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UBA Donates U$14 million to COVID-19 Relief Support Across Africa

By UBA Foundation

In March 25 2020 the United Bank for Africa Plc (UBA) announced a donation of over USD14 million through the UBA Foundation, to catalyse a comprehensive Pan-African response to the fight against the coronavirus (COVID-19) global pandemic.

The donation will provide significant and much needed support to Nigeria and 19 other African countries, by supplying relief materials, critical care facilities, and financial support to Governments. It was understood that the UBA support programme will be allocated as follows:

  • N1 billion (USD2.8 million) to Lagos State Government in Nigeria
  • N500 million (USD1.4 million) to Nigeria’s Federal Capital Territory, Abuja
  • N1 billion (USD2.8 million) to the remaining 35 states in Nigeria
  • N1.5 billion (USD4.2 million) to UBA’s presence countries in Africa
  • N1 billion (USD2.8 million) for Medical Centres with equipment and supplies
  • Free Telemedicine call centre facility

The Pan-African Bank will fund a medical centre immediately in Lagos, Nigeria, with beds for isolation and ICU facilities, managed and operated in partnership with Heirs Holdings’ healthcare subsidiary, Avon Medical Hospital.

In addition, UBA is providing a free telemedicine platform, that is physician-led, to provide direct access to medical advice to citizens, in compliance with social distancing requirements.

UBA Group Chairman Tony O. Elumelu, stated ‘This is a time when we must all play our part.  This global epidemic must bring citizens, Governments and business leaders together – and quickly. As we see a rapidly increasing number of cases of the coronavirus in Nigeria and Africa, the private sector has to work hand in hand with various Governments, in stemming the spread of the global pandemic.

The Bank commends the efforts of Governments and is keen to partner and contribute our resources to the collective effort that will ensure the response to the pandemic is swift and effective’. Operating in 20 African countries and globally in the United Kingdom, the United States and France, the United Bank for Africa has a strong record of supporting its communities, through challenging times.


Orange SL Complements Govt’s Efforts to Fight Corona Virus


By Foday Moriba Conteh

The leading telecommunications company operating in the country, Orange SL has crystalized its dogged commitment to complement the efforts of Government to enhance the prevention of the Corona Virus from entering the country. The company stands in solidarity with the nation during this very difficult time and commits to support the Government in the fight against this Global Pandemic.

While the company remains committed to providing quality, efficient and viable telecommunications service to complement the Government’s effort and to meet the growing demand of its valued customers in this critical period, Orange also stands responsible to ensure the safety of its valued human resources and customers.

As part of the company’s commitment in ensuring the safety of its staff and numerous customers, Orange has positioned hand washing and digital temperature readers at all its shops and offices, implemented social distancing protocol in all its shops, drastically reduced the number of people who can access an Orange shop at any time ensuring customers queue in good conditions and at the recommended distance of 1 meter.

Orange is aware that voice and data services are of critical importance during this period. This is why the company has implemented robust additional measures to ensure quality and undisrupted telecommunications services. All necessary digital tools have been tested and are ready to use in the best working conditions, inspection and testing of all redundancies completed, VPN configured for all critical staff to enable tele-working, extra fuel now available at all network sites and data centers and a lockdown drill done to test the measures further.

Orange Sierra Leone is also supporting local communities through donation of Personal Protective Equipment. In coordination with the Ministry of Information and Communications, the company has zero rated the following sites, Ministry of Information and Communications http://www.mic.gov.sl, World Health Organization https://www.who.int/, and the Center for Disease and Control Prevention https://www.cdc.gov/ , to ensure customers get FREE access to accurate and correct information on the precautions against Coronavirus. It was also stated that further measures will be announced in the coming days.

According to the Management of the company, in this difficult time it is important to maximize the use of all our communication channels. Orange, in collaboration with the Ministry of Information and Communications, intends to ensure Corona Virus prevention sensitization and awareness reach the last village with the following ongoing actions:

  • The Company’s digital platforms are updated on a daily basis with accurate tips on the prevention of the Virus
  • The dissemination of reminder SMS at least once a day to all customers to ensure precautionary actions are followed.
  • The development and circulation of short videos in local languages on the precautionary measures of the disease.
  • The creation of a caller ring back tone in Krio aimed at educating customers about the coroner virus as well as sensitizing customers on its preventive measures.

In as much as the importance of mobile financial services cannot be over emphasized during this period the company is encouraging cashless transactions via Orange Money for the purchase of voice & data bundles as well as payment of utility bills as it not only guarantees ease of doing business but ensures safety from the transmission of the virus through cash.

It was intimated that Orange remains committed in providing uninterrupted, high quality telecommunication services during this period and it is as well encouraging all to be cautious and to adhere to all Government directives and health guidelines for a virus free Sierra Leone.  The Company strongly believes that together we shall overcome also giving advice to be safe, alert further maintaining that if someone notices any symptoms the person should please call 117.  

NP Continues to Satisfy Individual & Institutional Petroleum Needs

By Amin Kef Sesay

The National Petroleum Company has been commended widely for satisfying the petroleum needs of Sierra Leoneans and other nationals residing in the country.Without mincing the truth, nobody can contest the indisputable fact that the National Petroleum (NP) Sierra Leone Limited is a success story being a formidable business entity that is greatly contributing to overall national development. It is one of the buoyant business entities that are completely owned by Sierra Leoneans having no foreigner or politician as shareholder which makes it purely an indigenous company.

From its humble beginning in this country, NP can now boast of having branches in Liberia, Ivory and other parts in the West African sub-region. The company has demonstrated to the world that indeed Sierra Leoneans can be efficient entrepreneurs as well as sending the message that this country is a safe haven for investment.

The number of jobs and taxes that NP has offered and is also paying has helped and still continues to help to make development interventions more possible,  When we talk of poverty reduction and improving standards of living then the company has been helping directly and indirectly in those directions. There is no doubt that human existence could not really be comfortable in the absence of petroleum products.

We need fuel to run our vehicles, our generators, there is need for gas to be utilized for cooking purposes, kerosene is used for different purposes, NP SL Ltd is a leading entity that makes easy accessibility to these various petroleum products possible, Management of the company always ensures that these products are readily available in order to prevent occurrence of shortage. The company really deserves a pat on the back when cognizance is taken of the fact that it is customer friendly as it forms a cardinal part of their mantra in optimizing customer satisfaction,

Talking with a University of Sierra Leone Economics Lecturer , he noted that because of the selflessness and commitment of those who opted to buy the company when the Government decided to sell it 23 years ago, NP has been able to empower more than 350,000 Sierra Leoneans, build 38 stations countrywide as part of the many accomplishments it has registered.

One unique thing about the company is that it is very innovative and matching with latest technology and devices .This characteristic is very evident in NP evident in making use of latest transparent pumping machines, smart cards to purchase fuel, making it convenient for consumers as well as having sound tankers that transport fuel to different parts of the country. ”I am very proud of the National Petroleum Company because it is offering a lot in terms of development, making this country very much attractive,” a Development Consultant remarked adding that other entities should borrow a leaf from the entity,

Certain customers interviewed at a particular Filling station intimated that availing customers the opportunity to purchase basic items in their mini marts is making life comfortable as it minimizes hassling to do so in  trying to access shops especially when cognizance is taken of the fact that most times there is overcrowding in towns and parking spaces are limited.

Starting as a small entity and through effective management the National Petroleum Company is growing by leaps and bounds with presence in other parts of West Africa making Sierra Leone standing tall, This a clear testimony of dogged commitment and steadfastness showing that success can be achieved through selflessness.

Fullah Tribal Head Donates Personal Protective Equipment

Acting Fullah Tribal Headman in the Western Area, Chief Alhaji Mohamed Sajor Jalloh

By Foday Moriba Conteh

In order to enhance the preparedness against the Coronavirus in the country, the Acting Fullah Tribal Headman in the Western Area, Chief Alhaji Mohamed Sajor Jalloh, has on Friday 27th March, 2020 donated Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) worth millions of Leones to different communities within the Western Area in Freetown.

Speaking to this Press, the Acting Fullah Tribal Headman disclosed that Sierra Leone is yet to record any case of coronavirus which means Sierra Leoneans need to adhere to all directives given by the Government of Sierra Leone and other health stakeholders in order to prevent the virus from entering the country. He added that as Acting Chief Fullah who cares about its people and all Sierra Leoneans he deemed it necessary to denote Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in various communities.

He stated that the ongoing donations will not only be limited to Freetown disclosing how he has deliberated with all regional Tribal Headman to replicate such donations of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in their various regions.

He cautioned Sierra Leoneans to join the fight against this coronavirus underscoring how it a collective fight which he believes Sierra Leone as a nation will definitely win if we are united. In that regard he urged all citizens to implement hand washing and to observe all preventive measures issued by the Government in order to prevent the coronavirus from coming into the country.

Receiving some of the items, Alhaji Mohamed Moladou Barrie, a beneficiary, expressed appreciation to the Acting Fullah Tribal Headman Western Area Chief Alhaji Mohamed Sajor Jalloh for the donation promising that they will use them wisely in order to protect themselves from the coronavirus. He also admonished citizens to implement hand washing and to observe all preventive measures issued by the Government and health practitioners.

Obi Smith, a Driver who is a member of the Regent Road Drivers Union also applauded the Acting Fullah Tribal Headman for the gesture which he said is not only relevant but timely considering the current situation.

He cautioned all drivers to ensure that they join the fight against the coronavirus as they are playing a very critical role towards the fight further advising colleague drivers to implement hand washing and adhere to all directives by the Government of Sierra Leone and the World Health Organization.

Acting Fullah Tribal Headman in the Western Area, Chief Alhaji Mohamed Sajor Jalloh with Beneficiaries

Women in the Media Undertakes Coronavirus Sensitization

By Edward Vamboi

Women in the Media (WIMSAL) in a recent engagement during which the general membership and Executive members were present it was unanimously decided that the organization should embark on a sensitization drive to encourage people to practice safe precautionary measures so that the country can continue to maintain zero cases.

The Executive started the sensitization campaign on the 26th March 2020 at the Kroo Bay community in the West End of Freetown where women appreciated and thanked the organization for being the first to visit their community with such messages on how to prevent themselves and their families.
At the House of Jesus, where physically challenged people dwell, the Chairlady for the Women Living With Disability, Michaela F. Jacka said that since they started hearing about the Coronavirus Women in the Media Sierra Leone, has been the only organization that contacted them  saying they are grateful because they got the opportunity to understand how the virus is being transmitted and what should be done to prevent themselves.

Before distributing the donated items the President of WIMSAL, Femi J Coker, said their duty as female journalists is to seek the interests of women and other vulnerable groups and promote behavioral change communication across the country.

While admonishing the people at the different locations visited, Femi said, if all women can come together and practice all the preventive measures the country will continue to record zero coronavirus cases. She asked them to call 117 and report any illness that shows signs and symptoms of fever, coughing and sneezing.
She asked them to trust the Ministry of Health and Sanitation and the media for correct and credible information on Covid-19.

The Executive members of WIMSAL donated veronica buckets, liquid soaps, hand sanitizers, masks and hand gloves to residents in the targeted communities.
According to the PRO, Eastina Taylor, the sensitization exercise took place at Waterloo over the weekend and will continue in other communities in the next coming weeks.
As a way of intensifying the Coronavirus sensitization she encouraged everyone to be safe and make sure that they are carriers of correct messages so that others can be safe and law abiding citizens under the current State of Emergency.

Mines Ministry & NMA Concludes Consultative Meeting with Stakeholders

By Foday Moriba Conteh

In order to make the review of the Mines and Mineral Act of 2009 inclusive, the Ministry of Mines and Mineral Resources, in collaboration with National Mineral Agency (NMA) has on Friday 27th March, 2020 concluded a ten day consultative meeting with stakeholders, traditional leaders, land owners as well as Pressmen. The review started in Makeni and proceeded to Kono, Kenema, Bo and ended up in Freetown respectively at the Hill Valley Hotel in Freetown.

In his address during the ceremony, the Director General of National Minerals Agency (NMA), Julius Daniel Mattai, disclosed that for the past years the country had not benefitted from the country’s mineral resources saying such is as a result of bad policies, noting that it is against such a backdrop that the Ministry of Mines and National Mineral Agency decided to review the current Mines and Mineral Act 2009 in order for the country to start benefiting from the wealth of its minerals.

He disclosed that the consultative meeting was geared towards having divergent opinions in relation to the new Act.

He noted that the National Minerals Agency, with support from partners, conducted a Nationwide Airborne Geophysical Survey geared towards providing the country with reliable geo-data, which it is anticipated will help determine the mineralization of Sierra Leone in the most comprehensive ways ever and put the country on sound footing to bargain from a position of strength with potential investors, and hence, optimize the benefits of exploration and exploitation of our mineral wealth. It was disclosed that with all those efforts made so far by the Ministry of Mines and NMA if only the policies are in place the country will benefit from the mining sector as well as create a win-win situation for the Government, land owners and investors.

In his statement the Minister of Mines and Mineral Resources, Hon. Foday Rado Yokie, disclosed that he was a Member of Parliament when the new Mines and Mineral Act was enacted by Parliament furthering that they are aware that there are lapses in the Acts maintaining how they enacted it in a rush expressing hope that these new Acts would not be enacted by rush, adding that Sierra Leone has not benefit from the country’s minerals because of enacted bad laws.

He said when he took up his appointment as Minister of Mines he vowed to review all mining contracts and showed interest to review the current Mines and Mineral Acts in order to amend lapses.

The Minister said Sierra Leoneans have endured protracted suffering for too long maintaining that under his watch mining activities would be safeguarded and ultimately revamped to be very beneficial to the Government, land owners Investors etc. in a win win situation, adding that he needs to change that narrative by renegotiating a better deal for the people of Sierra Leone saying it is a sacred obligation owed to the people of Sierra Leone.

Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee of Mines and Mineral, Saa Emerson Lamina, disclosed that as Legislators they have the ultimate mandate to make laws, adding that after the entire consultative conference the amended Acts will be sent to Cabinet and from there it will be tabled in Parliament saying he is sure they can look at it and if it is in the interest of the people of Sierra Leone they will be ready to approve it in order for it to become law.

Chairman of Paramount Chiefs, PC Sheku Fasuluku III expressed appreciation to the Ministry of Mines and Mineral Resources and the National Minerals Agency (NMA) for reviewing the Mines and Mineral Act of 2009 underscoring how they believe that such could improve the mining sector in the country.

He called on the two institutions to work with the Ministry of Lands as they are working on two important land policies in order to enhance consistence, adding that as the Ministry is reviewing the Mines and Minerals Act it must be done in a way that it will be accepted by mining companies.

The Coronavirus Fear & Panic or Faith & Peace

By Steven J. Hogan

As you know, the coronavirus has resulted in people getting sick and even dying. It has caused quarantines, social distancing, slowdowns, shutdowns, shortages, markets falling, job losses and financial losses. I am amazed and astounded how this one little virus has spread all over the world and affected so many lives. But has not God not ordained this? Yes, He has, and I believe one reason for this is because He wants to get our attention, He wants Christians to wake up and not be so worldly and fleshly minded. 1 Cor. 3:1-3

There is this physical virus, but much worse than that, there’s a spiritual virus in the souls of many believers, for they are busy loving themselves and the world, but aren’t loving God. I must admit, I am glad God is using this coronavirus to cause us to slow down, to even stop us, and why? So we seek Him. David said, “He makes me lie down in green pastures” (Psalm 23:2). More than anything or anyone else, you need the Lord. He must be first in your life, your most important relationship, the One you greatly love. “Whom have I in heaven but You? And besides You, I desire nothing on earth.” Ps. 73:25-26, Col. 3:1-4, 1 John 2:15-17

My favorite verse on this subject is John 17:3. Jesus said to His Father, “This is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom You have sent.” Jesus defined eternal life as knowing God, as having a relationship with God and Himself. This is so incredible, so wonderful, that we can have a personal and permanent relationship with the living God, that He can talk to us and we can talk to Him, He can love us and we can love Him, we can know Him, spend time with Him, and be satisfied by Him. “I said to the Lord, ‘You are my Lord, I have no god besides You.’” Psalm 16:2; John 4:14, 6:51, 10:11

What a miracle, what a blessing, that we can know God and have a relationship with Him. What Christ did for us by dying on the cross and rising from the dead resulted in more than just being made righteous but being reconciled to God and having a relationship with Him. God could have saved us and set us in some far corner of the universe for all eternity. But no, He saved us so we could be His children and have this intimate relationship with Him, and then someday, leave this earth and literally be with Him in heaven. Psalm 23:6, 1 Thess. 4:15-17

Your relationship with God is the single most important thing in your life, and He doesn’t want you to be deceived, to think you are doing good if, in fact, you are living on the “junk food” of the world. Sadly, this deception describes the lives of many Christians: “Thus says the Lord… they went far from Me and walked after emptiness and became empty… My people have committed two evils; they have forsaken Me, the fountain of living waters, to hew for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that can hold no water.’” Jeremiah 2:5, 13

I hope you realize that worldly and fleshly desires wage war against your soul, and to have a close relationship with God is a continual struggle, one you need to keep winning. (1 Pet. 2:11-12). Here’s how Paul says it – “I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord” (Phil. 3:7-10). God wants you to see the present and eternal value of knowing Him and Jesus. And to know Them means you know who They are, Their offices, character and purpose. God is your Father, and Jesus is your Creator, Lord, Savior, and coming King. Their character is perfect – They are holy, just, wise, good, powerful, loving, patient, forgiving, faithful, sovereign, etc. And God’s purpose is to be glorified, and for us to be satisfied, rejoicing in Him, and worshiping Him. But it’s not just knowing these things in your head but also knowing them in your heart and life.

One of God’s primary desires for you, whether that’s here or in heaven, is for you to know Him. Let me ask you: are you experiencing God’s forgiveness? Do you see that He is patient with you? Do you see that He is good to you? Do you see how He is sovereign in your life? Do you see how He loves you? Can you say, “Your love is better than life” (Ps. 63:4). I can’t stress enough the importance of knowing God, who He is and what He is like. Here’s what Jeremiah says, “Let him who boasts boast of this, that he understands and knows Me, that I am the Lord who exercises lovingkindness, justice and righteousness on earth.” Jer. 9:24

But it’s more than that. Your relationship with God is not one-sided. It’s not just what God says to you or does for you – it’s you relating to Him and responding to Him. Prov. 8:17

– It’s thanking God for saving you, for providing all your needs, for giving you a job, a place to live, a church, a family, friends, and so many spiritual and eternal blessings. 1 Thess. 5:18

– It’s praising God, exalting Him, loving Him with all your heart. Psalm 118:28

– It’s loving God’s word and meditating on it. It’s believing the truths and promises in His word. And it’s obeying His commands. Psalm 1:2, 119:55-56, 119:97

– It’s praying – it’s seeking Him and asking Him to help you and others. Heb. 11:6

– It’s getting time alone with Him, and pouring out your heart, praying to Him, listening to Him and learning from Him, and being spiritually refreshed. Mark 1:35

– It’s walking with God, going through the day knowing He is with you. It means loving Him, trusting Him, obeying Him, confessing sin, asking Him for help, and being encouraged by Him. Gen. 5:24

I strongly believe God is using use this Coronavirus Pandemic to wake up Christians, to revive us so that we are joyfully walking with Him and living for Him. “Do this, knowing the time, that it is already the hour for you to awaken from sleep; for salvation is nearer to us than when we first believed” (Rom. 13:11). You have a Father who loves you so much, a Savior who died for you, lives for you, prays for you, and can’t wait to see you! And He doesn’t want you sleeping. During this time of social distancing, make sure you are not distant from God, but are awake and close to Him. In His rebuke to the lukewarm Laodicean Christians, Jesus says, “‘Therefore, be zealous and repent. Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come into him and will dine with him, and he with Me’” (Rev. 3:19-20). Jesus said to Martha, and to us, “… you are worried and bothered about so many things; but only one thing is necessary, for Mary has chosen the good part, and it will not be taken away from her.” Luke 10:41-42

This blog site is about the end-times, and the closer we get to Christ’s return, the more difficult life will be. What’s most important now, and in times of great tribulation, is your relationship with God. If you are walking with God, then you will have all the grace and peace you need, and everything will work out for His glory and for your good. During our life on this earth, might we say, “I know that my Redeemer lives, and that in the end He will stand on the earth. And after my skin has been destroyed, yet in my flesh I will see God; I myself will see Him with my own eyes – How my heart yearns within me.” Job 19:25-27

P.S. The Coronavirus Pandemic is presently the hottest topic in the world, and He is trying to teach us some important lessons. Here are three posts on this subject, and I recommend that you read them: “


IPAM Puts Coping Mechanisms in Place Against the Corona Virus

By Elias Bangura

With a student population of eight thousand (8000), some people are wondering how the Institute of Public Administration and Management (IPAM) is coping with the news of the corona virus measures instituted by the Ministry of Technical and Higher Education.

IPAM is one of three campuses of the University of Sierra Leone (the other two being Fourah Bay College and the College of Medicine and Allied Health Sciences); it is headed by Associate Professor Dr. Samuel E.B Nonie, a veteran Physicist and formerly Head of the Department of Physics at Fourah Bay College.

Prof Nonie took over IPAM in June 2018, and it would be recalled that IPAM then operated from a number of locations around Freetown, namely at George Street, John Street, Kingtom, REAPS, and a few other places.

One of the initial steps taken by the new administration under Prof Nonie was to collapse all these into the main campus at Tower Hill, for it to operate within one campus, thus saving the University of Sierra Leone huge funds on rent and attendant activities. This collapsing has brought up a large number of students taking their lectures in one location – so with news of the corona pandemic across the world, many people are currently asking, how is IPAM coping?

Prof Dr Nonie said half of their 8000 student body is doing undergraduate studies, with a thousand pursuing postgraduate, and 3000 offering extramural courses. At the moment IPAM is conducting examinations which, sadly, coincided with the issuance of health measures by the Education Ministry and the Ministry of Health, whose emphasis is not having more than a hundred people congregating at any one place or time.

In compliance with this directive and others, Prof Nonie said the Administration has taken proactive steps by hiring St Edwards Hall at Kingtom (which has over 400 seating capacity) plus four other classrooms that sit 100 each; Theological College Hall, and four other classrooms, having the same capacity; REAPS Hall opposite Fire Force with two classrooms; and the different halls and classrooms at the old IPAM Building; including the new Building which has six floors, with each floor having a hall that has a seating capacity of 500 which has been reduced to 300 for now, and classrooms that has 120 sitting capacity but which have also been reduced to 80 presently.

“We hired all those halls because we want students to have convenience when they are writing their exams,” said Prof Nonie, “and also, so that students would not be within touching distance of each other. We are doing all this to comply with the directives from the Ministry of Technical and Higher Education.”

Additionally, he said, hand washing facilities have been put in place, plus having posters with corona preventive messages, and continual announcement in the respective whatsapp forums for students and staff. However, the Ministry of Education has issued a notice for all educational institutions to close down on 31 March – barely a week from now.

“We are going by that directive,” enjoined Prof Nonie, “even though we would not have finished our exams by 31 March. By then, we would have completed about 60 percent for the undergraduates. Their remaining examination will come after the restrictions are lifted on school attendance. And, at that time also we will start and finish the postgraduate and extramural exams.

“I would like to inform everyone concerned that these are difficult times. These decisions have been taken not just for IPAM but for everyone in light of corona. Let me assure every student and staff, that no one will be disadvantaged. The Administration will do its best to give quality education for everyone even in the light of these trying times.

“Finally, I would like on behalf of the Administration and the University to admonish all to abide by the recommendations from the MOHS and the Ministry of Technical and Higher Education in conjunction with the Office of the President so that we all return to campus safely at the end of the coronavirus.”

Emmanuel J Momoh, Registrar of IPAM since 2018, said they are working hard to ensure they maintain standards and go on to higher heights as an institution.

“And we are happy because the public and other institutions have confidence in us,” he said. “Also, we are happy to inform you that IPAM won the AWOL award for Tertiary Institution of the year for 2019, something that we are all very proud of.”


Human Rights Commission Monitors Quarantine Facilities at Companero Hotel

Patricia Narsu Ndanema, Chairperson of the Human Rights Commission of Sierra Leone inspecting the facilities

By Esther Wright

Patricia Narsu Ndanema, Chairperson of the Human Rights Commission of Sierra Leone (HRCSL) has said that human rights standards in quarantined facilities at Companero Hotel in Rokel and Newton Communities in Freetown are complied with.

The HRCSL on Tuesday 24th March 2020 undertook monitoring visits at both Companero Hotel hosting quarantined persons who had come from countries with more COVID-19 cases. Both buildings of the hotel house 25 and 12 quarantined persons respectively.

Speaking to this Press about the nature of their monitoring, the HRCSL Chairperson said that being in quarantine does not mean that human rights must not be enjoyed. She explained that at Companero Hotel, quarantined persons informed the HRCSL that they have been enjoying their rights to timely and adequate food, drinking and bathing water, daily medical checks by the DHMT Surveillance Officers, access to wifi to facilitate communication and a very clean environment.

The quarantined have been at the Companero Hotel at Rokel since the 18th of March and are to end their quarantine having spent a week at the quarantine center at Lungi. According to the HRCSL Chairperson, they expressed the urgency of receiving their discharge medical certificates on the day of their departure to their final destinations.

Patricia Narsu Ndanema further explained that despite the praises in terms of their accommodation and the dignity bestowed on them as quarantined persons, all 13 persons interviewed at the Companero Hotel at Rokel, expressed concerns over 04 persons who had not completed their quarantine days and taken away from the hotel. “We asked the hotel manager, Mohamed Kargbo about his knowledge. He confirmed that the first two quarantined persons who left were minors without their parents and were taken away by health officers based on documents presented by the surveillance team.”

They were also concerned about the removal of two adults from the same hotel. They were informed that the quarantine guests, who left, did so on the grounds that their homes have been assessed and considered fit for self-quarantine.

The HRCSL however deeply expressed concern over the removal of persons who have not completed their 14 days period in quarantine centers. She added that although Sierra Leone has not recorded a case – a status which the country intends to maintain, Quarantine centers are effective tools for preventing the potential transmission of a disease and therefore becomes prudent that the quarantine days in designated centers are respected for purposes of fairness, non-discrimination and the protection of the right to health and life of non-infected persons.

HRCSL Chairperson said that the 2 quarantined persons from Turkey and 10 Asians at the Companero Hotel, Newton Branch will be completing their period of quarantine soon as informed by the manager. The 12 expressed appreciation for their stay and said they were treated well.

On 17th March 2020, the HRCSL also monitored the quarantine facility at the Lungi International Airport Hotel.


NRA & NCRA Sign Memorandum of Understanding

Dr. Samuel S. Jibao, Commissioner General of the National Revenue Authority & The Director General of the National Civil Registration Authority (NCRA) Mr. Mohamed M. Massaquoi signing the MOU

By Foday Moriba Conteh

Dr. Samuel S. Jibao, Commissioner General of the National Revenue Authority, disclosed that  the institution is in its final stages of pitching a unique national identification number for individuals in the country. The number will be unique to individuals and will be used to track transactions, payments and other business related activities that would attract tax implications. This unique identifier will neither be repeated nor will it be duplicated.

Samuel S. Jibao made that pronouncement during the signing of an MOU with the National Civil Registration Authority (NCRA) which has data for almost every individual in the country. The signing of the MOU formalizes the engagement of the two institutions on biometric information asymmetry.

The Director General of the National Civil Registration Authority (NCRA) Mr. Mohamed M. Massaquoi cited the importance of signing an MOU with the National Revenue Authority and also affirmed their commitment and readiness in making sure they work in collaboration to enhance the work of the Tax administration through digital sharing. He stated that both institutions are very important Government parastatals and therefore should collaborate to get the best outcomes in public service.

The MOU is expected to cover data sharing which is very key in the implementation of the Integrated Tax Administration System (ITAS) and the Electronic Cash Register System (ECRS) which require a unique identifier to make it sustainable. “Taxation is not done in a vacuum” Dr. Jibao said. He further cited that tax administration is about systems, laws and data and hence linking these systems is the essence of the signing of the MOU.