National Coordinator Celebrates MCC Compact as Historic Milestone Achievement

Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC).jpg

By Esther Wright
National Coordinator, Compact Development Unit, Ndeye Fatu Koroma, has hailed the approval of the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) Compact as a monumental achievement for Sierra Leone. “To be here today is a good accomplishment,” she stated, underscoring the significance of this milestone. She emphasized that this success is a testament to the resilience and determination of the Sierra Leonean people. “We did it as Sierra Leoneans. Nobody did it for us.”

Speaking at the Ministry of information and Civic Education Weekly Press Conference, Madam Ndeye Fatu Koroma said that the MCC Compact represents a shift in mindset for Sierra Leone, moving from discussing impossibilities to celebrating achievements and potential. She highlighted the country’s outstanding performance on the MCC education indicator, a feat unmatched by any other nation. “These are things we should be proud about,” she said, urging Sierra Leoneans to focus on their strengths and accomplishments.

She reiterated that the approval of the MCC Compact follows a comprehensive constraint analysis that pinpointed access to energy as a critical barrier to development, saying that although the initial goal was to secure $1 billion, the Compact provides a substantial foundation for progress in Sierra Leone’s energy sector.

Ndeye Fatu Koroma revealed that over the next three years, the MCC Compact will drive several transformative projects aimed at overhauling the country’s energy infrastructure including Transmission Lines, where new lines will be constructed from Freetown to Pujehun, enhancing connectivity and reliability, Power Reliability, where infrastructure upgrades will aim to eliminate power fluctuations, providing stable electricity to more regions, Access and Distribution, where efforts will focus on connecting more people to a robust energy system, improving access across the country and Reform of EDSA, where structural reforms will target loss reduction and improve the efficiency of the Electricity Distribution and Supply Authority (EDSA).

Additionally, the Sierra Leone Electricity Generation and Transmission Company (EGTC) will receive attention, particularly in managing transmission lines, underscoring the need for private sector investment to support these initiatives.

The National Coordinator revealed that the MCC Compact approved for Sierra Leone is one of the largest ever sanctioned by the MCC, reflecting the confidence and trust placed in the country’s potential for growth and development. Ndeye Fatu Koroma highlighted that this Compact not only signifies a major investment in Sierra Leone’s future but also stands as a testament to the collective effort and determination of its people.

She ended up stating that the approval of the MCC Compact marks a pivotal moment for Sierra Leone, saying that it is a clear indication that, with strategic investment and unwavering commitment, the nation can overcome its challenges and achieve remarkable progress. “As Sierra Leone embarks on this transformative journey, the focus will be on leveraging this support to build a brighter, more sustainable future for all its citizens,” she said.


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