Welthungerhilfe celebrates Rural Women

LANN+ Manager- Hawa Bockarie explaining the importance of nutrition and resource management.

By Tamba Borbor

Public Relations Officer,

Welthungerhilfe SLE 1048/1085

German international Non-Governmental organization, Welthungerhilfe has on Thursday 15th October 2020 celebrated International Day of Rural Women.

The programme organized by the Linking Agriculture, Natural Resources and Nutrition Plus (LANN+), a programme under the Pro-Resilience Action (Pro-Act 2015) Project was held at Magbema village in the Njaluahun Chiefdom, Kailahun District had as its theme: “Building Rural Women’s Resilience in the wake of Covid-19.”

Speaking at the celebration, the LANN+ Manager, Hawa Bockarie stated that WHH celebrates rural women owing to their invaluable contribution to the local economy through agriculture.

She went on to explain about the various nutritious local foodstuffs that can be accessed freely in the bushes which proves very useful to their households. Hawa Bockarie further touched on issues of awareness creation, agriculture and natural resources including the role of women in resource management.

The Senior Field Officer of Pro-Resilience Action 2015 project implemented by Welthungerhilfe in Kenema, Kailahun and Kono Districts, Mr. Franklyn Berewa dwelled on the significance of sustainable harvest and the benefits of Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs). He reminded the women that there are so many natural wild-growing foods that they can incorporate into their daily food requirements to a healthy eating and nutritional value.

The Town Chief of Magbema village, Bockarie Sam II expressed appreciation to WHH for the celebration and stressed that the women must take advantage of the various training exercises undertaken by LANN+ project to build their capacity in ensuring self-reliance.

Councillor Koseph Kajue of Ward 22, Gbo Section, Njakuahun Chiefdom, Kailahun district appreciated the efforts of WHH intervention in various sectors in the country while acknowledging that women are very important in promoting agriculture, food security and nutrition in the country.

A roleplay formed highlight of the celebration which focused on gender equality as it relates the cordial relationship between the husband and wife in managing scare resources in the home.

The European Union is funding the Pro-Act 2015 Project implemented by WHH together with Coopi and InterAide.

According to the UN, Rural women and girls are leaders in agriculture, food security and nutrition, land, managing natural resource management and unpaid and domestic care work. They are at the frontline when natural resources and agriculture are threatened. In fact, globally, one in three employed women works in agriculture. Women also collect biomass fuels, manually process food materials, and pump water; eighty percent of households without piped water rely on women and girls for water collection.

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