Exposed: The Deceit Behind Fawaz Building Material and Randlyn Holding Company

By Esther Wright

For years, the Proprietor of Fawaz Building Materials and Randlyn Holding Company has been deceiving the National Revenue Authority (NRA) by grossly abusing the duty-free system meant for road construction companies and dubious construction projects. This blatant misuse of Government provisions is a call for the NRA, Anti-Corruption Commission and the Government to conduct a thorough audit of his cement, iron rods and building material imports.

Operating under the guise of a legitimate business, he has been importing these products through the duty-free system, evading taxes and exploiting Sierra Leoneans by selling at exorbitant prices. The cement he imports is less than the stated 50kg and the iron rods are undersized, defrauding everyday citizens with substandard products.

But his deceit doesn’t end there. This individual is notorious for going around calling others names while failing to look in the mirror himself. He constantly enters partnerships with various people—ranging from mining licenses to Government procurement, to hotels—all with the aim of defrauding them. Once his schemes are in place, he uses the Judicial System to his advantage, boasting that he has the system “in his pocket” and that he can bribe his way through any obstacle.

His actions are not only a fraud against the Government and the people of Sierra Leone but also a threat to the integrity of the country’s legal and financial systems. It’s time to say enough is enough. In the coming days and weeks, more will be revealed about his extensive criminal network. His financing sources are linked to dangerous terrorist groups in the Middle East, involved in laundering and spreading illicit funds. This is not just a fraudster defrauding the Government and the people—he is a threat to national security.

Stay tuned for more as we delve deeper into the criminal enterprise of this petty criminal-turned-businessman, whose illegal activities have been hiding in plain sight for far too long.


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