African Union Leaders Call for Unified Response to Sudan Crisis

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By Amin Kef (Ranger)

The African Union Peace and Security Council on Friday June 21, 2024 held a high-level virtual meeting to address the escalating crisis in the Republic of Sudan. The meeting was spearheaded by His Excellency Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, President of Uganda and Chairperson of the African Union Peace and Security Council for June 2024, alongside His Excellency Mohamed Ould Ghazouani, President of Mauritania and Chairperson of the African Union.

President Dr. Julius Maada Bio of Sierra Leone delivered a poignant address, emphasizing the urgent need for a collective and immediate response to the dire situation in Sudan. He underscored the severity of the ongoing conflict, which has persisted for over a year, resulting in significant civilian casualties, massive displacement and a worsening humanitarian crisis.

“Sudan is facing profound challenges that demand our immediate and unified response,” President Bio stated. “The enduring conflict has inflicted untold suffering upon the Sudanese people, exacerbating an already dire humanitarian crisis. Hundreds of civilians have died, thousands more are injured and millions have been displaced or forced to seek refuge in neighboring countries.”

Highlighting the extensive humanitarian issues, President Bio expressed deep concern over the lack of access to healthcare and education for a significant portion of Sudan’s population, particularly children. He also condemned the reported sexual and gender-based violence against women and girls amid the conflict.

“The humanitarian situation, including food shortages, clean water, fuel, electricity, and medicines, remains dire due to the ongoing armed conflict,” he warned. “If the hostilities continue unabated, Sudan risks a complete collapse, with spillover effects on its immediate neighbors and the wider continent.”

President Bio called on the conflicting parties, the Sudanese Armed Forces and the Rapid Support Forces, to cease hostilities immediately, exercise maximum restraint, and prioritize the well-being and safety of the Sudanese people. Drawing from Sierra Leone’s own experiences with conflict, he highlighted the devastating impact on a nation’s social fabric and development.

“It is with this profound understanding that we stand in solidarity with the people of Sudan. We are committed to supporting all efforts to restore peace and normalcy in Sudan,” he asserted. “We must leverage our collective wisdom, resources and influence to facilitate a peaceful resolution.”

The President urged for strong support of ongoing mediation efforts, provision of humanitarian assistance, and ensuring the voices of all Sudanese stakeholders are heard and respected. He called for collaboration with the AU and IGAD to achieve a nationwide cessation of hostilities and a sustainable ceasefire, leading to a comprehensive peace deal and the establishment of a credible constitutional Government essential for Sudan’s long-term stability and development.

As the meeting concluded, African Union leaders collectively acknowledged the gravity of the situation in Sudan and pledged to intensify their efforts to bring about a peaceful resolution to the conflict.



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