Bio Addresses Human Rights Issues, Stresses Collective Efforts in Nation-Building

President Julius Maada Bio engaged in a crucial dialogue with the Chairperson and Members of the Human Rights Commission of Sierra Leone (HRCSL), at State House, on the 14th November, 2023, delving into pivotal human rights concerns and operational matters concerning the Commission.

The discussions centered on three significant facets: the ongoing re-accreditation process of the Commission, preparations for the 75th International Human Rights Day Celebration, and an in-depth review of the Commission’s Act while addressing logistical challenges.

Madam Patricia Narsu Ndanema, Chairperson of the HRCSL, stressed the importance of the ongoing re-accreditation process, underscoring its role in upholding the Commission’s credibility and effectiveness in safeguarding human rights across the nation. She also highlighted Sierra Leone’s commitment through the Abolition of the Death Penalty Act 2022 and the continuous pursuit of funding to sustain the Commission’s operations and fulfill its mandate.

President Julius Maada Bio expressed appreciation to the Chairperson and members for their comprehensive updates. He emphasized the necessity to enhance Sierra Leone’s global stature, emphasizing the collective effort required to address the country’s challenges.

Acknowledging Sierra Leone’s upcoming tenure as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council, slated to commence in January 2024 for a two-year term, President Bio highlighted the unique opportunity it presents for the nation. He emphasized that this position would enable Sierra Leone to make substantial contributions to global peace, security, and development.

“With Sierra Leone returning as a non-permanent member to the UN Security Council, the nation holds a significant platform to actively shape global conversations on human rights and other critical matters,” he remarked, underscoring the country’s potential pivotal role on the international stage.


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