Ambassador Kanu Warns Against Full-Blown War in Lebanon

By Alvin Lansana Kargbo

Sierra Leone’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Ambassador Michael Imran Kanu, has on Friday September 20, 2024 raised alarm over the potentially catastrophic consequences of an all-out war in Lebanon. Speaking at a United Nations emergency meeting convened to address the deteriorating situation in Lebanon, Ambassador Michael Imran Kanu called for urgent diplomatic intervention to prevent further escalation.

In his remarks, Ambassador Michael Imran Kanu underscored the need to protect the already fragile Lebanese economy and society from the fallout of intensified conflict. “Lebanon’s history of turmoil and fragility should remind us of the grave consequences of allowing the situation to spiral into a full-blown war,” he stated, urging the international community to prioritize peace efforts through the United Nations.

He condemned the recent surge in violent attacks that have claimed civilian lives, stressing the importance of adhering to international law and the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1701, which calls for a cessation of hostilities in the region. “We must work collectively to de-escalate tensions and uphold the tenets of peace and security,” Ambassador Michael Imran Kanu said, emphasizing the importance of implementing existing UN resolutions.

Ambassador Michael Imran Kanu concluded by calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, urging all parties to commit to peaceful means of resolving the conflict. His statement echoed similar sentiments expressed by other UN member states during the emergency meeting, where speakers condemned the violence and pressed for diplomatic solutions to restore regional stability.


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