Bio & Samura Intensify Internal & External Competitive Political Engagements

As Awareness Heightens among the Electorates…

By Amin Kef (Ranger)

As the countdown to the June 24, 2023 multi-tier elections continues to narrow down with the passage of each and every day, political activities are intensifying as the two main political contenders in the race for the Presidential position, President Dr Julius Maada Bio and Dr. Samura Kamara, have been busy engaging Sierra Leoneans from various walks of life in a bid to woo their support and votes ahead of the decisive Polling Day.

Since the ban on staging political rallies were unanimously supported by all the contending political parties, both the SLPP and APC have been holding political meetings during which the main political actors, Bio and Samura, have been marketing their political manifestoes with the avowed aim of making themselves very endearing to the general populace with the aim of capturing their votes.

In a similar vein, individuals who have come forward to vie for Parliamentary and Municipal seats are also campaigning openly and behind the scenes under the tickets of various political parties and as Independent Candidates with the usual lofty promises of building skyscrapers in the slums, commanding Mannah to fall from heaven and waving the magic wand to conjure development and for such to immediately transpire.

However, seemingly, it looks like there has been some form of political maturity among the electorates, so far exhibited by some who now believe that the past deeds of individuals in the region of development must be the determining yardstick to use in throwing their support behind the aspiring candidates.

Though contestable, it is widely assumed that there has been a marked departure from swallowing hook, line and sinker political rhetoric as consideration has now been shifted to assess aspiring candidates level of education, financial resourcefulness, track records and interactions with the populace.

But in a country where the illiteracy level is high and poverty is rife and endemic, savvy individuals will always play around the ignorance and lack of understanding of the vast majority in order to get what they selfishly desire but cleverly present what they are pushing for, as selfless and public goals, if only achieved will be in the best interest of the vast majority.

Whether such materialized out of  the rude political awakening driven by extreme economic sufferings or the rolling out of civic education could only form a whole subject for a debate.

As all these are ongoing, the two main political contenders in the , presidential political race, President Julius Maada Bio and Dr Samura Kamara are currently in London, precisely at the Commonwealth Secretariat, Marlborough House in response to a Letter of Invitation extended to them and signed by the Commonwealth Secretary General, Patricia Scotland KC.

At the Marlborough House Dialogue held on the 4th April, 2023, President Julius Maada Bio of the Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP) and Dr. Samura Kamara of the main opposition All People’s Congress (APC) Party elaborated on the topic :  ” The Future of Good Governance and Democracy in Sierra Leone” to an audience that was mainly made up of , “an intimate, curated gathering of  commonwealth diplomats, dignitaries and invited guests”, an event that took place behind closed doors.

However, there is a particular school of thought that has expressed the view that indeed it is very surprising that this latest development was kept secretive, without much publicity given to it, either by the SLPP or APC, as it was done in the past were as some have gone to the extent of questioning the very rationale behind the Commonwealth invitation.

They further expressed the view that such a ‘secretive’ programme or event just confirms the notion that Presidential elections in Africa are remotely controlled by Western Powers with a political party or political aspirants becoming only successful in their political bids with the blessings of developed countries, mainly the United States of America or Britain.

Some have frowned on such a move as a neocolonialist tendency which purports the view that African countries are politically independent in theory but not truly independent in practice as there had been too much manipulations to install political leaders or to only work with parties that suit their interests and agendas.

Taking the conversation a little bit further, there are some who are very suspicious of such an invitation coming from the Commonwealth Secretariat holding the view that London is not the appropriate place for the contenders to express their views on the topic under discussion.

They went on to argue that it is the Sierra Leonean populace that the contenders must try to politically convince and not the British.

According to them, it could be wise to organize a Presidential debate like what was done prior to the 2018 Presidential elections when one was organized at the Radisson Blu Hotel featuring all the Presidential contenders in order to avail many Sierra Leoneans the opportunity to listen to the aspirants and then make informed political decisions.

It is on record that H.E. Maada Bio and Dr. Samura Kamara have always shared a very unique relationship.

Worthy of note is that before their departure for London, both the Presidential contenders successfully went through their nomination processes with the Electoral Commission for Sierra Leone (ECSL) without any hitch.

ECSL approved the nomination of Dr Samura Kamara for President marking a significant milestone in his campaign to bring about positive change for Sierra Leoneans. There was massive support from APC Party grassroots during which he reiterated his vision for Sierra Leone as one of prosperity, progress, and unity with the strong belief that by fixing the economy, creating jobs, improving infrastructure, and enhancing access to healthcare and education, all can build a better future for all Sierra Leoneans. Since he started his campaigning, Dr Samura has been calling on all Sierra Leoneans to join his movement in the quest to bring about positive change.

Equally so, President Julius Maada Bio and Vice President Dr Mohamed Juldeh Jalloh, his running mate, successfully went through the nomination process at the ECSL Headquarters on Tower Hill.

The nomination started after President Bio had earlier completed and signed the online form and the portal verified and approved that he had certified his willingness to stand for elections to the office of the President of Sierra Leone. He also indicated his qualification for the Office of the President in accordance with the law and named Dr Juldeh Jalloh as his designated candidate for the office of Vice President, who consented.

Mohamed Kenewui ,the National Returning Officer and Chairman of ECSL, provisionally accepted the nomination pending any objection to the Supreme Court of Sierra Leone.

President Bio also reiterated his commitment to a peaceful conduct of the 24 elections.

What has been apparent is that since March 2023, President Bio, the First Lady and entourage have been criss-crossing all the districts in the country marketing his manifesto promises amidst informing the populace of what the SLPP Led-Government has so far done since it came to power in 2018. They have been consistent in doing so with the aim of maximizing and mobilizing more support and votes.

For some, the formation of a strategic alliance with the National Grand Coalition headed by Dr Kandeh Yumkella, President Bio’s re-election stance has been enhanced and with the defections or crossing over to the SLPP taking a swift dimension there seems to be that the latter is making headway in the race.

However, the only snag is that with a rotten economy plagued by inflation, with the prices of essential goods and services having escalated exponentially leaving the vast majority wallowing in abject poverty, there is the likelihood that some will vote the ruling party out of power out of frustration and the belief that the Government is not competent to handle the economy and the promise of solving the bread and butter issues not fulfilled.

With the intensification of disseminating non-violence messages by certain well meaning organizations like the Peace Commission, Campaign for Good Governance etc there has been a drastic scaling down of politically related violence in various communities.

Many are currently hoping and praying for no major political conflagration to occur in any part of the country before, during and after the elections and for a peaceful transition of political power to take place.

It is but only fitting and justifiable for the two main political contenders to continue reasoning with their supporters to refrain from any violent political activity but to rather channel any grievance that they may have or nursing through the appropriate authorities when seeking redress.

For now it is only one Sierra Leone that we have and all must strive to keep it cohesive and tranquil at all times if only development will be seen to gain a strong foothold in the country.

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The Calabash Newspaper The Calabash Newspaper
The Calabash Newspaper Established in 2017, The Calabash Newspaper serves as a trusted platform for news and general information dissemination, catering to a broad Sierra Leonean audience both at home and abroad through its active presence on social media. The publication is committed to engaging its diverse readership by reporting on topical news events in Sierra Leone, enriched with editorials and insightful commentaries on pressing issues of the day. In addition to local news, The Calabash Newspaper expands its scope to include topics of continental interest, drawing from various international publications that address political, economic, and social developments across Africa.
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