links with obesity.

Gestational diabetes: This type occurs in women during pregnancy when the body can become less sensitive to insulin. Gestational diabetes does not occur in all women and usually resolves after giving birth. Less common types of diabetes include monogenic diabetes and cystic fibrosis-related diabetes.”

Diabetes is a serious, chronic condition. According to the American Diabetes Association (ADA), the condition is the seventh leading cause of death in the U.S. While diabetes itself is manageable, its complications can severely impact on daily living, and some can be fatal if not treated immediately.

She added that the complications of diabetes include:

Dental and gum diseases, eye problems and sight loss, foot problems, including numbness, leading to ulcers and untreated injuries and cuts, heart disease, nerve damage, such as diabetic neuropathy, stroke, kidney disease.

“In the case of kidney disease, this complication can lead to kidney failure, water retention when the body does not dispose of water correctly, and a person experiencing difficulties with bladder control.

Regularly monitoring blood glucose levels and moderating glucose intake can help people prevent the more damaging complications of type 2 diabetes. For those with types 1 diabetes, taking insulin is the only way to moderate and control the effects of the condition.”

Symptoms of any type of diabetes are related to high blood and urine glucose levels and include: frequent infections, nausea, vomiting, and blurred vision. hunger, dehydration, weight loss or gain, fatigue, dry mouth, slow-healing wounds, cuts, or sores, itching skin, and increased susceptibility to infections.

Madam Mahal Ghazzawi pointed out that some of the signs and symptom are overlooked. She said it is important for the public to know about diabetes as it is a global health situation. She advised for regular weekly exercise, reduction in oily and starchy food.

Founder of Body Teak Fitness Club, Francis Chi Andu said they joined the walk to raised awareness about the disease as many lack the awareness about the existing of disease and how its kills. For those that were not present for the walk he encouraged them to know that there are things that regulate the existence of diabetes such as regular exercise. He categorized the exercise in three forms which are:

Flexibility that covered range of motion and muscles, Strength Exercise that strengthen bones and prevent one from bone problem and fractures and Cardio that improve one’s heart. These, he said, if done regularly will help prevent  the sickness.

Programme Manager National Eye Care Program, Dr Jalikatu Mustapha said diabetes affect the whole body and more especially the eyes, it can affect your vision and lead to blindness. She said there are several problems that it can cause into the eyes which one can’t be aware of until they check their eyes.

The walk climaxed with free screening and educative messages about Diabetes.

Abass Bundu Assures APPA of Support

Dr. Abass Chernor Bundu, Speaker of Parliament

By Theresa Vamboi

The Rt. Hon. Dr. Abass Chernor Bundu, Speaker of Parliament, has on Wednesday 13th November 2019 heartily received the new Executive of the All Political Parties Association (APPA) who later presented their Peace Communiqué on Cohesion for National Development at the Speaker’s Board Room in Parliament.

During the courtesy call, the Speaker assured the Association of his support, adding that he was a member of the Association sometime in the 90s. “During the 1996 transition from military to a civilian administration, APPA played an active role in the promotion of democracy and good governance,” he revealed. He commended APPA for their continued support in upholding the values and tenets of democracy. “You can count on us as a Parliament to help your association in the promotion of democracy and good governance of the State,” he assured. He also noted that democracy is the bedrock on which APPA was established and underscored the need for all political parties to come together and develop Sierra Leone. “We want to see our country lifted from the bottom of the human development index to the top,” and admonished APPA to have a rethink and desist forthwith from any form of electoral violence.

Also, in supporting the position of the Speaker, the Leader of Government Business, Hon. Sidie M. Tunis told APPA that he had already informed President Bio about the new Executive and that he was pleased to hear the good news about APPA.

Earlier, the Public Relations Officer of APPA, Gibril Thullah presented their newly elected Executive to the Speaker, stating that they comprise 12 registered political parties. The PRO pleaded to the Speaker to foster their collaborative relationship with the current Government. “We used to enjoy certain opportunities from the previous regime and we want your Government to operate on that platform,” he maintained.

The Chairman of APPA, Prince Coker called on the Speaker to help them popularize the Communiqué across the country, saying that such an effort would yield more political dividends in light of national cohesion. He called on the Speaker to celebrate the upcoming festive season with the Association together with President Bio in order to showcase political tolerance and national cohesion in the country.

Marie V Entertainment Appeals for feedback on illegal Arrest & Detention of Women in Magburaka

By Joseph Dumbuya

On Tuesday, November 2019 representatives of the Marie V Entertainment from Magburaka called on the Executive Director of the Legal Aid Board, Ms. Fatmata Claire Carlton-Hanciles and team to provide feedback on the issue of illegal arrest and detention of mostly women who default in repaying micro-credit loans and debts in Magburaka.

Ms. Carlton-Hanciles raised the alarm bell in an address at the launch of the National Market Women Organization (NMO) – Tonkolili Branch in Magburaka on 26 October 2019.  As Guest Speaker, Carlton-Hanciles had warned the Police in Magburaka against illegally arresting and detaining women for defaulting on repaying their micro-credit loans or debts.

The Marie V Entertainment comprising Marie Veronica Bangura, Angela M. Kanu, Rugiatu Barrie and Abass Bangura were happy to report to Mrs. Carlton-Hanciles that the situation has improved dramatically since her last visit to the town for the launch of NMO. According to Marie Veronica Bangura her group has been sensitizing the women on this issue so they do not fall prey to these police officers.

Mrs. Carlton-Hanciles said the fact that the campaign is led by a youth organization gives her hope. “I am happy you have taken up this fights to protect the rights of our vulnerable women,” she said. “We know women default in repaying debts because the interest rate is too high and the conditions for repayment are such that they could hardly meet them.”

She said she received several complaints from women she had interacted with during the launch that police officers were being used by microcredit institutions and debtors to recover debts and in doing so they detain them sometimes for weeks to force them into repaying the debts.

“I was reliably informed that Police Officers were given a percentage of the money recovered from these women,” she said. “In most of these cases, they only release the debtor from detention after they have done part payment and this pattern will continue until such a time when the debt is paid in full.”

Mrs. Carlton-Hanciles warned that these matters are not for the police as such should be referred to Legal Aid Board or the Courts. “I received too many complaints from women I met at the launch that Police Officers are being used by money lenders and micro credit organizations to recover their debts on their behalf,” she said.

She referred to a recent case in which a woman in Magburaka had to flee her home and went into hiding in a neighboring village leaving her children on their own. “This is unacceptable, it is heartless and undermines trust in the police,” she warned.

Mrs. Carlton-Hanciles seized the opportunity to call on the Police to stop getting involved in matters involving a civil transaction such as debt. She sent out this message which she had sent to the LUC in Magburaka: “Defaulting on repaying microcredit loan or debt is not a crime and as such police officers should not be involved in it.”

She drew attention to the fact that there are several women detained illegally because they cannot repay debts. “As we speak, there is a matter at the Ross Road Police Station in Freetown involving one Susina Dumbuya who was detained for nearly two weeks for defaulting on a debt,” she said adding, “We call on the LUC at the Ross Road Station to ensure this case is referred to the Court or the Legal Aid Board immediately to avoid our intervention.”

The visit was climaxed with a Temne song emphasizing the importance of blessing and voiding curse in all our undertakings.

As ACC Inquiry into allegation of corruption against Chief Minister…  SLAJ Calls for Respect of Media Freedom

By Amin Kef Sesay

In the wake of the arrest of ,Salieu Tejan Jalloh, Proprietor of Times SL Newspaper on Monday 11 November 2019 and detention at the Criminal Investigations Department (CID), for almost 24 hours, the Sierra Leone Association of Journalists (SLAJ) has issued a strong worded Press Release calling on the Police and Politicians to respect media freedom.

Signed by the National Secretary General of the Association, Mohamed Asmieu Bah, the Release stated among other things that SLAJ is pleased to officially inform its membership and the general public that Salieu has been released on bail through the intervention of the Association and the Ministry of Information and Communications.

It went further to mention that, Salieu Tejan Jalloh, spent almost 24 hours in detention at the Criminal Investigations Department without any official charge or reason for his arrest.

The Association maintained that while it totally condemns the manner in which the Police moved in to arrest and lock up the journalist, who did not publish anything malicious or defamatory other than trying to crosscheck information that he had; it believes such is a standard journalistic practice.
In the release it was also highlighted that the journalist alleged that the police officers who arrested him went to his office at Soldier Street, Freetown, on the pretext of wanting to place an advert in his newspaper, and manhandled him in the process of effecting an arrest.

SLAJ says it is particularly concerned that such is coming at a time when the Government has shown great commitment to repeal the obnoxious Criminal Libel Law and promoting media freedom.

The release ended with SLAJ reiterating how it will continue to engage the Police and called on our membership of the Association to always practice within the parameters of the SLAJ Code of Ethics and the Independent Media Commission’s Code of Practice.

President of SLAJ, Ahmed Sahid Nasralla strongly condemned the actions of the Police. This was what he said: “The action by the Sierra Leone Police was absolutely wrong and we totally condemn it. It is time to break this unholy partnership between the police and politicians locking up journalists from time to time using the Criminal Libel Law. The Police must understand that we are law abiding citizens and we are not criminals,” said the President of SLAJ, Ahmed Sahid Nasralla.

On the same issue that led to the arrest of Salieu Tejan Jalloh, the Anti –Corruption Commission (ACC) also came out with a Press Release titled:  “ACC Enquires into Allegations of Corruption against Chief Minister”.

In the release the Commission also pointed out that in light of recent allegations of corruption against the Chief Minister, Professor David John Francis, it wishes to inform the general public that it has accordingly taken appropriate action. It was established that Professor Francis himself contacted the Commission following a text message he received from Salieu Tejan-Jalloh, Managing Editor of The Times Sierra Leone Newspaper, alleging that a total of US$1.5M was paid into his Ecobank account as bribes.

The ACC furthered that the Chief Minster accordingly informed the Commission, acting in accordance with Section 77 of the Anti-Corruption Act 2008, which imposes a duty on all public officers to report where a corruption offence has been committed or is about to be committed.

“Acting in consonance with Section 7(1)(b) of the Anti-Corruption Act 2008, which mandates the Commission “to investigate instances of alleged or suspected corruption referred to it by any person or authority or which has come to its attention, whether by complaint or otherwise,” the ACC accordingly contacted Mr. Jalloh to help with information to aid an investigation. Unfortunately, Mr. Jalloh refused to comply with the request of the Commission,” the Press Release continued adding how the ACC issued a Section 57(2) Notice, compelling the Ecobank to submit to the Commission all financial records and transactions of the Chief Minister.

In its response, Ecobank clarified that “Professor David John Francis does not maintain any account with the Bank.” Yet, Ecobank maintained that Professor Francis has an Ecobank CashXpress pre-paid card since August 2019. The said card, according to Ecobank, denominated only in Leones, can be issued to both Ecobank account holders and non-account holders. The investigations also revealed that since he was issued this card, Professor Francis never loaded the said card with cash and therefore never used it.

The ACC Press Release ends by encouraging anyone with evidence to pass such to the Commission furthering that by the provisions of Section 82(1) of the Anti-Corruption Act 2008, where a person discloses to the Commission that a public officer, body corporate or public body is, or has been involved in corruption, he shall incur no civil or criminal liability as a result of such disclosure.

The Commission reassured the general public of its determination to continue executing its mandate without fear or favor.



To Alleviate Poverty… Govt. Must Focus On Controlling Inflation

By Amin Kef Sesay

Inflation is one of the largest hidden tax increases a government can put on their citizens. Too much inflation hurts the public due to decreasing their buying power before the wage inflation catches up (it never does) and can send the entire economy into a long period recession leading to stagflation.

Inflation relates directly to rises in general price level of various goods and services in an economy, which very obviously does not make the political party in power popular with the people; especially those that did not vote for it.

Theft-by-Inflation constitutes the erosion of savings. Thus, inflation is frightening because it means your hard-earned money isn’t worth as much anymore over a period of time as prices rise.

High inflation can be damaging for the economy as it takes away much needed money from the poor and makes allocating the resources more difficult. Beside this, it also damages savers. Several measures can be adopted by the Central Bank to control inflation and unemployment. Measures include high growth in output leading to employment, macroeconomic regulations and wage limitation.

Other determinants may include high growth in overall demand, low labor costs, wage subsidies and flexible laws in the market to give freedom of free trading between the labor market and investors. Central banks can also use monetary policy in order to keep price and currency stability. They do it via setting the interest rates.

If the inflation is very high they will try to increase the interest rates so it will be harder to borrow money and more beneficial to save it. This will reduce the expenses and lower the inflation.

Another way to control inflation is for government not to remove subsidy on fuel and food. For example, it is very obvious that when government on the advice of the IMF removed subsidy on fuel, that is when domestic inflation started shorting up dramatically.

Trade policies

Retail prices are artificially high because of the effects of import tariffs. One policy option for the Government involves gradually lower import tariffs, perhaps as part of a wider trade agreement with other countries.

Lower tariff could have the effect of reducing import prices leading to an outward shift of short run aggregate supply. The costs of imported raw materials, component parts and finished consumer goods fall leading to a deflationary effect on the general price level.

A potential downside of this approach is that domestic firms would then face tougher price competition from overseas suppliers and there might be a contraction in home-based production, employment and investment. The government would also be giving up some tax revenues from import tariffs  which is a significant source of tax income. Reducing trade frictions can be an effective policy to bring down the rate of inflation although domestic businesses would need to increase their efficiency to be able to compete with cheaper goods and services from overseas.

Supply-side policies

Supply-side policies are measures designed to increase the competitiveness and efficiency of the economy, putting downward pressure on long-term costs and therefore helping to control inflation.

These policies include government tax relief for business investment and also State funding to fast-forward major infrastructure projects in sectors such as transport, energy and power supply, telecoms and health care. Ultimately, if supply-side policies prove successful, then more new firms will enter markets (increasing industry supply and driving down prices) and labour productivity will increase helping to control the unit costs of businesses so that fewer of them are under pressure to raise prices.

However, they are unlikely to have much effect on the rate of inflation in the short term. In this sense, monetary policy has a more important role to play in controlling price increases.

Monetary policy to be effective has to be accompanied by a policy of wage controls or wage freezes – bitter as this is for public sector workers.

Final evaluation

Overall, monetary policy has the main job of keeping inflationary pressures in check during the economic cycle whereas supply-side policies have an important role to play in keeping costs and prices down over the longer-term.

It is important to note that there are limits to the effectiveness of policy when it comes to lowering the rate of inflation, as the annual rate of price increases in most countries is susceptible to external shocks such as volatility in global commodity prices, unexpected movements in the exchange rate and the changing global economic cycle.

As such, policy can influence prices but not necessarily determine them in the direct way that economics textbooks might imply.


GTBank Support Police Wives Institute With 10 KVA Generator

By Joenal Sesay

It will be a momentous day for the Sierra Leone Police Wives Association Vocational and Training Institute when the Guarantee Trust Bank donated a 10 KVA generator set to the institution.

The donation which took place on Monday 11 November, 2019 at the institute formed part of the bank’s Corporate Social Responsibility. The Vocational and Training Institute was built by the Sierra Leone Police Wives Association as part of their Corporate Social Responsibility and was commissioned on Monday 4th November 2019 by President Maada Bio.

GTBank Managing Director, Ade Adebiyi, described the donation as a token and a contribution from the Bank being part of the Bank’s Corporate Social Responsibility which borders on four pillars.  He further described it as a key social responsibility for them because they are focusing on Community Development, Health, Education and Agriculture.

MD Adebiyi went on to say the generator is going to be used to assist the project in order  to complement the erratic power supply in the city.

“With this generator, this institute project will always have power any time they need it. The generator will provide 24 hours power for students who attend classes from day to day,” he further disclosed.

He said in any environment in which a responsible organization operates they should give back to that society, “…giving back to that society in all forms, education, community development, which will show your organisation as a responsible one and that is what we are doing here. We believe this donation will help promote the objective of this organization,”  The MD intimated.

The MD expressed hope that it would be a continuous one and also prayed for them to be in a position to generate profits to make more donations.

“As we continue to operate in this environment, we will continue to support projects such as this. What we need to do is to continue to be in a position to support such a project. Please keep us in your prayer for us to continue to do more.”

He disclosed that GTBank has done quite a lot for education.

GTBank Head of Corporate Affairs, Arthur B. Kallon, disclosed that the Bank receives over 50 requests on average bases, everybody asking for different things but they gave the premium treatment to the deserved institute.

He continued to say the Bank prided itself in associating with that particular association as they can only hope for the better. He concluded by saying he sees prospect at the end of that relationship and they want to associate themselves with every activity of the association.

Sierra Leone Police Wives Association President, Mrs. Olga Maria Moigbe thanked the Bank on behalf of the association. She said she was ashamed of the other banks as none of them came to their aid  after several letters and follow-ups. “Considering the electrical situation in the country, if you don’t have a generator you will stalked. This will go a long way for us. GTBank is the only bank that has sponsored us. We really appreciate what you have done for us.”

GTBank first assisted the Association with bags of cement for the construction of the institute and the administrative blocks.

City Globe Raises Awareness of Diabetes Through Exercise

By Joenal Sesay

Citiglobe and the National Eye Care Program have raised awareness through exercise to commemorate this year’s World Diabetes Day. The exercise took place over the weekend starting from Congo Cross and ended at the Gulf Club in Freetown. World Diabetes Day is commemorated on the 14th November every year.

Consultant Clinical Pharmacist and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Citiglobe, Madam Manal Ghazzawi said diabetes is not only a disease that  is present in the developed world but also a disease of the developing world. She disclosed that Citiglobe has been raising awareness of diabetes since 2013 and every year they commemorate World Diabetes Day.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Africa will have the greatest hit of non-communicable diseases like diabetes. This finding, Madam Ghazzawi explained, could be due to the adoption of westernized practices.

Madam Ghazzawi explained further that increase in urbanization and westernization are some of the factors leading to the increase in diabetes in Africa as residents have access to transportation, exposed to unhealthy diet, sedentary lifestyle and lack of knowledge about nutrition and what they should eat among others.

She said one can also get diabetes if that person has a family history of diabetes but if he or she does regular exercise and eats healthy, it will take a longer period for the disease to show up. “There are some without family history but because of obesity which is one of the main causes of diabetes  such will end up to cause insulin resistance because of fats” she revealed.

She defined obesity as a disorder involving excessive body fat that increases the risk of health problems and it results from taking in more calories than are burnt by exercise and normal daily activities. Diabetes, a non-communicable disease, is a chronic condition characterized by increase blood sugar level. It is a condition that impairs the body’s ability to process blood glucose, otherwise known as blood sugar.

There are several types of diabetes. The three major types include: Type 1, type 2, and gestational diabetes.

Type I diabetes: Also known as juvenile diabetes. This type occurs when the body fails to produce insulin. People with type I diabetes are insulin-dependent, which means they must take artificial insulin daily to stay alive.

Type 2 diabetes: Type 2 diabetes affects the way the body uses insulin. While the body still makes insulin, unlike in type I, the cells in the body do not respond to it as effectively as they once did. This is the most common type of diabetes, according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, and it has strong links with obesity.

Gestational diabetes: This type occurs in women during pregnancy when the body can become less sensitive to insulin. Gestational diabetes does not occur in all women and usually resolves after giving birth. Less common types of diabetes include monogenic diabetes and cystic fibrosis-related diabetes.”

Diabetes is a serious, chronic condition. According to the American Diabetes Association (ADA), the condition is the seventh leading cause of death in the U.S. While diabetes itself is manageable, its complications can severely impact on daily living, and some can be fatal if not treated immediately.

The Consultant Clinical Pharmacist said based on her research, people are at risk of developing type 2 diabetes and obesity is more common in females.

She emphasized that regularly monitoring blood glucose levels and moderating glucose intake can help people prevent the more damaging complications of type 2 diabetes. “For those with types 1 diabetes, taking insulin is the only way of moderating and controlling the effects of the condition.”

Symptoms of any type of diabetes are related to high blood and urine glucose levels and include: frequent infections, nausea, vomiting, and blurred vision, hunger, dehydration, weight loss or gain, fatigue, dry mouth, slow-healing wounds, cuts, or sores, itching skin, and increased susceptibility to infections.

Madam Manal Ghazzawi pointed out that some of the signs and symptom are overlooked. She said it is important for the public to know about diabetes as it is a global health situation. She advised for regular weekly exercise, reduction in oily and starchy food.

Programme Manager, National Eye Care Program, Dr. Jalikatu Mustapha said diabetes affect the whole body and more especially the eyes, it can affect one’s vision and lead to blindness. She said there are several problems diabetes can cause to the eyes which one can’t be aware of until they check their eyes.

Founder of Body Tech Fitness Club, Francis said they joined the walk to raise awareness about the disease as many lack the awareness about it existent and how its kills.

He encouraged those that were not present for the walk to know that there are things that regulate the existence of diabetes such as regular exercise. He categorized the exercise in three forms which are flexibility that covers a range of motion and muscles, strength exercise that strengthens bones and prevent one from bone problems, fractures and cardio that improve one’s heart. These, he said, if done regularly will help prevent contracting the sickness.

The walk was climaxed with free screening, eye examination and educative messages about diabetes.

2020 Finance Bill Becomes Law

Minister of Finance, Jacob Jusu Saffa

By Sam Pratt

After the Minister of Finance, Jacob Jusu Saffa read and tabled the 2020 Finance Bill in Parliament on the 8th November 2019,the Parliament of Sierra Leone on Tuesday 12th November 2019 extensively debated and passed into law late yesterday 13th November 2019 with some amendments the Bill entitled: “The Finance Act, 2020”. The Bill is aimed at the alteration and imposition of taxes for the services of the Republic of Sierra Leone for the Financial Year 2020.

The Minister of Finance; Jacob Jusu Saffa, said among other things that the Act was seeking to provide for the imposition and alteration of taxes as to give effect to the financial proposals of the Government and to provide for other related matters for the 2020 financial year.

The Minister also informed MPs that the Bill would enhance some economic prudence and foster growth which would improve best practices relating to the management of public finances.

Contributing to the debate, the Leader of Government Business, Hon. Sidie M. Tunis said that Finance Bills always had issues, adding that the Minister of Finance deserves accolades for making this particular one so thorough. “We have a very, very good Finance Act for 2020 and with this the Bread and Butter Budget will succeed,” he said in a joyful mood. He also assured Members of Parliament who contributed to the healthy debate that the concerns raised would be addressed at a later stage.

On his part, the Leader of the Opposition, Hon. Chernor R.M Bah said that the All Peoples Congress (APC) Party would support the Act, saying that MPs are under obligation to make sure that the Minister of Finance succeeds for the good of the nation. He also expressed hope for an economic boom by the year 2020.

Earlier, the Chairman of the Finance Committee in Parliament, Hon. Francis Amara Kaisamba explained the importance of the Bill, stating that a lot of amendments had been made in order to put the document together to match up with the 2020 National Budget. “75% of the expenditure in any budget is generated by the Government, while the balance is funded by donors,” he stated. He also used the opportunity to appeal to colleague MPs to look at the Bill with a national lens.

Hon. Daniel Koroma of APC asked the Minister to give due consideration to the taxpayers, whilst encouraging the Minister to introduce better and newer ways to generate funds for Government to undertake development programmes in the country.

Hon. P.C. Bai Kurr Kanagbaro Sanka III of Tonkolili District appealed for the reduction of taxes on some companies in order to continue their promotional services in their areas of operations. “If you tax the poor people to provide money for the rich, you will have economic growth without economic development,” he informed the Minister. The Paramount Chief also asked the Minister to focus on job creation through the establishment of industries and viable agricultural interventions to reduce importation.

Hon. P.C Kontanday M’briwa of Kono District called on the Minister to consider equal distribution of resources at the chiefdom level for actual development initiatives to take place in the rural communities.

Hon. Abdul Kargbo of APC criticized the Ministry of Finance for establishing a Procurement Directorate, noting that it was not proper and such conduct was counter-productive to the operations of NPPA (National Public Procurement Authority), adding that all MDAs are supposed to have a unit and not a directorate.

Hon. Ibrahim Tawa Conteh of SLPP called on the Minister not to change the supervisory functions of Rokel Commercial and Sierra Leone Commercial Banks by the National Commission for Privatization (NCP) and give it to the Ministry of Finance. He also asked the Minister to reconsider his decision and give support to the local companies in order to create more jobs, so as to reduce importation and to pay keen attention on auction to maximize huge benefits for the State.

Lessons Learned from NP-Sierra Leone Could serve as a Road-Map to Success

By Amin Kef Sesay

The National Petroleum Sierra Leone Limited (NP-SL Ltd) is among one of the oldest thriving indigenous companies that have stood the test of time in this country and it is viably moving from one height to another. A committed and dedicated company that is here for real business, NP-SL is an epitome of how selflessness and sincerity of purpose can powerfully transform an initiative into a towering business entity. The original 35 shareholders really harnessed those attributes very well and infused them in policies and managerial decisions that contributed immensely to the development of the company.

It is an established fact that certain indigenous companies were ambitiously set up by certain individuals with big dreams of turning them into conglomerates. Lamentably, with time some of those business ventures collapsed like a pack of cards as a result of internal pressures and external forces. Unwise managerial decisions, political unrests, inability to strongly compete and sheer lack of perseverance sent some of those companies into oblivion well before consolidating their bases. With particular reference to the 11 year senseless war that wasted lives and properties most locally founded business entities just dissipated into thin air.

Authoritatively, it can be categorically stated that NP-SL is an exception to the norm. Like other business entities, NP-SL was badly shaken by the war but it will interest many to know that though it was seriously affected such did not deter the resolve of NP-SL to continue doing business as it used to do before. With confirmation of relative peace in the country NP-SL bounced back and by putting the right things in places normal transactions in petroleum products gradually took momentum to the utmost satisfaction of many. Today, amidst teething challenges, the company keeps surviving.

Currently, the company has earned a good reputation for enhanced customer service delivery as a result of its pro-active stance in always trying to optimize customer care, which it holds in high esteem with the view that in the absence of its numerous customers then the company’s existence is meaningless. To the shareholders and Management of the company, achieving customer satisfaction is very precious and key which is why it does everything within its reach and reasonably to give customers high grade petroleum products at affordable prices.

Through its pro-activeness and the ultimate need to succeed, latest innovative and technological techniques were installed and applied at the company’s various Filling Stations, one of which are calibrated pumping machines that pump the appropriate quantity of petroleum products paid for. As they are very transparent, these calibrated pumping machines continue to instill confidence in customers that they are dealing with a very transparent company as well as feeling that they are getting their money’s worth.

Within the same ambit of bringing technology closer to its customers for enhanced transactions, the idea of availing its customers the use of NP Smart Card was borne. Today we hear of “fuel on your smart card” which figuratively could be interpreted within the context of using a financially loaded NP Smart Card to purchase the right number of petroleum products one intends to utilize without any physical monetary transactions.

Using NP Smart Card guarantees safety, saves time and gives air of importance to the holders, some considering them as the crème-de la crème of society, when in actual fact anyone can make use of it. It creates a situation where a customer will intermittently know the balance of finance on his card and use such information to make informed decisions as to further top up or utilize, for example, the quantity of fuel that the balance amount could procure.

With a view to make people gain easy access to a device that could be suitable for various cooking purposes, NP Gas was introduced and since gas is one of the petroleum products that is up for sale then it just falls in place that it will be prudent to make it convenient for people to access them at their filling stations and from authorized dealers, going at affordable prices. It had been undoubtedly proven that they are environmentally friendly and safe to use as well as refill.

Strengthening relevant institutions as it did recently in capacitating the Kissy Branch National Fire Force with a standard water facility to capably respond to fire emergencies is just one way through which NP is complementing efforts being made by both the central and local Governments in fostering development interventions geared towards improving overall standards of living. NP Gas has now become the ubiquitous cooking friend in many households and many are trying not to miss out on it.

When job opportunities are created from time to time, the negative impacts of poverty subside with a corresponding upsurge in peace and tranquility. Instead of tempers rising, daggers drawn out there will be joy and harmonious co-existence. Through its expansionist drive and to match up with modern trends, NP-SL has been providing various jobs for many who were hitherto at the lower ends of society. Family lives have been transformed for the better and there is room for future positive outcomes.

People who intend to set up businesses that they would like to flourish must understudy NP-SL, see how it grew and learn valuable lessons that could serve as a roadmap to higher heights. NP-SL is flying the country’s flag not at half -mast but fully and glowingly.