U.S. HIV/AIDS Prevention Program Boosts Waste Management at RSLAF Benguema Facility

Department of Defense HIV/AIDS Prevention Program.jpg

By Esther Wright

The U.S. Embassy in Freetown’s Department of Defense HIV/AIDS Prevention Program on June 18, 2024, handed over a new waste disposal and incineration system to the Republic of Sierra Leone Armed Forces Training Center at the Benguema Medical Inspection Facility. This initiative is part of a broader U.S. government effort to curb the spread of HIV/AIDS within both the military and the general public.

Proper disposal of medical waste is crucial in preventing the transmission of HIV/AIDS and other infectious diseases. The new waste disposal system will enable Sierra Leonean military medical personnel to separate hazardous medical waste from general garbage effectively, thereby reducing the risk of infections within the medical facility and neighboring communities. The U.S. Embassy expressed pride in collaborating with the medical facility to improve health outcomes for Sierra Leoneans.

Colonel Mohamed Alie Kamara, Commanding Officer at Bengeuma, extended his gratitude to the U.S. Department of Defense HIV/AIDS Prevention Program and the American government. He praised the project as a commendable initiative and urged his staff to diligently segregate medical waste before using the disposal system. Major Ogirima, Chief of the U.S. Embassy Freetown’s Office of Security Cooperation, officiated the handover ceremony. He assured the Sierra Leone Armed Forces of continued support from the United States in preventing the spread of HIV/AIDS and enhancing overall infection control measures.



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