NP (SL) Unveils State-of-the-Art Filling Station Alongside NP-Energy Pass in Pujehun

NP-Sierra Leone Limited (NP-SL Ltd).jpg

By Foday Moriba Conteh

NP-Sierra Leone Limited (NP-SL Ltd) has taken another step in expanding its reach across Sierra Leone with the commissioning of the State-of-the-Art Filling Station in Pujehun District, Southern Province. This initiative, which was officially launched on Monday, May 27th, 2024, underscores NP-SL’s commitment to providing accessible petroleum products even in remote communities.

Hon. Dickson Momoh Rogers, the Dealer of the Nyakeh Amadu Filling Station, expressed sincere appreciation to his family members and community stakeholders for their steadfast support throughout the project’s lifecycle.

Highlighting the station’s immediate impact, he noted the creation of job opportunities for residents of Pujehun Town. He emphasized that the Filling Station would effectively alleviate the fuel crisis in the locality, particularly during times of crisis. He underscored the significance of the commissioning in mitigating fuel procurement challenges faced by the community.

Hon. Dickson Momoh Rogers urged residents of Pujehun to embrace the Filling Station, emphasizing its benefits not only to his family but also to the majority of residents in Pujehun and beyond. He encouraged community involvement in ensuring the station’s success and sustainability.

Saidu Mansaray, the General Manager of NP-Sierra Leone Limited (NP SL-Ltd), reassured residents of Pujehun Town that the newly established NP-SL Filling Station would effectively resolve the longstanding issue of fuel shortages in the area. He encouraged residents to take ownership of the Filling Station to ensure its long-term sustainability.

The General Manager emphasized the positive impact of having multiple Filling Stations in Pujehun Town, stating his commitment to ensuring uninterrupted fuel availability. He reiterated that the new Filling Station would not only guarantee constant fuel supply but also create employment opportunities for local residents.

Highlighting the importance of fuel infrastructure for local development, Saidu Mansaray noted that the presence of Filling Stations would attract investors to the area. He concluded by referencing Pujehun District’s historical significance as the resting place of an old warrior, underscoring the district’s importance and potential for growth and development.

In his keynote address, Kobi Walker, the Chief Executive Officer of NP Sierra Leone, expressed his enthusiasm for the inauguration of a new Filling Station in Pujehun Town, marking another step forward in their commitment to ensuring easy access to petroleum products.

Reflecting on his personal ties to Pujehun District, Kobi Walker recalled his previous engagements with the area during his tenure at Union Trust Bank and Sierra Leone Brewery Limited. He highlighted the company’s past support for individuals establishing Filling Stations in Pujehun District and expressed his satisfaction that this support would continue.

Kobi Walker encouraged the public to patronize NP-SL, emphasizing the company’s dedication to empowering Sierra Leoneans through job creation, tax contributions and support for local businesses. He also announced that the commissioning of the Filling Station would mark his final function as CEO, as he is set to retire on June 1, 2024, with Saidu Mansaray, the current General Manager, succeeding him. He urged full support for Saidu Mansaray in his new role.

Additionally, the Chief Executive Officer unveiled NP-SL’s plan to digitize their system introducing the NP Smart Card, known as NP-Energy Pass, for customers to access fuel at various Filling Stations.

In closing, Kobi Walker officially launched the NP-Energy Pass on behalf of the people of Sierra Leone, NP-SL Directors and Staff, stakeholders of Pujehun District.

Superintendent Rashid Osman Koroma, Local Unit Commander in Pujehun for the Sierra Leone Police Force, conveyed gratitude to NP-SL Ltd for erecting the new Filling Station in Pujehun, noting its transformative impact on the area.

He emphasized their commitment to ensuring the security and integrity of the Filling Station since its construction, assuring that proper security measures have been implemented to safeguard both the facility and its operations. Superintendent Koroma urged the public to view the investment as a collective asset, emphasizing their role as vigilant guardians for NP-SL.

Furthermore, Superintendent Koroma reiterated their dedication to upholding safety and protecting lives and properties in the community, underscoring the Police Force’s mandate as a force for good.

Yusuf Koroma, a motorcycle rider from Pujehun, expressed gratitude to NP-SL for inaugurating the Filling Station. He highlighted the challenges faced by riders in obtaining fuel, often requiring trips to neighbouring villages. With the establishment of the NP-SL Filling station in Pujehun, Koroma anticipated that these fuel constraints would be alleviated.

The event concluded with the official unveiling of the new Filling Station by key figures including the Proprietor, the Chief Executive Officer of NP-SL, Kobi Walker, Paramount Chiefs and representatives from the security sector.


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