Fifteen Graves Vandalized in Waterloo Prompts FCC to Put Security Measures in Place

Freetown City Council (FCC).jpg

By Alvin Lansana Kargbo

In response to recent vandalism at the Calmont Road Cemetery in Waterloo, Freetown City Council (FCC) has launched significant construction projects to bolster security across key municipal sites. The vandalism, which saw fifteen graves damaged at the cemetery, has prompted a swift and comprehensive response from local authorities.

Mayor Yvonne Aki-Sawyerr announced the commencement of new security measures aimed at protecting both cemeteries and schools throughout Freetown. On July 27, 2024, the FCC officially handed over construction sites to contractors for two major projects: a 126-meter perimeter wall with an accompanying gate at Ascension Town Cemetery and a 304-meter perimeter wall with gate at Kissy Road Cemetery.

In addition to these cemetery improvements, the FCC is also addressing security concerns at municipal schools. A 210-meter perimeter wall and gate are being constructed at Akibo-Bett Municipal School, which will also safeguard the Tower Hill Municipal Primary School situated on the same grounds.

These projects are funded by FCC’s own revenue, largely derived from property rates and business licenses. Mayor Aki-Sawyerr emphasized the crucial role of local contributions in financing these initiatives.

“This important construction work is funded by FCC’s own source revenue, principally mobilized through the payment by Freetonians of property rates and business licenses,” said Mayor Aki-Sawyerr. “I extend my gratitude to those who have already paid their rates and licenses, and encourage others to do the same. We can only fund these essential projects with continued support from our community.”

The ongoing investigations by the Waterloo Police aim to identify those responsible for the cemetery vandalism and understand their motives, underscoring the urgency of enhancing security across Freetown’s public spaces.


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