Chief Minister Launches Steering Committee for Tripartite Report Implementation

By Amin Kef Sesay

Chief Minister, Dr. David Moinina Sengeh, inaugurated the Steering Committee tasked with overseeing the implementation of the recommendations from the Cross-Party on Electoral Systems and Management Bodies Review Report, commonly known as the ‘tripartite report’. The meeting took place on Friday, July 19, 2024 at State House in Freetown.

The primary goal of the newly established Steering Committee is to ensure the comprehensive execution of the tripartite report’s recommendations. The Committee includes a diverse group of members, comprising both Government Ministers and representatives from Civil Society Organizations (CSOs).

In his address, Dr. David Sengeh explained that following a cabinet decision to proceed with the tripartite report’s recommendations, President Julius Maada Bio endorsed the formation of this Steering Committee. The inaugural meeting was convened to define the Committee’s structure, mandate and operational guidelines.

“This meeting marks the beginning of our journey to implement the recommendations of the tripartite report,” said Dr.David Sengeh. “Our objective is to establish a clear framework for the Committee, including its duration, terms of reference and rules of engagement. It is crucial that we understand our immediate deliverables.”

The Chief Minister emphasized the importance of familiarizing themselves with the tripartite report and integrating its recommendations into ongoing national reforms, such as the constitutional review process.

Plans include setting up a Secretariat staffed by experts in legal, financial and communications fields, as well as institutional development and public sector analysis.

The Committee members voiced their commitment to making the report accessible and user-friendly, proposing initiatives like school debates, letter-writing campaigns and concerts to engage the public with the report’s recommendations.

The Chief Minister concluded the meeting by highlighting the President’s clear directive to ensure the effective implementation of the reforms, which are intended to fortify Sierra Leone’s democratic processes.


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