Sky Vision College Trains & Certifies 50 Police Officers in MS Office 2021 & Cybercrime

Abubakarr Harding

On the 4th of November 2023, a significant development unfolded as Sky Vision College, in collaboration with the Sierra Leone Police Force, awarded Certificates to 50 Police Personnel after undergoing training in the latest version of Microsoft Office 2021 and Cybercrime. This initiative marks a pivotal moment in the country’s efforts to stay ahead of the curve in the fight against cyber threats.

Sierra Leone has encountered the growing threat of cybercrime. As the world grapples with this modern menace, the country has taken a bold step towards equipping its law enforcement officers with the necessary skills in IT to combat the digital underworld.

Expressing his gratitude, the Commissioner of Police, Pharm Joseph I. Lahai, commended the Management of Sky Vision College of Technology for their innovative approach to imparting essential knowledge to the Sierra Leone Police.

Highlighting the strong bilateral relationship between Sierra Leone and the Indian Government, he emphasized the importance of India’s continued support in providing such crucial opportunities for the country’s development.

Commissioner Lahai affirmed that the newly acquired skills by the Police Force would be utilized efficiently to counter such threats.

He emphasized the significance of staying ahead of criminals, underlining the importance of proactive measures in safeguarding the nation from cyber-related crimes.

“Notably, before the completion of the training program, the skilled officers were able to apprehend a key player involved in fraudulent activities related to the use of Orange Money. This early success underscores the potential impact of empowering law enforcement with the necessary technological expertise and tools to tackle contemporary criminal challenges effectively,” he expressed satisfaction and gratitude

Reshma Kadam, Chief Marketing Officer at Sky Vision College, shed light on why Sierra Leone was selected over other African countries for this crucial initiative also pointing out the country’s aspiration to embrace advanced technological solutions and effectively address cybercrime issues.

She also highlighted Sierra Leone’s potential to emerge as a hub of advanced cybercrime detection and prevention in the African continent, second only to South Africa.

Participants from different divisions, who benefitted from the training and were certified, shared their valuable experiences during the training. Their accounts emphasized the urgent need for sophisticated equipment and specialized training to minimize cyber threats in the country.

It is believed that this pioneering drive will elevate Sierra Leone’s position to effectively tackle technology related challenges that may arise in the future.

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The Calabash Newspaper The Calabash Newspaper
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