As SL Mineral Wealth Fund Under Scrutiny… The Dubious Credentials of Igor Siberud: What’s Really Behind His CV?

Mineral Wealth Fund affair.

By Amin Kef Sesay

As our investigation into the Mineral Wealth Fund affair unfolds, more details have emerged about Igor Siberud, the controversial figure at the center of the scandal threatening President Bio’s well-meaning initiatives. Siberud is accused of attempting to hijack the Mineral Wealth Fund for personal gain, supported by a cadre of self-serving politicians.

His Curriculum Vitae portrays him as a “seasoned Executive with a proven track record of transforming state-owned industrial assets into profitable entities,” and as a specialist in governance, financial metrics, and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). He claims an “exceptional ability to collaborate with multiple stakeholders, including Government bodies and NGOs,” and a commitment to “social responsibility, sustainability and international legal frameworks.” However, our investigation reveals no verifiable evidence that he has ever managed critical national assets or Mineral Wealth Funds.

Siberud’s assertion that he “negotiated stakeholder interests” during the Zambia Sovereign Debt Crisis remains unverified. Given Sierra Leone’s need to avoid a Mineral Wealth Fund or Sovereign Wealth crisis, his purported expertise, if it exists, may not be necessary.

Additionally, his claims to have undertaken various roles at the partially Uzbekistani state-owned company, UzmetKombinat, from 2018 to 2020 involving geological work, mine management and environmental management are doubtful as there is nothing in his CV to suggest he possesses the education, training, or experience for these positions.

His highest verifiable qualification is a High School Diploma from the Leysin American High School in Switzerland. He also states he studied Business Management and Administration at Touro College, Berlin in Germany from 2005 to 2009 but does not specify any degree or qualification obtained.

The troubling aspect for many Sierra Leoneans is that this high school diploma holder is now parading as the Chief Executive Officer of the Sierra Leone Mineral Wealth Fund. He has even updated his CV to reflect this new role. At a time when qualified Sierra Leoneans are seeking opportunities to contribute to national development, placing our Mineral Wealth Fund in the hands of a foreigner with such limited qualifications is alarming.

The situation is exacerbated by high-ranking Government officials, including Cabinet Ministers, who are determined to keep Siberud as CEO of the Mineral Wealth Fund and pressuring President Bio to sign an agreement with his company, Mount View, for their own benefit at the expense of the country’s future. Fortunately, President Bio has resisted this pressure and is carefully reviewing the agreement before making any commitment.

We pledge to continue supporting the President by providing vital information on why this deal is detrimental to the country and exposing those behind it. Our investigation into Igor Siberud and his backers in Government will persist and we will keep the public informed as more details emerge.


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