Govt. Sets Aside One Billion Leones as Corona Virus Preparedness

JJ Saffa

By Amin Kef Sesay

It has been made known to this medium that the Government of Sierra Leone through the Ministry of Finance has lodged the sum of one billion Leones in the Emergency Coronavirus Account as a means of demonstrating its heightened alertness or preparedness for any eventual outbreak of the virus in the country.

According to reports, the Coronavirus disease continues to wreak havoc in different countries and with the virus having showed its ugly head in Senegal and Nigeria , the authorities in Sierra Leone have wisely  decided to put measures in place which will enhance a robust response in case of any outbreak.

Sierra Leone was seriously beaten and battered by the Ebola virus and exacted a devastating toll on human lives in the country and stalled its economic and social growth. The Government by then was caught on the hop or flat footed.

With lessons from the Ebola very much fresh and instructive, the New Direction Government has taken steps to avoid being caught in the same awkward situation. This move is laudable or commendable and speaks volume of how the Government prioritizes the welfare of its citizens.


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