Finance Minister, NaCCED Launch ‘Citizen Guide to National Budget’

The Ministry of Finance, in collaboration with the National Council for Civic Education (NaCCED), has unveiled the Citizen Guide to the National Budget on Tuesday, March 12th, 2024 in a bid to enhance public understanding of fiscal matters. The launch took place at the Ministry of Finance Conference Hall on George Street in Freetown.

Chairing the ceremony, the Financial Secretary, Matthew Dingie, emphasized the importance of simplifying the national budget to ensure accessibility for ordinary citizens. He highlighted that while the 2024 Appropriation Act has been ratified by Parliament, its complexity often hinders public comprehension hence the collaboration with NaCCED and other civil society organizations aimed to elucidate key budgetary aspects.

Kalilu Totangi, Chairman of NaCCED, delineated the contents of the document, which covers various facets including the budget’s objectives, revenue sources, expenditure areas and associated risks.

Minister of Finance, Sheku Fantamadi Bangura, expressed gratitude to attendees and urged them to disseminate critical budgetary information. He underscored the Government’s commitment to transparency, citing the budget’s presentation to Parliament as evidence.

The Minister emphasized the interconnectedness of global economic dynamics with Sierra Leone’s economic management, affirming the Government’s proactive approach in confronting external challenges. He outlined the budget’s overarching theme, “Restoring Macro-Economic Stability While Protecting the Poor and Vulnerable,” underscoring its focus on citizen welfare and economic revival.

While prioritizing agriculture, the Finance Minister noted the Government’s efforts in bolstering sectors such as education, energy, health, transportation, roads and mining. He acknowledged the support of international partners like the International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank, FCDO and EU in fortifying Sierra Leone’s financial management systems.

The launch of the Citizen Guide to the National Budget signifies a concerted effort towards fostering financial literacy and public engagement in Sierra Leone’s fiscal affairs.


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