Former Deputy Auditor-General of Sierra Leone Responds to State House Press Release

Former Deputy Auditor-General of Sierra Leone.jpg

By Foday Moriba Conteh

Tamba Momoh (FCCA, FCCA (SL), CFE), on Friday, July 12, 2024 issued a public response to a recent Press Release from the Office of the Press Secretary at State House, pertaining to his suspension and that of the Auditor General, Lara Taylor-Pearce.

The suspension, dated November 11, 2021, was reportedly due to “professional performance or the lack thereof” in connection with an audit of the Office of the President for the 2020 financial year.

Tamba Momoh, who served as Deputy Auditor-General since 2009, expressed shock and disappointment at the developments, emphasizing his commitment to professionalism throughout his tenure. He cited numerous significant audits he had conducted, including the Sierra Leone’s 50th Anniversary Celebrations audit, Management of Ebola Funds audit and Management of COVID-19 Response audit.

In his statement, he detailed the procedural concerns he raised through his lawyer, Mohamed Pa-Momo Fofanah Esq., during the Tribunal’s inaugural hearing on March 17, 2022. His preliminary objection centered on the Tribunal’s lack of jurisdiction over his case, arguing that the Audit Service Board was the appropriate authority as per the Audit Service Act 2014. Despite this, his objection was overruled, leading to his continued participation in the proceedings through his legal team.

The former Deputy Auditor General  also revealed that he had resigned from the Audit Service Sierra Leone on July 30, 2023. Despite this, the Tribunal’s report, concluded on June 12, 2024, recommended his removal. He has not been provided with a copy of the report, despite repeated requests.

In his public appeal, Momoh called on the Attorney General of Sierra Leone to present the case of his alleged professional misconduct to the three professional accountancy bodies where he holds membership: The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sierra Leone (ICASL), The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA), and The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE). He asserted his innocence and maintained that his professional conduct had always been exemplary.

The Press Release from the Office of the Press Secretary on July 9, 2024, confirmed that President Dr. Julius Maada Bio had accepted the Tribunal’s recommendations for the removal of both Lara Taylor-Pearce and Tamba Momoh. The Director of Public Prosecution also noted that the Tribunal had recommended an investigation into Taylor-Pearce by the Anti-Corruption Commission over allegations of abuse of office.

Tamba Momoh assured the public that the true facts of the case would eventually come to light and reaffirmed his dedication to professional integrity and service to Sierra Leone.


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