Key Takeaways from President Bio’s Visit to China for the 2024 FOCAC Summit

By Amin Kef (Ranger)

Sierra Leone’s President, Dr. Julius Maada Bio, concluded a highly successful visit to China for the 2024 Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC). During this summit, a series of crucial agreements were secured, marking significant strides in Sierra Leone’s economic and developmental landscape. The visit not only strengthened bilateral ties between Sierra Leone and China but also positioned Sierra Leone to benefit from China’s increased financial commitment to Africa.

Here are the major takeaways from President Bio’s visit:

  1. USD $50 Billion Financial Support for African Countries

One of the most significant outcomes of the 2024 FOCAC summit was the announcement by Chinese President, Xi Jinping, of a USD $50 billion financial package for African countries over the next three years. This pledge marks a USD $20 billion increase from the previous FOCAC summit in Dakar, Senegal. The funding will be directed towards infrastructure, technology and development projects across the continent, with Sierra Leone poised to benefit from this substantial boost in financial support.

In a social media post following his meeting with President Xi, President Bio stated: “My precursory meeting to FOCAC 2024 with President Xi Jinping was high-yielding. We agreed on cooperation on the key goals of our Big Five Agenda. I look forward to a stronger partnership between the People’s Republic of China and Sierra Leone.”

  1. USD $50 Million Agreement on SMART Sierra Leone Project

The Government of Sierra Leone (GoSL) signed a USD $50 million agreement with China to support the “SMART Sierra Leone Project.” This initiative aims to drive the country’s digital transformation, focusing on enhancing public administration, e-governance and the provision of digital services. Once implemented, the project is expected to position Sierra Leone as a leader in digital innovation within the region, significantly improving efficiency in governance and service delivery.

  1. Launch of the Digital Village Project

In a forward-thinking move to merge agriculture with technology, the GoSL also secured an agreement on the Digital Village Project, which will be implemented in Tormabum, a key agricultural hub in Sierra Leone. This initiative seeks to leverage digital tools to enhance agricultural productivity, linking farmers with advanced technological resources. The project is expected to improve food security, create efficient farming techniques and foster innovation in Sierra Leone’s agricultural sector.

  1. Expansion of the Mining Sector

Sierra Leone’s mining sector stands to benefit greatly from a landmark framework agreement signed by Mineral Wealth Fund SL Limited to expand mining operations. The agreement focuses on Tonkolili’s vast iron ore deposits, promising significant infrastructure investment. This expansion is projected to create thousands of jobs and attract additional foreign investment, positioning Sierra Leone as a major player in the global iron ore market.

  1. Fisheries Certification Breakthrough

After a 14-year wait, Sierra Leone has been awarded an International Fish Export Certificate by the Chinese Government. This long-awaited certification opens the door for Sierra Leone’s fish exports to international markets, presenting an opportunity for the country to generate substantial revenue from its fishing industry. The certification is a key milestone for the sector, which has struggled with export restrictions in recent years.

  1. Increased Development Assistance

In addition to the above agreements, China has pledged to increase its development assistance to Sierra Leone by 200 million Chinese yuan. This financial boost will support a range of development initiatives, including infrastructure, education and healthcare projects. The increased aid is expected to significantly contribute to Sierra Leone’s growth and development.

President Bio’s visit to China underscores the deepening relationship between Sierra Leone and China. During a meeting with President Xi Jinping at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, both leaders reaffirmed their commitment to enhancing cooperation on issues of mutual interest. President Xi highlighted that China and Sierra Leone should continue to stand together on critical issues and expressed China’s readiness to strengthen coordination with Sierra Leone on global platforms like the United Nations.

The Chinese leader also emphasized China’s role in promoting practical cooperation with African countries, further advancing modernization and creating a shared future for China and Africa. As China continues to invest heavily in Africa’s future, Sierra Leone is well-positioned to benefit from strengthened ties and increased investments.

President Bio’s participation in the 2024 FOCAC summit has yielded substantial benefits for Sierra Leone, with agreements and partnerships that will drive the country’s economic and social development. From digital transformation and agricultural innovation to mining expansion and fisheries certification, the deals signed during the summit will have far-reaching impacts on the nation. As Sierra Leone continues to deepen its partnership with China, these agreements will play a pivotal role in shaping the country’s development trajectory in the years to come.


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