Jennifer Thompson Calls on Sierra Leonean Youth to Embrace Digital Solutions for Sustainable Growth

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By Foday Moriba Conteh

On Monday, August 12th, 2024, Jennifer Thompson, a prominent philanthropist and Chief Executive Officer of The Jennifer Thompson Organization and The No Child Left Behind Initiatives, addressed the youth of Sierra Leone in celebration of International Youth Day 2024. The event focused on the global theme, “From Clicks to Progress: Youth Digital Pathways for Sustainable Development,” with her delivering an inspiring message that emphasized the crucial role of young people in shaping the nation’s future.

In her speech, Jennifer Thompson expressed pride and optimism for the potential of Sierra Leone’s youth, referring to them as the “future leaders.” She highlighted the importance of the digital age, stating, “We are living in a time when technology is no longer a luxury but a necessity. It has the power to connect us, educate us and empower us. For Sierra Leone, the digital world offers an unprecedented opportunity to leapfrog challenges and build a sustainable future.”

The Philanthropist and Chief Executive Officer urged the youth to view technology as a tool for innovation, education and economic growth, encouraging them to harness the power of the internet, coding, data analysis and social media to create solutions for the challenges the country faces in health, education, agriculture and governance.

She called on the youth to think beyond traditional paths and explore how technology can help them create businesses that solve local problems. “Whether it’s a mobile app that improves access to healthcare, an online platform that connects farmers to markets or a digital campaign that raises awareness about environmental sustainability, innovation is within your reach,” she said.

Jennifer Thompson also emphasized the importance of education and skill development in the digital era, urging young people to learn new skills online, take courses in coding, digital marketing or data science and equip themselves with the tools to compete on a global scale. “In a world driven by technology, your skills are your currency. The sky is the limit,” she added.

For those involved in advocacy and social change, she highlighted the power of social media and digital platforms in giving the youth a voice to advocate for change and hold leaders accountable.

Jennifer Thompson encouraged them to use these platforms not just for entertainment, but as tools to organize, educate and inspire, advocating for policies that promote sustainability, equity and justice.

She stressed the importance of collaboration and global connectivity in achieving sustainable development, urging the youth to connect with like-minded individuals, organizations and experts across the globe. “Sustainable development is not an individual effort but a collective one. Together, you can build a network of change-makers who are committed to a better world,” she stated.

Concluding her speech, Thompson reminded the youth that technology is only as powerful as the hands that wield it. “You are the force behind the digital tools, and it is your creativity, your passion, and your dedication that will determine how effectively we use them,” she said.

The Philanthropist and Chief Executive Officer’s message was clear: the future of Sierra Leone is in the hands of its youth. She urged them to walk boldly on the digital pathway, innovate, educate, advocate and collaborate, working together to build a Sierra Leone that is not only prosperous but also sustainable—a beacon of hope for the rest of the world.


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