SLRA Board Reviews and Praises Progress of Pavi Fort Road Project in Koinadugu & Falaba

Pavi Fort AL Associates.jpg

By Amin Kef (Ranger)

The Sierra Leone Road Authority (SLRA) Board of Directors, led by Chairman J.S. Kaifala,  the Director General Ing Alfred Jalil Momodu,  the Directors of Admin and Information/ Communications ,Jacob Sama and Roselyn Percival Deigh respectively, the Director of Trunk Roads, Ing Kenei Kuyembeh and the Public Relations Officer, Mariama Kargbo on Friday July 19, 2024 conducted a comprehensive site visit to inspect the ongoing road construction project by Pavi Fort AL Associates in Koinadugu and Falaba Districts. The visit was part of a broader effort to ensure quality and progress on the 261-kilometer Kabala-Mongor-Krobola-Kono road project.

The inspection team focused on the first 60-kilometer segment stretching from Kabala to Limbaia. They also reviewed work in Kanuka, Dogoloyia, and Manah to assess the standard of construction. The visit aimed to verify reports and witness firsthand the quality of work completed.

In an exclusive interview, District SLRA Engineer Ing. Francis Koroma expressed satisfaction with the progress. He highlighted that this was the first time the Board had undertaken such an inspection tour in Koinadugu and Falaba, demonstrating their commitment to oversight and quality assurance. The Board was reportedly pleased with the contractor’s performance and the progress made.

Ing. Francis Koroma also addressed concerns regarding houses close to the road. He revealed that an inventory of affected houses, termed “Road Prison” due to their proximity to the planned 10.3-meter-wide road, has been compiled. This list has been sent to the SLRA Department of Assets for assessment and compensation. The Director General is currently working on the compensation plans.

The District Engineer emphasized the project’s high standards and its potential for durability, depending on road usage and maintenance practices. He warned that improper handling, such as leaving oil spills or grass on the road, could damage its longevity.

Significant progress has been made on the Kabala to Limbaia segment, with 44 kilometers of pavement completed. Plans for constructing three bridges during the dry season are underway, and the design for further work is being finalized.

Pavi Fort Project Manager, Ing Kistet, assured that despite the rainy season causing some delays, new machinery, including a crusher, is enhancing their efficiency. The goal is to complete the segment ahead of the October 2025 deadline, with focus shifting to road markings and final touches thereafter.

He pointed out that in terms of funding it is a Government funded project pointing out that after achieving certain aspects of the project they do request for respective payments like in 3 Payment Certificates maintaining that when once such are approved they will get it.

“If there is any financial constraint on the part of the Government such will have a little impact on our operations,” he said but was quick to maintain that the project is prefinanced and if there is no funding from the Government the company and their Chairman, in particular, Alhaji Alimu Sanu Barrie will find a way to finance the project in order for them to continue work.

Board Chairman, J.S. Kaifala, praised the advancements, noting that the project is on track and showing impressive results. Reflecting on past challenges, Kaifala underscored that the project’s progress has resolved previous issues of extended travel times between Kabala and Falaba. He also mentioned plans for a dry dock to facilitate trade through Sierra Leone rather than neighboring countries.

With 10 kilometers of the first phase already tarred and 40 kilometers primed, J.S Kaifala expressed optimism about completing this phase by early next year, despite the original three-year timeline.

He concluded by stating that the SLRA Board remains committed to improving the road network across Sierra Leone, with ongoing and future plans aimed at enhancing infrastructure throughout the country.


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