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CGG Boss Dilates on the Significance of Media Discipline

From l-r: Marcella Samba Sesay, Abu-Bakarr Sheriff Esq. and Lucy Ann Ganda

By Foday Moriba Conteh

Executive Director of Campaign for Good Governance (CGG) Marcella Samba Sesay has expressed the view that in the context of discipline, it is not only about moral etiquette but it is also about quality, the packaging, rebranding, posture and the looks.

She furthered that: “When we talk about media discipline, I think this is what it entails and so it is not only about mediating conflict but also about ensuring that the media present itself as a force to reckon with.”

Marcella was speaking as the Vice Chairperson of the newly constituted SLAJ Disciplinary Committee during a complaint hearing and meeting with Regional Executives of the Association and representatives of national media groups at the SLAJ Headquarters in Freetown on 1st May, 2020.

The meeting was organised by the Media Reform Coordinating Group (MRCG) with funding from NED. The CGG head reminded journalists about the change in dynamics in the media landscape and the need to understand that it is only important that within this change context, they are able to find a niche and situate traditional media effectively. Society, she said, has a lot of hope and aspirations on this crop of people who should be able to bring credible, timely and valuable information on a daily basis.

The tools of the trade have also changed and keep changing, she said. “We also need to understand that we should be able to practically use available tools in modern day to empower this work we do. Despite the fact that we are talking about traditional media, the modes, patterns and ethics that we have been used to five/ten years ago are no longer the same because they have changed tremendously. We need to position ourselves to these changing dynamics,” said Marcella.

According to Marcella, society has moved from that traditional space as the media is now seen as being able to take a frontline and engage Government on critical issues bordering around the State because they are in possession of the requisite information.

The media, she said, need to use such information to influence policy and to facilitate the desired change society needs. “We are actually playing a pivotal role and so if we are part of ensuring that we support this media discipline, I think this is the way we want to go,” said Marcella. Conflict, she said, is inevitable as people will become agitated and there will be issues to resolve. “Other than that, we want to accompany the media in an era of growth which is want we want to do as a team.

We want to ensure that when we look at the Sierra Leone media landscape, we would be able to say within this period, we were able to grapple with critical issues and there have been men and women of substance who have risen to the occasion,” said Marcella. On behalf of her institution, CGG, she thanked the leadership of SLAJ for giving her the opportunity to collaborate with the media.

“The work we do is advocacy, fostering a cohesive society and equally so changing the behavior pattern of individuals. So without effective collaboration with the media, it’s almost impossible to achieve our goal in our campaign,” she noted.

Their campaign, she added, uses predominantly the spaces that are available to reach out to the public. “If we are collaborating with the media, it is important that we collaborate with a professional entity; an entity that is able to stand the test of time, shape society and for which citizens can get trusted information from,” said Marcella.

Other members of the Disciplinary Committee present at the meeting were Abubakarr Sheriff Esq. and Lucy Ann Ganda. Abubakarr Sheriff Esq, who is the Secretary of the Disciplinary Committee, said the wheels of change in SLAJ are moving rapidly and they, as committee members, are pleased to be part of that.

The role of journalists, he said, is enshrined in the 1991 Constitution and ‘it is a statutory mandate as part of our civic responsibility as citizens’. But in playing that role, he said, there has to be rules and regulations. “We already know that by way of statute, there is also the Independent Media Commission. I know what it means to be an editor and journalist in this country; the challenges are too many but as professionals we have to strive to do the right thing.

We are not coming with cane in our hands to flog our colleagues. I would say this is not a censorship but it is part of the processes of self-regulating ourselves. We all know the draconian libel laws and the earlier they are expunged, the better for all of us,” said Sheriff Esq. adding that the Committee will not work alone but will journey together with media practitioners and media groupings towards ethical and professional journalism.

Earlier, the Chairman of MRCG, Dr. Francis Sowa, said since the election of the new SLAJ Executive there have been calls for enforcement of the SLAJ Code of Ethics. “We should note the importance of this document; that it is among the package for the repeal of the Criminal Libel Law. In other words, it shows our own seriousness that we are able to regulate ourselves. The best form of regulation is self-regulation.

Today is a very important day that we are starting this complaint hearing session with all the Executives of SLAJ and heads of other media organizations. I believe after today, the President of SLAJ would be in a better position to widely disseminate this code.

This process today is sending a message to the wider community that indeed as journalists we are serious about regulating ourselves, which is why the MRCG, for which SLAJ is an integral part, with our little support through NED think it would be good to support a meeting of this nature because SLAJ is our own member,” said Dr. Sowa.

Furthermore, he said the importance of the SLAJ Disciplinary Committee is also related to the current situation at hand with COVID-19. “We have started hearing complaints from the public about some media institutions in the way they even come out and report. Granted the majority of media institutions have done remarkably well. We consider this as a land mark event in terms of ensuring professionalism within SLAJ. I only hope that when we go back to our different organizations, we will let the other members know that the code exists,” he said.

Meanwhile, the SLAJ President Ahmed Sahid Nasralla thanked the MRCG for supporting the meeting and paid tribute to the outgoing Disciplinary Committee comprising of Joshua Nicol, Dr. Williette James and Mamadi Gobeh Kamara. “The committee is now fully operational.

We have strengthened its composition; before now we have only three members who were all from the Association but following a resolution we had at our 2017 AGM, during which our membership called for reconstitution and strengthening of the committee, we agreed to co-opt two members from the public to make their own contributions because they are the core recipients of the product that we give out which is news and information.

So we now have five members; three professional journalists and two members from the public. The Disciplinary Committee will now be supported by district and regional monitors,” said Nasralla.

All of this, Nasralla continued, is coming against the backdrop of the repeal of the Criminal Libel Law and one of the key concerns of Parliamentarians is about the assurances that SLAJ will give to the public in terms of ensuring ethical and professional practice.

Nasralla said the SLAJ constitution provides for a DC that should help popularise and enforce the SLAJ Code of Ethics and maintain discipline within the Association. Through a power-point presentation, Nasralla highlighted key sections of the Code and encouraged journalists to strictly adhere to them in the conduct of their trade at all times.


On the Occasion of Europe Day 2020… EU Tom Vens Calls for Unity to Combat COVID-19

the European Ambassador to Sierra Leone, Tom Vens

By Amin Kef Sesay

In celebrating Europe Day 2020 last Saturday 9th May 2020 the European Ambassador to Sierra Leone, Tom Vens, disclosed that they were marking Europe Day and the 70th anniversary of the formation of the European Union.

He opined that at the heart of Europe Day is the very important occasion to celebrate peace.

“On Europe Day, the European Union Institutions and their Delegations all around the world traditionally organise a variety of events and activities to mark this important occasion, to celebrate the European values of unity and solidarity and to reaffirm our ties with our partner countries,” he revealed further highlighting that the COVID 19 pandemic has not made such possible during this year.

Ton Vens stated that the ongoing crisis leaves no room for social gatherings saying their thoughts are going out to all those who are fighting against the virus or suffering because of it. “The COVID-19 pandemic is touching every community and every household, affecting nearly every aspect of our daily lives,” he underscored adding how that has become very personal for many of them.

He noted that COVID-19 is changing our world stating that we must not let it drift us apart but rather the global challenge should bring us together as a world community as has never happened before.

The European Ambassador stated that at the global level the European Union is taking resolute actions and mobilising all means at its disposal to help their partner countries with their national responses.

He said the European Union firmly stands with Sierra Leone during these difficult times pointing out that they are here, together. “We are supporting the Government, the People and communities of Sierra Leone to eradicate the COVID-19 virus and to make the country safe for all. This is not just a commitment: we are doing it,” Tom Vens expressed determination.

He said they are constantly adapting their priorities, programmes and projects and have mobilised additional funds to support the COVID response in Sierra Leone.

But at the same time, he continued, they cannot be blind to the other development needs stating how they will continue to build roads and bridges, continue to invest in education and stronger institutions, continue to support agriculture and food security during these difficult times.

“At a time like this when it is easy to be overwhelmed by emotion, fear, anxiety and insecurity, staying true to our values of solidary and unity is crucial,” he furthered adding beating the coronavirus pandemic requires extra-ordinary efforts at all levels and from all of us.

He said at a time like this, even our smallest actions as individuals can have great meaning maintaining that we can all do something to make things better: by uniting as a nation and making space for constructive engagement, by complying with guidelines and measures that have been put in place, by spreading awareness about the virus, by sharing facts instead of rumours, by preserving a peaceful environment.

Tom Vens said they know that Sierra Leoneans are strong and resilient saying they saw it during Ebola and know it is possible now.

“Are you passionate about your country? About partnership and development? Do you want to share your views on how we can all help during this pandemic ?” he asked sending an invitation to make voices heard on their Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/EUinSierraLeone/, where ,he said, they are creating a virtual space to celebrate Europe Day, starting last Saturday.

He said on the occasion of Europe Day, as EU they would also like to express their sincere thanks and appreciation for all those who are on the frontline to combat the COVID-19 disease in Sierra Leone.

Tom Vens said they take hope from all the doctors, health care professionals and sanitation workers who bravely and tirelessly provide vital care and support during this crisis.

“If you help a person, you help a family. If you help a family, you help a community. If you help a community, you help a country. If you help a country, you help humanity,” he enjoined ending up in Krio: “Tem lek dis, wi for join an togeda for fet corona virus komot na Salone. Wuna tenki!”


Alpha Khan Appointed as Strategic Adviser

Hon. Dr. Alhaji Alpha Bakarr Sahid Kanu

By Amin Kef Sesay

In a new development that has surprised many, President Dr Julius Maada Bio has, on the 7th May 2020, appointed APC strongman Hon. Dr. Alhaji Alpha Bakarr Sahid Kanu popularly known as Alpha Khan as the Strategic Adviser -Social Mobilization and Food Security at the  Office of the Interim National Coordinator, COVID-19 Response.

Some have interpreted this latest move as a clear demonstration of President Bio’s desire to lead a unified and cohesive nation.

That particular school of thought believes that the President had always reiterated that the development of Sierra Leone requires collective effort.

Many have commended Hon. Alpha Kahn for accepting the call to serve his nation especially at a time when some of his colleagues have chosen the path of fanning tribal and regional bigotry through hate and divisive messages among supporters.

It could be recalled that the Hon. Alpha Kanu served in various Ministerial capacities under the former APC Government and was also National Publicity Secretary of the APC party.

He is known to be an eloquent speaker who can inspire people and a very good mixer. That besides, he is said to be highly knowledgeable and very versatile.

East End Lions Joins the Fight Against COVID-19

Cross sections of officials of East End Lions Football Club during the presentation

By Amin Kef Sesay

As part of their support towards the fight against the coronavirus in the country, Champions of Sierra Leone Premier League 2019, officials of the East End Lions Football Club, has on Saturday 9th May, 2020 donated the sum of Twenty Million Leones, 20 Bags of Rice and 200 bars of Soap to the Government of Sierra Leone, through the Emergency Operations Centre (EOC). The donation was done at the forecourt of the Emergency Operation Centre at Cockerill in Freetown.

Present during the donation were the Spokesperson for the Covid-19 Response, Solomon Jamiru Esq, Chairlady of East End Lions Football Club, Asmaa James, Membership Global Coordinator and Sponsorship East End Lions Football Club, Dr Fatou Taqi, Technical Lead Covid-19 Response -Brig. Prof Foday Sahr, Member of Strategic Planning Covid-19 Larry Bassie, Head Coach East End Lions Football Club, Coach John Keister, officials of the club Festus Sowa, Abdul Karim Kabba (AKK), players and Staff of the EOC.

In her presentation, Chairlady East End Lions Football Club, Asmaa James, said that East End Lions Football Club as the Champions of the Sierra Leone Premier League decided to donate to the Emergency Operation Centre in order to show their solidarity with the Government, People of Sierra Leone and to give their support in the fight against COVID 19, adding that they are aware about the constraints the EOC is facing in trying to curtail the spread of the virus in the country. She maintained that it was against such a backdrop that they thought it fit as a football Club to give support to the fight which she said could only been won if all hands are on deck so that the country will resume normalcy and get their boys back to the pitch.

She expressed appreciation to their Elders and the Chairman of East End Lions Football Club, Amb Junior Navo, Executive, fans and players for the support they have been giving towards the development of the club.

Receiving the donation on behalf of the EOC, the Spokesperson for Covid-19 Response, Solomon Jamiru Esq, applauded the East End Lions Football Club for their support towards the fight against the Covid-19 in the country.

He admonished all to adhere strictly to the practices and measures instituted by the Government, through the Ministry of Health and Sanitation and other stakeholders in order to curtail the spared of the virus in the country.

He called on other football Clubs, individuals or organizations to support the fight with whatever little they can offer noting that nothing is too small for a national fight like this.

He promised that he will present the donation to the Head of EOC Retired Brigadier Hassan Kellie Conteh and his team underscoring how he knows they appreciate  their gesture ending up, on behalf of the Emergency Response Center, by extending thanks and appreciation to the East End Lions Football Club.

One official of East End Lions Football Club handing over the Twenty Millions Leones Cheque to the Spokesperson for Covid-19 Response, Solomon Jamiru Esq.
Cross sections of officials of East End Lions Football Club during the presentation

‘Empowered Women Empower Women’ & Partners Donate Food Items to Vulnerable Children

Mrs. Jennifer Adeshola Thomason ,who happens to be the pioneer of these organizations.

By Foday Moriba Conteh

‘Empowered Women Empower Women’ a feminist organization, in partnership with ‘No Child Left Behind Initiative’, has on Saturday 9th May, 2020 embarked on a Coronavirus sensitization drive and distribution of food items which includes Rice, Maggi, Onions etc. and facial masks to the less privileged children within the Adonkia community. The event took place at the Goderich Community Centre in Freetown.

Addressing the beneficiaries, Vice President of ‘Empowered Women Empower Women’ Dorren Barrie said as part of their support towards combating the coronavirus in the country the two organizations saw the need to embark on sensitization drives and distribution of food items and facial masks targeting over 200 children.

She stated that at a time like this when the coronavirus is ravaging the country the welfare of children should be considered as very important, adding that handing washing, social distancing and the use of facial masks are very important towards curtailing the spread of the virus in the country.

“In that regard we also used the opportunity to educate the children on hand washing and the use of facial masks,” she furthered.

She stated that the intervention of these organizations in the fight is a clear manifestation that they care for the welfare of children even in the midst of the coronavirus outbreak, which she said is indicative of the fact that they are committed to contribute to the socio-economic development of children and the nation as a whole.

She expressed appreciation to Mrs. Jennifer Adeshola Thomason ,who happens to be the pioneer of these organizations saying she has been working tremendously in order to support less privilege children across the country.

She also admonished the parents and the children to strictly practice what the Government, through the Ministry of Health and Sanitation and other stakeholders have put together in terms of the protective measures in order to curtail the spread of the coronavirus in the country.

One of the beneficiaries, Fatamata Bangura expressed appreciation to the two organizations for the gesture which she described as very timely , adding that as it now things are not really easy. She narrated how she normally sells just to put food on their table, but said with the donation received it will help them greatly. She also called on other humanitarian organizations and individuals to follow the footsteps of these organizations during a crucial moment like this.

Abu Kanu, a parent of one of the beneficiaries, also expressed appreciation for the donation which he also said is not only important but a timely move by these organizations.

He also urged citizens to adhere to all preventive measures in order for us a nation to combat the deadly virus in the country in order for things to become normal again.

Vice President of ‘Empowered Women Empower Women’ Dorren Barrie handing over the food items to one of the beneficiary
Cross Section of members of both Organizations
Vice President of ‘Empowered Women Empower Women’ Dorren Barrie handing over the food items to one of the beneficiary

As He Responds to Violent Upheavals…   Bio Spits Fire

President Julius Maada Bio

By Amin Kef Sesay 

President Julius Maada Bio on 8 May 2020 addressed the nation in unequivocal terms, days after violent incidents erupted in different parts of the country to which he specifically responded.

He first called on all Sierra Leoneans to celebrate the ties that bind us as a nation and not the angers that blind us also outlining how they convened a national convention that agreed to institute a permanent Commission for Peace and National Cohesion that would identify and address all triggers of conflict in our nation.

He furthered that over and over again, he asked every Sierra Leonean to contribute to build inclusive and resilient national institutions, to consolidate our democracy, and to build a peaceful Sierra Leone.

“The Sierra Leone Association of Journalists has acknowledged that they practice journalism freely and we are working with them to repeal obnoxious laws and further enhance professional development in journalism,” the President revealed adding that  Civil Society Organizations are speaking up freely and holding Government accountable for which they are grateful acknowledging that they are playing their part as citizens.

“Organized labour organizations, professional organizations, religious bodies, Paramount Chiefs, community stakeholders, the private sector all continue to contribute positively to our peaceful co-existence as a nation,” he highlighted maintaining how the International Community in Sierra Leone continues to engage with Government and Sierra Leoneans in general in fostering peace and supporting development.

He noted that in this Holy Month of Ramadan, Sierra Leoneans, irrespective of ethnicity and political party, buy and sell in the same markets, live peacefully in the same communities and breakfast and worship Allah Subuhanah wa T’Allah together and in peace.

President Bio stated that presently Sierra Leone is contending with COVID-19 that has already killed over two hundred thousand people worldwide including Sierra Leoneans at home and abroad saying we will remember them and their families.

“We will also continue praying for our compatriots and their families who are currently battling with this highly infectious and deadly disease,” he said with emotion also thanking and urging Sierra Leoneans to continue to comply with all hygiene and public health directives as we work hand-in-hand to rid this country of the Corona Virus.

He called for solidarity and cooperation from all well- meaning Sierra Leoneans across the nation to join in informing and mobilizing communities to prevent, curtail, and protect against COVID-19.

The President said it is times like this, in our country’s greatest hour of need, that we should all voluntarily stand up for our shared values, our common destiny, and the only place we call home.

He said when Ebola ravaged the nation he did not wait for an invitation or a telephone call to lead his party’s social mobilization and fight against Ebola.

“I travelled to every part of this country that was accessible to me and delivered a message that was in consonance with the Government’s strategy and objectives in fighting Ebola,” he disclosed pointing out that such is what serving the national interest is -not waiting to be begged pleasantly to serve the country and putting the country’s interests always above all else.

He said as President he reached out to all Sierra Leoneans to work together to make the country a peaceful place for all.

“I dispatched the Honourable Vice President to former President Ernest Bai Koroma to initiate dialogue on fostering peace and resolving the acrimony of division,” he asserted disclosing how he followed that with a personal invitation of the entire leadership of the All People’s Congress party to State House, (including former President Dr. Ernest Bai Koroma), to discuss the way forward for a peaceful and united Sierra Leone.

He said in the post-meeting Memorandum of Understanding, they resolved on working urgently on building a united and cohesive Sierra Leone free of patronage, threats, hate, virulent partisanship, and corruption.

“But within those two years, there has been an unrelenting barrage of attacks against the State, State officials, public and private persons and properties,” the President lamented maintaining how that hearkens back to a public threat issued by the losing Presidential candidate that the All Peoples Congress party would make the country ungovernable.

He said one would therefore expect that the leadership of the All People’s Congress, like the leaderships of the other political parties in Sierra Leone, would have publicly and staunchly condemn as well as dissociate the party from any persons or groups of persons who incite hate, associate with and support violence, or participate in violence against the State.

The President said they have not but rather the leadership has made public statements that have heightened tensions.

“Evidence emerging from investigations have named known local leaders and members of the APC as being responsible for inciting, planning, financing, mobilizing, and in some cases actively participating in violent terrorist attacks against the people of this country,” he alleged.

President Bio hammered that the silence of the national APC leadership on the active participation of their members and executive members in these acts of terrorist violence, senseless loss of lives, injuries and wanton destruction of public and personal property is truly disconcerting.

He strongly underscored that the actions of those persons are not peaceful political expressions as one expects in a democracy pointing out that their actions are carefully planned, coordinated, well-orchestrated and executed acts of violent terrorism targeting the State, State officials, public buildings, and private persons and property.

“Like terrorists elsewhere, they even record their acts with telephone cameras, run self-valorising commentaries on their acts of extreme violence and killings, and share those synchronously in WhatsApp forums,” President Bio further accused.

He said for each of the attacks at Lunsar, Foredugu, Tombo, and the prison breakout at Pademba Road Correctional Centres, known agents and associates of the All People’s Congress party have publicly predicted the precise date, target, and nature of the attacks stating that there is an obvious pattern.

“These attacks are therefore premeditated, orchestrated, and executed with a clear objective – to make the State ungovernable,” he also described. He told the nation that persons who have been arrested are not being held because of their political beliefs or their professional work as journalists.

“Beating a journalist to death, persistently inciting people to violence against the State, the unauthorized carrying of loaded firearms, burning down the homes and vehicles of Chiefs, burning down hospitals and community health centres, burning down police stations, destroying telecommunications installations, burning down large parts of prisons, violently killing persons with machetes and iron bars, are all criminal offences,” he strongly stated.

He said what each and all of them have done are not peaceful political expressions stating that they are either being held on criminal charges or being investigated for criminal violence and terrorism-related offences.

The Commander-in-Chief stated that incitement to extreme criminal violence, arson, murder and attempted murder, other felonious acts targeting the State, State officials, public officials, private citizens, and public and private persons are not peaceful political actions meant to foster peace in Sierra Leone.

He told Sierra Leoneans that the right to free speech is guaranteed in our democracy and in our constitution adding that no democracy guarantees a right to speech that incites criminal violence, foments hate and divisiveness, causes public disorder, and threatens the security and stability of the State.

The President further stated how he is certain that our international partners agree with them that prosperity and development are possible only when there is peace and stability.

He intimated how countries that have prospered have always ensured first that peace and security are maintained stating how international partners, as moral guarantors of our peace, should therefore single out and wholeheartedly condemn persons and organizations associated with such acts of extreme violence against the State.

He again said, in peaceful democracies, citizens strive for the common good, peacefully cohabit with other citizens, and advocate for and protect their rights through peaceful norms and practices.

“Our enforcement agencies and the justice sector will ensure that every citizen’s right to due process is respected and justice is dispensed speedily and without hindrance, fear, or favour,” he revealed, underscoring how the rule of law is supreme, emphatically stating that no citizen, absolutely no citizen, is above the law.

He said his Government has been closely following events of the last few weeks stating how the security sector has closely analyzed the prime movers, financiers, causes, nature, and patterns of violent acts saying their responses are therefore well-informed.

The President said, in very certain terms, that as Commander-in-Chief, he has ordered the intelligence and security forces to use all available resources, and take all measures necessary within the laws of this country to deal promptly, decisively, and robustly with all acts of violence against the State.

“Anybody who incites, plans, supports, undertakes, or is involved in any manner of violence in this country will be dealt with harshly,” the President warmed furthering how they will use all instruments of State power and resources permissible under the laws of this country to deal firmly and decisively with violent terrorist attacks against the State.

He said he has also ordered urgent reforms within the security sector saying the objective is to make their leadership more decisive, more effective in crime prevention and deterrence, and to maintain peace and stability in the face of extreme acts of terrorist violence against the State.

“I have called for more citizen engagement so that communities are more intimately involved in preventing crime and the causes of crime,” he disclosed stating how he wants to personally encourage Civil Society Organizations to expand their scope of work to capture those dynamics in their daily work with communities.

He stated how he has also ordered urgent reforms within the correctional system to provide for safe and secure custody in line with international best practices while developing a reintegration component focused on skills training and entrepreneurship.

The President said he is aware that the courts are closed because of COVID-19 saying that given the prevailing circumstances, he will appeal to the Chief Justice to consider appropriate measures to adjudicate the cases that emerge from the widespread insecurity.

The First Gentleman said equally given the destruction to the Pademba Road Correctional Centre and the burning down of Police Stations in parts of the country in addition to over- crowding in the Correctional Centres and police cells, there is a need to think about decentralizing court hearings.

He reaffirmed that any act of violence will be dealt with within the broad spectrum of the law pointing out that citizens have an obligation to obey law and order.

The President firmly stated that those who think that by fomenting trouble and inciting violence in the country, they can derail and distract the Government from fighting corruption, attracting investors, and meeting its promise to deliver development of this nation, must know now that they will lose the fight.

The President ended up by stating that his Government will hit hard and it will continue to hit even harder until the fight is won stating that it is a fight for the unity, stability, development, and the future of the only place we call home. “It is a fight that we must fight and it is a fight that we must win,” the President concluded.

In analysing the speech, the Managing Editor of this medium, Amin Kef Sesay aka Ranger stated that it is a ground breaking address to the nation that calls for decisive actions to deal with the spate of violence.

He said the novelty in the address lies in three fronts. First, the President cited his personal efforts to build and promote inclusive dialogue to deliver development to the people of this country including engaging the leadership of the APC.

Secondly, that he gave clear orders to the security sector to deal with all acts of violence decisively and within the broader spectrum of the law while at the same time calling on community leaders and Civil Society Organizations to expand their engagement with fragile communities.

Finally, he said the President used the term terrorism to define the actions of the drivers of violence in the country ,which according to him is a new approach that raises fundamental questions as to how this brand of violence is viewed and likely to be treated by the State.

He furthered that such indicates that Sierra Leone has joined the likes of Mali, Niger, Burkina-Faso, Cote D’Ivoire and Nigeria to define politically inspired violence as acts of terrorism against the State.

Such, he said, implies that Sierra Leone will now draw on both national and international legal instruments to respond to any act of violence against the State.

“This will no doubt open new doors to file extradition charges against persons living outside of the country that are believed to inciting violence in Sierra Leone,” Ranger opined adding that from all indications, it is now clearly evident that a new chapter in President Bio’s determined efforts to move this country forward has opened.

He, however, said it is not clear at this stage how citizens will react to this new approach but underscored that what is clear however is that majority of Sierra Leoneans, including Civil Society Organizations, are behind the Commander in Chief to deliver peace and development in Sierra Leone.

Pee Cee and Sons Exhibits Incisive Entrepreneurial Skills

Pee Cee and Sons Sierra Leone Limited

By Amin Kef Sesay

The private sector plays decisive roles in fostering development in any nation as it is very obvious that Governments exclusively cannot champion to undertake all interventions that are geared towards improving the lives and welfare of the populace.

One business entity that has been doing business in this country for quite a considerable period of time now is Pee Cee and Sons Sierra Leone Limited. This private business enterprise has expanded the scope of its operations over the years during which period job opportunities have been provided and huge taxes paid to the Government which in turn had and is still contributing to give Government the financial muscle to fund different development programmes.

Indisputably, Pee Cee and Sons is one of the most successful businesses in the country that has demonstrated true entrepreneurship skills in serving the local market. Whilst other businesses are folding up due to the prevailing challenges in the current market, Pee Cee and Sons holds high the banner of serving its customers with quality goods and services

Petty traders and other business-oriented professionals have acclaimed Pee Cee and Sons for the continuous sustainability of its businesses across the country even at difficult moments in the country. “To succeed in commerce, you need three things: demand products to sell, the skills to market them, and the drive to succeed,” says Marie Bob Kandeh of the Petty Traders Association, making reference to Pee Cee and Sons, which continues to serve the country with quality goods and services.

Pee Cee & Sons (PCS), an enterprise that strives to offer quality brands that are affordably-priced and available to buy nationwide has been in existence for over fifty years and has maintained its standards, being one of the largest distributors and marketing companies for food products in Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea. It represents world-renowned brands for a variety of frozen, chilled, dry food and non-food products, and it caters for wholesale, foodservice, and retail sectors.

As a household name in the three countries in the Mano River basin, PCS has a vertically-integrated set up whereby it handles everything from procurement, import logistics, clearing, warehousing, distribution, and final sales to consumers.

It operates in all cities in the length and breadth of Sierra Leone where it can serve the local population with its own integrated wholesale and retail distribution centers.

PCS is widely known for trading on convenience goods, which are products lives cannot do without. These are more in regards to products which are staples and essential to daily living. These products are classified as convenience goods, items that are widely available, and regularly bought with very little effort.

The Government of Sierra Leone had been urged to provide a safe and friendly business environment for businesses like Pee Cee and Sons to operate so that it continues to serve the people. “We can use Pee Cee and Sons as a practical model on how successful businesses should operate in Sierra Leone,” Mohamed J. Koroma of the Marketers Association suggests and furthered that the Government of Sierra Leone can gain a lot if it promotes businesses like Pee Cee and Sons.

As stated above, a variety of frozen, chilled, dry food and non-food products are often purchased, and PCS has created an opportunity for customers who do not need to go through a rigorous decision-making process to get their products.

What most Sierra Leoneans interviewed are happy about is the fact that the convenience goods sold and distributed by Pee Cee and Sons are usually inexpensive and have a low opportunity cost for customers, and it offers retailers an opportunity to sell in their localities.

“I believe that Pee Cee and Sons is demonstrating a merchandising strategy implemented by retailers where they stock impulse goods – goods which are purchased instantaneously without significant thought process – to great effect,” a Trade Expert in the Ministry of Trade remarked and added that for the successful merchandising practice by Pee Cee and Sons, a healthy mix of product types is playing a pivotal role in the profitability of its business centers.


NP-SL Ltd is Very Passionate about Efficient Service Delivery

By Amin Kef Sesay

Sierra Leone’s leading oil marketing company, the National Petroleum (NP) Sierra Leone-Limited, has been very steadfast in its service delivery of high standard petroleum products which it imports since this country is not an oil producing nation.

Due to good managerial decisions, the company has been doing extremely and exemplary well in terms of always ensuring the availability of those products in a timely manner which makes it possible for individuals to have ready access to them. It is no secret that the seriousness of the company, with regards ambitiously striving towards reaching the pinnacle within the business landscape not only in this country but far beyond, has heightened the confidence of its business partners to continue business relationships.

It must be hammered that NP-SL-Ltd is not extraordinary because like any business entity the company is susceptible to internal and external shocks that impact on its efficacy and sustainability. Currently, the high exchange rate of the dollar to the Leone, meaning the Leone has drastically depreciated, is affecting many entities, creating inflation (prices of basic commodities have skyrocketed) and impinging negatively on the overall standard of living. NP-SL –Ltd pays for petroleum products it imports and understandably whenever the price of the dollar goes up then it means the company is spending more Leones to buy dollars in order do so.

Accessing the very dollar has turned out to be a huge task as it is scarce which has created a situation whereby the company has to go the extra-mile to get the required amount of dollars it needs from time to time to import the products it markets.

For such an important company to continue to thrive it is but very prudent on the part of the Petroleum Regulatory Agency, the Bank of Sierra Leone and other commercial banks to give it the maximum attention and support it needs in the company’s bid to do foreign exchange transactions.

It has gone down the annals of history that the company is impressively one of the most successful indigenous entities that is sustainably forging ahead when others have collapsed for a variety of reasons.

A marked reality of the company’s viability is evident in its opening of branches in Guinea, Liberia, Ivory Coast, The Gambia and in all of those places it is providing qualitative customer care services to residents, making it a prime priority.

It has been established that NP has been meaningfully contributing to economic growth through payment of taxes and rolling out meaningful interventions in the discharge of its Corporate Social Responsibility which are transforming lives and improving communities.

The company has gained reputation for offering different jobs to Sierra Leoneans throughout the country where it is operating and this has helped in improving standards of living.

NP-SL gives preference to Sierra Leoneans with regards offering jobs, a clear indication that it is strictly poised towards adherence to the country’s Local Content Policy. Utilizing local talents makes it possible for indigenes to imbibe useful knowledge and skills through training exercises that could be applicable in other places.

The company has one of the best cooking gadgets, known as NP Gas that offers suitability for cooking purposes. There are different cylinder sizes and they could be located at all the filling stations of the company and also accessed from authorized agents or dealers.

In this digital age, moving away from the traditional way of transacting business has now become the norm. It is along such a line that it was thought wise on the part of the shareholders and Management to introduce the use of smart cards. With these cards, customers can procure petroleum products of whatever quantity they do desire.

“Using NP smart card always makes transactions very easy and convenient for me,” a prominent entrepreneur informed.

For its solid service delivery to its numerous and esteemed customers right across the country, the company over the years, has gained widespread recognition and admiration evident in bagging awards from different organizations.

NP is really promoting efficient service delivery, contributing positively to the socio-economic development of the country but it must be reiterated that contractual business agreements must be strictly adhered to by other parties so that such an important company will continue to operate unfettered.

Social Distancing for now is a Preventive Measure Impossible

Social Distancing

By Amin Kef Sesay

Nobody should make the mistake that COVID-19 is a mere myth. The virus is REAL and it is taking a heavy toll on lives and economies right across the globe as no continent has been spared from the ravages it is causing. This point must be strongly registered against the backdrop that there are certain people in our midst who are tenaciously denying the existence of the virus in this country, on the basis that it is just a mere ploy on the part of the Government to be considered for any form of financial support or donation that the International Community could dish out towards combating the spread of the virus.

In a nutshell, they are claiming that the Government is not saying the truth that the virus does not exist in this part of the world, simply out of greed and financial aggrandizement. But such a similar denial was one of the conspiracy theories that went a little bit viral after the Ebola outbreak surfaced not until when loved ones were consumed in droves by the virus when indeed the realization dawned, on those who hitherto held a contrary view, that indeed the Ebola virus was REAL and DEADLY.

At this material time, the most disheartening thing about this unprecedented virus, which only reared its ugly head towards the end of 2019 in the Far East, precisely in China, is that it has remained elusive. Up to this time there has been no known cure, though medical researchers are currently working frantically round the clock to discover or come up with a vaccine, which many are yearning for because most are now sick and tired of the dislocations the spread of the virus is causing.

Here in Sierra Leone, since the Corona virus entered the country the SLPP-Led Government under the leadership of President Julius Maada Bio has really take huge strides to contain its spread among the populace. Necessary medical mechanisms have been put in place with regards setting up a Response Team, instituting additional treatment centres, procuring additional medical equipments, boosting the morale of health workers and instituting other parameters that are all geared towards curtailing the spread of the virus.

Our President has indeed, really demonstrated exemplary leadership in mobilizing both human and material resources just to keep the country safe from the deadly clutches of one of the most deadly viruses that has invaded humanity. President Bio must be truly commended for his sincerity in leading the fight!

The world over, preventive measures have been mapped out which all must follow or strictly adhere to in order not to come in contact with the virus. The most outstanding being, frequent washing of hands with soap/sanitizer, to avoid handshaking, make use of face masks, avoid frequent touching of the nose, eyes, mouth, avoid hand shaking, to cover our mouths with our elbows whenever we cough or sneeze, use tissue to cover our mouths as an alternative and quickly dispose it in the bin and practice social distancing of three feet apart. These preventive measures have now become messages that the Government and its health partners are disseminating using different mediums with the objecting of raising awareness in order for people to put them into practice.

So far, so good, we have witnessed the placing of veronica buckets, soap, hand-sanitizers at the entrances of public institutions for people to wash their hands and they are complying. People are noticeably avoiding shaking of hands, when individuals show signs of the disease 117 is being called to get the timely responses of health workers. There has been contact tracing, isolation and quarantine of suspected cases and all the like.

When it comes to social distancing measures have been taken by the Government including banning of  worship in churches and mosques, banning of football matches and other entertainment activities that bring people together, moratorium placed on public gathering of not more than 100 people, reducing the number of passengers in vehicles, closure of our borders with neighboring Guinea and Liberia. All these are supposed to be strictly enforced by our security personnel, the Military and Police.

Lamentably, though, as far as social distancing is concerned we are far from getting it right as a nation. The clustering of people in marketplaces and the jostling for transportation in public places, especially during rush hours when people are desperate to return home, rubbing against each other are very mind boggling. Take a ride along Guard Street in the East End of Freetown, where most people purchase cooking ingredients for cooking purposes; you will quickly notice that we are far from achieving social distancing.

You see large crowds of people unavoidably having close body contacts as if we are living in normal times when indeed, in actual fact, times are not normal.

Poda-Poda drivers still continue to cram people in their vehicles simply because they want to conduct business as usual and hapless passengers have no alternative in the face of limited vehicles and not wanting to be caught violating the 9:00 pm to 6:00am curfew. Law enforcement officers just turn blind eyes as if we are living during normal times when in actual fact we are not.

The situation is indeed quite serious and very frightening to say the least.

Although comparatively, Sierra Leone has recorded low rates of deaths from COVID-19 but the fact and heart of the matter is that the number of infected cases keep rising on a daily basis and the future is unknown. Against such a bleak backdrop, even though efforts and resources are being expended to shove up the fight against the advancement of the enemy, without getting social distancing right is really a big cause for concern.

What must now be preferable is to direct more focus towards enhancing social distancing and one way of going about it is to galvanize our security personnel to be very stern in implementing it to the letter. Vehicles must be regularly checked to see that there is strict adherence to social distancing. If what was being rumoured that marketplaces will be relocated to various stadia is anything to go by then it is deemed to be a good step in the right direction. Those places could indeed be spacious enough to prevent the clogging of people as was evidently seen at Guard Street.

The Government can impose as many lock downs as possible, millions of Leones could be spent on awareness raising campaigns for people to adhere to preventive messages but if we fail to maximize social distancing then the possibility to see the reduction of newly infected cases will be farfetched.

Now is the time to act before it becomes too late. A stitch in time………..

May Common Sense Prevail!


Santigie Abdul Bangura, Alleged Master Minder Of Tombo Riot In Big Trouble

Santigie Abdul Bangura running for his life

By Amara Samura

The Harbour Master of Tombo Fishing Community in the Western Rural district of Sierra Leone, Santigie Abdul Bangura is facing serious death threat from the Community, after police declared him wanted for his alleged involvement in the violence that took place in the township that resulted to the death of three people and six police officers while five other sustained gun shot wounds on Wednesday 6th May 2020.

Investigation revealed that immediately after the three days nationwide lockdown from the 3-5 May 2020, instituted by government to fight COVID-19 and stop the chain of transmission, news went round the Tombo Community that the government will not allow over two hundred fisher men to go to sea to fetch fish. The move was part of the regulations adopted by government to fight COVID-19. Over five thousand people living in Tombo depends on fishing activities for their survival.

The Village Headman Pa Alhaji Tunkara accused the Harbour Master, Santigie Abdul Bangura of spreading the message to the fisher men, an accusation he vehemently denied.
He said as Harbour Master, he was busy pleading with the people to abide by what ever measures adopted by government in the COVID fight.

The Village Headman said while negotiation was ongoing between the fisher men and the authorities, news went round that armed police officers have been dispatched from Freetown to put the situation under control in Tombo. The arrival of the armed police officers according to Chief Tunkara created more tension in the Community and in the process the police started firing tear gas cannisters.

As the ugly situation Intensified, the police fired live bullets resulting to the death of three civilians while few others sustained gun shot wounds. Six police officers who were dispatched to quell down the riot died of road accident along the Waterloo to Tombo highway.

He said government later issued a statement claiming that the order to reduce the number of fisher men to go to the deep sea to fetch fish did not come from them.
The people accused the Harbour Master of spreading that message which has caused the death of some people. Because of this development, both the police and youths declared Santigie Abdul Bangura wanted for spreading what they described as false news, an allegation that he vehemently denied,” the Chief said.

He accused the youths of burning down Santigie Abdul Bangura’s house in Tombo in retaliation for the death of their relarives. He said this latest development forced Santigie to flee to an unknown destination for fear of his life as the irate youths vowed to kill him if seen.