Foreign Affairs Minister Celebrates MCC Success with Embassy Staff in Washington, D.C

By Foday Moriba Conteh

The Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Alhaji Musa Timothy Kabbah, on September 29th, 2024, joined the staff of the Sierra Leone Embassy in Washington, D.C., to celebrate a significant milestone, Sierra Leone’s recognition under the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) Compact. The gathering, held at the Embassy’s Chancery building, marked what the Foreign Minister called a major victory for the country’s foreign policy efforts.

“We are here at the Embassy to celebrate the MCC victory because of the vital role played by the Embassy of Sierra Leone in Washington, D.C. This mission has been instrumental,” said Alhaji Musa Timothy Kabbah, emphasizing the importance of the Embassy’s engagement with U.S. authorities. He highlighted the strategic significance of the United States in global governance, stating, “The vibrancy of our Mission in Washington is essential because the U.S. is the world’s most powerful nation. Sierra Leone is working to reclaim its position globally, and the Washington Mission is central to that effort.”

The Minister went on to acknowledge the Embassy’s role in managing the fallout from misinformation spread after Sierra Leone’s June 2024 elections. He credited the Embassy for its diplomatic engagement with the U.S. State Department and other agencies, which helped clarify the truth and strengthen Sierra Leone’s relations with the United States. “Any progress in our relations with the U.S. is due to the work done by the Washington Mission,” he noted, praising the Embassy’s success in navigating diplomatic challenges.

Alhaji Musa Timothy Kabbah also reassured the Embassy staff of the Ministry’s renewed focus on bolstering their work, stating that the Washington Mission would be a top priority in the execution of Sierra Leone’s foreign policy. “We want to effect change and deliver results for our country. The Ministry and President Bio fully support the Mission here in Washington,” he said, expressing pride in the Embassy’s accomplishments.

Accompanying the Foreign Minister on this visit was the newly appointed Acting Director General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Allan Logan, who also congratulated the Washington Mission on its pivotal role in securing the MCC Compact. “This Embassy is effectively contributing to the success of the Government’s agenda,” Allan Logan said, noting that the MCC victory is likely to attract further investment interest in Sierra Leone. He urged Ambassador Sidique Abou-Bakarr Wai and his team to seize additional opportunities that will benefit the country’s growth.

Allan Logan stressed the significance of Sierra Leone’s diplomatic ties with Western powers, particularly the United States, which he described as a key influencer in global affairs. “The U.S. sets the direction for the world and it is in their interest to keep Sierra Leone strong in the sub-region,” he stated. He further noted that part of the Embassy’s duty is to counter any negative information about the country, reaffirming that Sierra Leone’s diplomatic mission is about advancing the national agenda rather than just seeking financial aid.

Ambassador Soulay Daramy, Head of the Foreign Service Academy in Sierra Leone, reminded the Embassy staff of the importance of professional diplomacy in their daily roles. He emphasized the need for continuous training and development to ensure the Embassy staff can effectively support the Head of Mission and the Head of Chancery. “Our foreign service officers are highly capable, but they must take advantage of the training opportunities provided by the Foreign Service Academy to improve work ethics and performance,” Ambassador Daramy remarked.

In his closing remarks, Sierra Leone’s Ambassador to the United States, H.E. Sidique Abou-Bakarr Wai, expressed his gratitude to Minister Alhaji Musa Timothy Kabbah for acknowledging the Embassy’s role in advancing Sierra Leone’s foreign policy. He recalled the key facilitation role the Embassy played during Vice President, Dr. Mohamed Juldeh Jalloh’s, attendance at a high-level MCC meeting in the U.S. Congress.

“The Embassy will continue its efforts in engaging U.S. Congress, the Senate, the State Department and other U.S. agencies to strengthen Sierra Leone’s foreign policy,” Ambassador Wai assured, introducing his staff as the driving force behind the Embassy’s daily efforts to support President Bio’s agenda.

The celebration of the MCC Compact marks a significant achievement for Sierra Leone, reinforcing its growing partnership with the United States and the role of the Washington Mission in securing the country’s international standing.


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