As Magistrate Imposes Strict Bail Terms… Justice for Jihad Basma & Co-Accused -Kono Indigenes Demand

By Amin Kef (Ranger)

Popular Kono based diamond dealer, Jihad Basma and his Co-accused remain in custody due to stringent bail conditions imposed by Magistrate Santigie Bangura at Court No.2 on Monday after their third appearance. Each accused was instructed to provide two sureties, each with a property valued at US$42 million and a bank account holding NLe1 billion—conditions deemed impractical given the local context.

In view of the stiff bail conditions many have questioned where in Sierra Leone can anyone find a property valued at US$42Million and that sort of money in an individual’s personal bank account some expressing the view that the bail conditions should be reviewed to make common sense. They demand justice for Jihad Basma and the two others.

It must be pointed out that in a high-profile case unfolding in Freetown, Jihad Basma, a prominent diamond dealer from Kono, along with two co-accused, are facing multiple charges, including fraudulent conversion of a diamond.

The case revolves around allegations that Jihad Basma purchased a 20.28-carat diamond from Sheku Kabba, Sahr Lebbie and Tamba Lebbie in Koidu town, Kono district, in May 2024. The diamond, reportedly stolen, is claimed by British miner ,Benjamin Meer, to be part of a larger 264-carat stone that was taken from him.

Police investigations revealed that Jihad Basma bought the diamond at a price consistent with its market value. Also, Jihad Basma asserts he was unaware of the diamond’s stolen status and voluntarily surrendered it to the authorities. His diamond transaction records were verified by the National Minerals Agency, showing transparency and accuracy.

Despite this, Benjamin Meer and his associates have accused Jihad Basma of purchasing the stolen diamond, citing a leaked audio conversation between Jihad Basma and Sheku Kabba. In the recording, Sheku Kabba refers to a “small thing,” which Jihad Basma identifies as a 2.64-carat stone. This conversation has sparked confusion and controversy, as the diamond in question was reportedly of poor quality and sold for NLe25,000.

The core issue of the dispute involves the valuation of the alleged 264-carat diamond. Questions have arisen regarding how Benjamin Meer’s team determined its worth at US$42.5 million. Accurate diamond valuation requires an expert assessment of various factors including color, clarity and fluorescence, in addition to weight. The absence of evidence supporting the existence of the 264-carat diamond raises doubts about the credibility of the claims.

In 2017, Jihad Basma was recognized for his role in handing over a 709-carat diamond to the State, which was subsequently sold for US$6.4 million. This diamond was of high quality, contrasting sharply with the current allegations involving a purportedly inferior stone.

As the case progresses, the court will rely on evidence and witness testimonies to determine the outcome. The principle of presumption of innocence until proven guilty remains central to the judicial process.



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