President Bio Showcases Agricultural Success, Urges to Embrace Farming for Economic Growth

By Amin Kef (Ranger)

In a major demonstration of commitment to agricultural development, President Dr. Julius Maada Bio participated in a successful harvesting event on Sunday, September 15, 2024. At his farm located in Mafintha, Masiaka Highway, Koya Chiefdom, Port Loko District, President Bio harvested 7 tonnes of fish alongside a variety of agricultural produce.

The event was intended to set an example of leadership and underscore the President’s dedication to the country’s Food Security Agenda. During the harvesting, President Bio highlighted the benefits of local agriculture, urging Sierra Leoneans to support home-grown products. He emphasized that engaging in farming should be viewed as a viable business opportunity and encouraged even those without professional backgrounds in agriculture to participate.

“I am involved in farming to inspire more Sierra Leoneans to consider agriculture seriously,” President Bio stated. “The Feed Salone Initiative is a national program that we should all embrace, regardless of our political or regional affiliations.”

In addition to the fish harvest, the President showcased the farm’s poultry section, where Poultry Consultant, Petemaa Sheriff, revealed that the operation produces an impressive 7,600 eggs daily. He announced plans to expand production, noting that the farm utilizes 100% organic, locally produced feeds to ensure high-quality eggs for households.

Petemaa Sheriff also shared that the farm provides technical services for those interested in various agricultural ventures, including fish, vegetable and poultry farming. Services offered include local feed production, chicken processing and packaging, vegetable cultivation, small and large ruminant raising and youth training in poultry management.

The event concluded with a display of the farm’s diverse products, including catfish, tilapia, peppers, eggs, potatoes and a variety of vegetables. The showcase underscored the President’s commitment to promoting local agriculture and supporting the nation’s food security efforts.


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