NP (SL) Launches State-of-the-Art Mobile Tanks to Streamline Refueling Operations

NP (SL) Ltd, Sierra Leone.jpg

By Amin Kef (Ranger)

NP (SL) Ltd, Sierra Leone’s leading petroleum marketing company, has once again demonstrated its innovative prowess by unveiling state-of-the-art mobile fuel tanks designed to streamline refueling operations. These advanced mobile fuel tanks, each with a capacity of 10,000 liters, are housed in containers and feature sophisticated safety and dispensing technology.

Their key features include: Mobile Refueling Capability as the tanks can be easily moved around. They have Advanced Safety Systems. Equipped with explosion-proof technology, flow meters and filtration systems, these tanks ensure maximum safety with built-in fire suppression mechanisms.

In terms of Real-Time Monitoring these fuel tanks include a Tank Gauging system, which allows for monitoring of quantities that are dispensed and storage levels.

On Friday, June 21, 2024, NP (SL) Ltd made a significant move to boost the operational efficiency of local law enforcement by introducing these mobile fuel tanks for the Sierra Leone Police Force. This innovative solution aims to ensure police vehicles remain on patrol longer and can respond swiftly to emergencies. Two units were installed at the Freetown East, Ross Road Division, and West, Lumley Division.

During the launch at the Lumley Division, NP (SL) Ltd Sales Manager, Vandi Bockarie, highlighted the importance of supporting law enforcement with innovative solutions. He emphasized the company’s mission to provide easy access and a steady supply of petroleum products across the country. “We will continue to deliver on that commitment. The Police is our friend, and this endeavor is geared towards aiding their mobility in a way that is easier, swifter, and more secure,” Bockarie stated.

Representing the Inspector General of Police, Local Unit Commander Bob Mansaray expressed gratitude to NP (SL) Ltd for their remarkable initiative. He noted that this effort would significantly boost the operational readiness of the police force by alleviating the stress of acquiring fuel. “The effort is laudable, as it is meant to capacitate the Police in terms of logistics to carry out their duties. We are grateful to NP for their extensive and dependable service to the SLP. I know for certain that they will continue to maintain the strong relationship that has existed between us over the years,” Mansaray said.

The operational impact of these mobile fuel tanks is profound, providing onsite refueling services that minimize downtime and enable quicker, more effective responses to incidents and emergencies. By leveraging cutting-edge technology, NP (SL) Ltd is solidifying its position as the dominant oil company in Sierra Leone’s market, ensuring that law enforcement remains agile and well-supported.


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