NP-SL Is Poised to Fulfill its Committment to Make Petroleum Products Available

It is indeed ridiculous for a school of thought to blame oil marketing companies, particularly NP-Sierra Leone Limited (NP-SL Ltd), for the current fuel crisis in the country. Ridiculous in the sense that it is an open fact that the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine is impinging negatively on the accessibility of petroleum products as Russia is a major supplier and Sierra Leone is not the only country bearing the brunt.

NP-Sierra Leone Limited (NP-SL Ltd)

By Amin Kef Sesay

It is indeed ridiculous for a school of thought to blame oil marketing companies, particularly NP-Sierra Leone Limited (NP-SL Ltd), for the current fuel crisis in the country. Ridiculous in the sense that it is an open fact that the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine is impinging negatively on the accessibility of petroleum products as Russia is a major supplier and Sierra Leone is not the only country bearing the brunt.

NP-SL Ltd, as a responsible company, has hammered home this point on several instances even though it is Government that should be at the forefront in educating the gullible populace about the unfortunate situation.

As a matter of fact, since the inception of the war the highly reputable petroleum importing and marketing company has bent backwards in order to ensure that petroleum products, mainly petrol and diesel, are available at all times in the country.

Furthermore, it is no hidden fact that the very war has caused and continues to make the company run at huge losses. However, regardless of the current situation NP-SL Ltd, as an indigenous company, has ensured that petroleum products are available on the market and will continue doing so.

These are trying times and to create the impression that the company is deliberately causing artificial scarcity is not only disingenuous but will be a great disservice to a company that is going at great lengths to ensure that the public has access to petroleum products in all parts of the country.

As a matter of fact NP-SL Ltd has been the only oil marketing company in the country that has been unreservedly supplying and marketing fuel during these trying times and the company is committed to continue in that direction.

It is against that backdrop that Management of the company is ensuring that every day NP Filling Stations have petroleum products to sell and the company is poised to import more of those products. For now, NP-SL is the only company at the moment that has AGO gas and diesel in the country.

NP-SL Ltd has been in operation in the country for a very considerable period of time now and is a viable company that has stood the test of time weathering various challenges including the one the company is facing at the moment. To paint the picture that the company is a non-starter, one that buys, sells and from what it derives determining its survival could be a figment of an ignorant imagination.

The company, though an indigenous business entity, has a strong presence in Guinea, Liberia, Ivory Coast and The Gambia where it is vibrantly functioning. For a company of that calibre and stamina to be looked at as a “dregman” company or one that is not financially solvent could only be deemed as a fallacy borne out of total ignorance. The question could be asked rhetorically: how could a company with such a solid base or foundation be deemed as financially handicapped? NP-SL Ltd has the largest market share and is the most capitalized oil marketing company in the country.

It is on record that since January 2022 to date the company imported 112,491,596 metric tonnes of fuel costing over $111M.

One thing that should not be swept under the carpet is the perennial challenge of accessing foreign exchange, especially the Dollar and such a gloomy situation has been hampering oil marketing companies from easily importing petroleum products in the country. With the depreciation of the Leone to the Dollar on a frequent basis such has been putting a heavy toll on oil marketing companies, including NP-SL Ltd. It is the dollar and not the Leone that oil marketing companies use to purchase petroleum products on the international market. How willing and how much foreign exchange that the banks will provide could be a whole subject of discussion. What is important to also note is that without any form of stability in the exchange rate it will be difficult to avoid fluctuations in the price of fuel.

Some have argued that if Government effectively places an appreciably subsidy on petroleum products then the frequent change in the price of petroleum products will become a thing of the past were as others have pointed out that in certain ways the Government is doing so indirectly. It is a matter that actually needs clarification.

From what this medium understood, despite the challenges faced amidst certain baseless castigations, the Management of NP-SL Ltd is doggedly committed to continue doing the good work it has been doing that is  ensuring that petroleum products are available at all times.

Management of the company is of the view that as long as they are doing what is right now amount of baseless criticism or propaganda could discourage the business entity from continuing to make petroleum products available in the country.

Being an indigenous company that cherishes its numerous customers, NP-SL Ltd, over the years, has placed high premium on customer care, which it has effectively rolled out to such an extent that it has earned the enviable reputation of 1st for Customer Care.

With the avowed objective of making fuel transactions easier and very convenient for its esteemed and numerous customers, the company introduced the use of NP Smart Card. This is a cashless way of transacting business or in other words purchasing fuel without using physical cash. The holder of an NP Smart Card could present the card at any Filling Station as long as it has been credited it could be used to get the amount of fuel needed.

NP Gas, which is a cooking gadget, was introduced. Manufactured in different cylinder sizes, NP Gas has a high precision performance and to refill it is simple as the gas could be accessed at all the company’s Filling Stations in the country. Many whom have tried them intimated this medium that it is worth having at home as it could never be regretted having.

NP-SL Ltd has etched its name in the sands of time for embracing and effectively rolling out the country’s Local Content Policy. As one of its major priorities, the company has placed high premium on giving employment preference to Sierra Leoneans. It is only on rare circumstances that the company makes use of expatriates and in most cases it is when local personnel cannot be sourced.

It is an indisputable fact that NP-SL Ltd is an indigenous company that is business savvy, compassionate and is indeed contributing immensely to the country’s economy in positive ways.

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