First Lady Champions Global Fight to Protect Education

By Esther Wright

During the 5th Observance of the United Nations International Day to Protect Education from Attack, held in Doha, Qatar, Sierra Leone’s First Lady, Dr. Fatima Maada Bio, took a powerful stand advocating for global unity to protect education from the devastation caused by armed conflict. The event served as a critical platform to raise awareness of the dire consequences that violence and warfare impose on educational systems around the world.

Reflecting on Sierra Leone’s painful history, particularly the 11-year civil war that ravaged the country from 1991 to 2002, Dr. Bio highlighted the significant damage done to the nation’s educational infrastructure. The war not only demolished schools but also disrupted the lives of children and educators, leaving a permanent scar on Sierra Leone, a country once revered as the “Athens of West Africa.” She emphasized that education is more than an academic pursuit—it is a fundamental human right and a crucial pillar for sustainable development.

In her stirring address, Dr. Bio called for global cooperation to address this pressing issue. She issued a special plea to men, who are often seen as perpetrators of violence, urging them to break their silence and join the movement to safeguard education. “If you see something, say something,” she stressed, emphasizing the importance of vigilance and proactive action in the fight to protect schools and students from violence.

Her Excellency’s remarks align with broader international concerns about the intersection of armed conflict and education. Various studies have shown that conflicts disproportionately affect access to quality education, resulting in long-term socio-economic challenges for affected communities. Dr. Bio’s call for action is not only timely but vital in fostering a united global response to this growing crisis.

As nations continue to contend with ongoing conflicts and their lasting impact on future generations, prioritizing educational protection initiatives becomes increasingly urgent. Dr. Bio’s appeal is a reminder that safeguarding education requires collective efforts from all sectors of society—governments, NGOs, communities, and individuals alike. Her passionate advocacy reinforces the idea that education is a right that must be defended at all costs, ensuring that every child can learn and grow in a safe environment.

Dr. Fatima Maada Bio’s leadership at the event further solidifies her position as a global champion for peace and education, echoing the sentiment that global solidarity is essential in confronting this issue head-on.


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