Albert Academy’s 120th Anniversary: September 4 to October 4 2024 Declared World Albert Academy Month

By Foday Moriba Conteh

Albert Academy, one of the oldest and most prestigious secondary schools in Sierra Leone, founded by American missionaries on October 4, 1904, will celebrate its 120th anniversary on October 4, 2024. In an exclusive interview with the Chairman of the 120th Anniversary Committee, Albert Massaquoi, he disclosed that the period from September 4 to October 4, 2024, has been declared as World Albert Academy Month.

Albert Massaquoi expressed pride to serve as Chairman, during the historic occasion, emphasizing the school’s 120 years of academic excellence in Sierra Leone, West Africa and beyond. He encouraged alumni to actively participate in the celebrations, which include patronizing in securing a variety of commemorative items, such as T-shirts, coat badges, anniversary blazers and Africana attire available for pre-order or purchase through the Anniversary Committee.

Chairman of the 120th Anniversary Committee further revealed that the month-long festivities kicked off with an inter-class football competition at the Kingtom Playing Field and engaging alumni from various graduating classes.

He intimated that the Official anniversary celebrations will begin on September 29, 2024, with the Albert Academy Family Africana Service at King Memorial Methodist Church on Goderich Street, Freetown.

“Attendees are encouraged to wear the Albert Academy ‘Ashobi’, which can be purchased in advance,” he highlighted adding how the service, to be conducted entirely in ‘Krio’, will be followed by a procession from King Memorial Church to the school grounds, culminating in a bonfire and class reunion.

Albert Massaquoi also announced that the football competition’s grand finale will take place on September 21, 2024, preceded by a sponsored walk to raise awareness for the anniversary and promote health through exercise.

“Alumni groups from East End (Up Gun) and West End (Aberdeen Road) will converge at St. John and continue to the SLFA Academy at Kingtom for the final match,” he informed.

He maintained that adding to the nostalgic celebration, a “Back to School” event on October 1, 2024, will give alumni the chance to relive their school days, with a full day of class activities starting with assembly and concluding at the end of the school day.

“On the eve of Founders’ Day, October 4, an alumni jamboree will be held at the UMC Lodge on Kingharman Road, Freetown” he pointed out underscoring how the event will feature a freestyle carnival where participants are encouraged to dress in 1960s fashion incorporating Albert Academy colors saying prizes will be awarded to the best-dressed participants.

Albert Massaquoi concluded by highlighting that these activities aim to celebrate Albert Academy’s legacy of excellence and foster unity among the school’s global alumni community. “These events are planned to celebrate our rich history and bring together the Albert Academy community in a memorable way,” he said.


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