National Competitive Bidding

Invitation for Bids (IFB)

National Competitive Bidding

Accountant General’s Department,

1st & 2nd Floor,  Ministerial Building, George Street, Freetown.

Procurement of Uniforms for female staff

Date of Issue: 20th July, 2020

Procurement Number:________ MOF/GoSL/ AGD/NCB/2020/019.

The Accountant General’s Department (AGD) has received funds from the Government of Sierra Leone (GoSL) through the Ministry of Finance. The AGD intends to utilize part of this fund to hire the services of a credible firm with proven expertise to supply Uniforms for female staff attached at the Accountant General’s Department and therefore invites sealed bids from eligible bidders operating in Sierra Leone.

Interested bidders may obtain further information and inspect the bidding documents at the address below between 10:00am to 3:00pm from Mondays to Fridays before the bid closing date. The bidding documents may be purchased upon payment of a non-refundable fee of Two hundred and Fifty thousand Leones (Le250,000.00) at the Administration and Central Services Unit of the Accountant General’s Department, 1st Floor, Ministerial Building, George Street, Freetown and a copy of the receipt submitted to the Procurement Unit for the issuance of the bidding document.

All bids must be accompanied with:

  • Bid security of Three million Leones (Le3, 000,000.00), it must be in the form of a valid bank guarantee from a reputable Commercial Bank operating in Sierra Leone.
  • A copy of a valid business registration certificate
  • A copy of a valid tax clearance certificate from the National Revenue Authority (NRA).
  • A copy of a valid NASSIT clearance certificate,
  • A copy of a valid local council License
  • Sealed bids must be delivered to the address below on or before 14th August, 2020 at 1100 Hours GMT. Electronic bidding will not be permitted; late bids will be rejected and returned unopened to bidders

Bids must be delivered to the address below on or before 14th August, 2020 at 11:00 am.

Bids will be opened publicly on 14th August 2020 at 11:15 am, in the presence of bidders or representatives of bidders who choose to attend, at the address below.  Late bids will be rejected and returned unopened to bidders.

The Senior Procurement Officer,

Administration and Central Service Unit,

Accountant General’s Department;

1st Floor, Ministerial Building, George Street, Freetown.

Contact No: +232-78-350-504.

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The Calabash Newspaper
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