Denis Kamara’s Harrowing Story of Escaping Tradition to Freedom in Sierra Leone

Denis Kamara
Denis Kamara

By Francess Wright

In a harrowing revelation, it has come to light that numerous young boys and girls in Sierra Leone are being forcibly initiated into secret societies under the guise of preserving tradition and customs. These initiation ceremonies, particularly those conducted by the notorious Poro and Bondo societies, are not only traumatic but also deadly, with many young victims losing their lives in the process.

Despite the clandestine nature of these rituals, which often take place in secluded rural areas, a few tragic cases have surfaced, exposing the gruesome practices involved. Law enforcement remains largely unaware of these deaths due to the secretive locations, but on rare occasions when these cases come to light, those responsible face legal consequences.

A recent investigation by our reporter Alvin Lansana uncovered the disturbing ordeal of Denis Kamara, a young man whose life was irrevocably changed by the Poro Society. Denis’s father held the significant title of “Gbanabom” within the society, a role his uncles insisted Denis should inherit after his father’s death. Despite being initiated at a young age, Denis vehemently opposed further initiation into the society.

Our reporter said he was informed by residents of the community where the incident took place that tension escalated during Denis’ grandmother’s burial in December 2022, when his uncles demanded his initiation shortly after his 18th birthday in January 2023.

He continued that he learnt how Denis’s plans to escape the initiation were betrayed by a trusted friend, leading to a brutal confrontation on the night of his birthday and he was forcibly taken to the Poro society bush where he was subjected to painful rituals involving cuts with a razor blade and a hot knife.

Our reporter said he was intimated by residents that Denis managed to escape his captors, running through the night until he reached a highway.Denis Kamara

They stated that they believe he was rescued despite his bloodied and disheveled appearance.  All of them, whom our reporter interviewed said Denis’s whereabouts remain unknown, with the Poro Society reportedly vowing to sacrifice him if found.

It must be noted that in this human interest story, the tragic plight of Denis Kamara underscores the severe human rights violations occurring under the pretext of tradition. These practices not only infringe on the victims’ fundamental rights but also pose a significant threat to their lives. It is imperative for rights-based organizations in Sierra Leone to intensify their advocacy against such harmful traditions, ensuring that young people no longer suffer in silence or fall victim to these brutal practices.

The police, although aware of these tragic events, remain largely powerless to intervene, often citing the cultural significance of these societies. Disturbingly, some law enforcement officers are even members of these secret societies, further complicating efforts to combat these inhumane practices.

The call for action is clear: the continuation of such gruesome initiation ceremonies must be halted to protect the lives and rights of Sierra Leone’s youth. Rights organizations and the broader community must rally together to expose and end these deadly traditions, ensuring a safer future for all.


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