Mariama Sannoh Breast & Pancreatic Cancer Foundation Offering Hope

The Multifaceted Approach against Fighting Cancer:

By Fatmata Jengbe

Cancer, in its various forms, poses significant challenges to global health. In an attempt to explore the characteristics, challenges, and potential curability of breast and pancreatic cancer, efforts have been made to shed light on the vital role played by foundations, as was recently made known by the Mariama Sannoh Breast & Pancreatic Cancer Foundation, in providing support to those affected by these diseases.

Breast cancer, affecting both men and women, predominantly targets women and often originates in the breast’s milk ducts or lobules, potentially invading nearby tissues. Advances in screening and treatment have notably improved outcomes, especially when detected early.

Conversely, pancreatic cancer, arising in the pancreas, confronts patients with significant challenges due to its tendency to be diagnosed at an advanced stage, complicating treatment efforts and resulting in a generally poor prognosis.

The curability of these cancers hinges on multiple factors, including the stage of diagnosis, specific cancer cell characteristics, and treatment response.

While early-stage breast cancer is often curable through surgical, radiological, and pharmaceutical interventions, advanced-stage or metastatic cases may not be curable but can be managed to alleviate symptoms and extend life.

Pancreatic cancer, known for its aggressive nature, presents limited curative potential, particularly in advanced cases.

Continued research and advancements in cancer treatment offer hope and options for patients. Early detection, facilitated through screenings and personalized treatment plans, remains pivotal in improving outcomes. Close collaboration between patients and healthcare teams is crucial in determining the most appropriate treatment strategies tailored to individual circumstances.

In this challenging landscape, the role of cancer and Pancreatic Foundations becomes paramount. These foundations serve as pillars of support for individuals facing the physical, emotional, and financial burdens of cancer.

A poignant example is the Mariama Sannoh Breast & Pancreatic Cancer Foundation, founded by Sierra Leonean Isatta Magona, who is currently residing in Arizona, the United States of America.

Inspired by the painful loss of her mother to breast cancer, Isatta Magona established the Foundation with a mission to aid cancer patients in Sierra Leone. The initial focus on Kenema, Eastern Sierra Leone, reflects her late mother’s personal connection to that region, where she hails from. The Foundation is currently collaborating with the Kenema Government Hospital, rendering assistance to patients and engaging medical practitioners in the cause.

The Mariama Sannoh Foundation is now soliciting financial and material assistance to address the multifaceted challenges faced by cancer victims.

Financial aid aims to alleviate the burden of medical expenses, providing hope and relief to patients and their families.

Emotional support programs, including counseling services and support groups, recognize the importance of mental well-being in the cancer journey. Educational initiatives and awareness campaigns empower individuals to make informed decisions, emphasizing the significance of early detection and healthy lifestyles.

Patient advocacy efforts seek to improve access to quality healthcare, insurance coverage, and supportive policies, addressing systemic issues impacting cancer patients. Collaboration with healthcare providers ensures comprehensive care, supporting specialized clinics, research centers, and treatment facilities.

The Foundation also intends on facilitating research to unearth new vistas of knowledge that would aid in alleviating the plight of sufferers and victims.

In conclusion, the Mariama Sannoh Breast & Pancreatic Cancer Foundation exemplifies the transformative impact Foundations can have on the well-being and outcomes of individuals grappling with breast and pancreatic cancer. Their multifaceted approach, addressing financial, emotional, and educational aspects, signifies a beacon of hope in the fight against these formidable diseases in Sierra Leone. Through collective efforts, there is optimism that the Mariama Sannoh Breast & Pancreatic Cancer Foundation will continue to make significant strides, offering support, awareness, and advocacy to enhance the lives of those affected by breast and pancreatic cancer.

The Mariama Sannoh Breast & Pancreatic Cancer Foundation could be reached at: or via email:


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