Dr. Sidie Mohamed Tunis Calls for Enhanced Parliamentary Diplomacy at IPU Assembly

In a stirring speech delivered at the 148th Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) on Monday, March 25, 2024 in Geneva, Switzerland, Dr. Sidie Mohamed Tunis, the Speaker of the ECOWAS Parliament, emphasized the pivotal role of parliamentary diplomacy in nurturing peace and mutual understanding across West Africa and beyond.

Under the overarching theme of : “Parliamentary Diplomacy: Building Bridges for Peace and Understanding,” Dr. Tunis reiterated the commitment of the ECOWAS Parliament to promote peace, security, and stability in the West African region. Established with a mandate to uphold democratic values, human rights, gender equality, and sustainable development, the ECOWAS Parliament aligns closely with the objectives of the IPU.

Dr. Tunis commended the burgeoning rapport between the ECOWAS Parliament and the IPU, acknowledging the IPU’s leadership in addressing global challenges effectively. He emphasized parliamentary diplomacy as a pivotal instrument for fostering dialogue and understanding to tackle the diverse array of issues confronting the region.

Highlighting the unique legitimacy of parliamentary institutions as representatives of the people’s will, Dr. Tunis underscored the indispensable role of parliaments in governance and peace-building. He cited instances of the ECOWAS Parliament’s active involvement in conflict resolution within the sub-region, including its pivotal contributions to peace initiatives in the Mano River Union and its recommendations for resolving political crises in member states.

Dr. Tunis emphasized leveraging legislative bodies as catalysts for international harmony and cooperation, stressing the significance of parliamentary initiatives, policy advocacy, and oversight functions in advancing peace, economic prosperity, and global development.

Acknowledging the challenges confronting parliamentary diplomacy, including escalating geopolitical tensions and resource constraints, Dr. Tunis called for collaborative efforts with civil society organizations, NGOs, and grassroots movements to augment parliamentary diplomatic endeavors and enhance citizen engagement, accountability, and responsiveness to societal needs.

Furthermore, he advocated for a rules-based international order and reinforced multilateral institutions, such as the United Nations, to bolster the efficacy of parliamentary diplomacy in addressing complex global issues, ranging from climate change to pandemics.

In conclusion, Dr. Tunis expressed optimism that the Assembly would propel the collective vision of an integrated, developed, and prosperous world, wherein parliaments assume an increasingly pivotal role in peacebuilding and conflict prevention efforts.

Dr. Sidie Mohamed Tunis’s impassioned address at the Inter-Parliamentary Union Assembly serves as a rallying cry for bolstering parliamentary diplomacy to forge pathways for peace and understanding in an ever-evolving global panorama.


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