Citing Tribalism and Regional Discrimination… Susan Bona Resigns from the All-People’s Congress (APC)

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By Alvin Lansana Kargbo

Susan Bona, once a prominent figure in the All-People’s Congress (APC) Party, has tendered her resignation on April 27, 2024 in a significant turn of events. The former APC heavy weight who vied for the party’s flag bearer position in the 2023 elections, highlighted profound reasons behind her resignation, citing a departure from the party’s core values and escalating tribal tensions.

In her resignation letter addressed to Mr. Lansana Dumbuya Esq., the Secretary-General of the APC, Bona underscored her deep commitment to the party since her affiliation in 2011. However, she lamented a noticeable shift in the party’s dynamics, signaling a departure from its once cherished values.

Central to Bona’s decision were the escalating tribal hate speech and regional discrimination within the APC ranks, particularly targeting the Mende and Kono tribes. She expressed her inability to tolerate such divisive rhetoric any longer, emphasizing the paramount importance of prioritizing the peace and stability of Sierra Leone above all else.

Bona’s resignation underscores a growing concern within the APC regarding internal strife and discord. She criticized the leadership’s inaction in addressing these critical issues, noting a significant diversion from the party’s founding principles of respect and unity.

Acknowledging her journey within the APC, Bona expressed gratitude to key party figures, including former President Ernest Koroma, former Secretary-General and current Deputy Chairman Yansanch, and Chairman Minkailu Mansaray. She also extended her appreciation to her supporters and team, recognizing their unwavering dedication.

In her closing remarks, Bona offered apologies to those impacted by her departure while affirming her commitment to a future aligned with her values and vision for Sierra Leone.

The resignation of Susan Bona signals a critical juncture for the APC, prompting reflections on internal unity and the preservation of core principles amidst growing discord. As Sierra Leone prepares for its political landscape, Bona’s departure serves as a poignant reminder of the challenges facing the nation’s quest for national cohesion and progress.


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