Inspiring Young Women & Girls in Kono…   Aviation Director General Launches Aerodrome Safety Management Course

Sierra Leone Civil Aviation Authority (SLCAA).jpg

By Amin Kef (Ranger)

The Sierra Leone Civil Aviation Authority (SLCAA) launched the Aerodrome Safety Management Incorporating PANS-Aerodrome course on Monday, July 15, 2024. Held in Freetown, the event was inaugurated by the Director General of SLCAA, Madam Musayeroh Barrie, who warmly welcomed participants and emphasized the importance of the initiative.

Madam Musayeroh Barrie highlighted that the gathering in Freetown underscores the commitment to building capacity in the aviation industry in order to enhance safety. She stated, “Aerodrome safety is critical to ensuring effective and safe aircraft operations at aerodromes. Safety management systems at aerodromes enable operators to identify, manage and mitigate associated risks, establishing defense mechanisms to prevent incidents and accidents at airports.”

Addressing the aviation professionals present, she expressed confidence in the course’s relevance to those involved in flight operations, aerodrome operations, air navigation services and safety oversight. She assured that the course would enhance their knowledge, skills and competence, enabling them to contribute effectively to safety and efficiency.

The Director General encouraged all participants to adopt a positive attitude and actively engage in the course activities to fully achieve its objectives. She extended her heartfelt thanks to the organizers and partners, including the Korean Incheon Airport Aviation Academy and the African Civil Aviation Commission (AFCAC), for their ongoing support in developing human capital in the aviation sector.

Wishing the participants a successful outcome, Madam Musayeroh Barrie hoped that the knowledge gained from the course would be applied to enhance safety management systems at airports across various states. She expressed her gratitude to all attendees and looked forward to the successful completion and implementation of the course’s learning outcomes.

Following the launch, Director General Barrie departed Sierra Leone on July 16, 2024, for Gabon, where she will mediate an International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) panel on safety and security.

Earlier, a career exploration seminar was organized by the Young Women In Governance Network (YWIGN) on July 13, 2024 at the Fille Faboi Hall in Tankoro, Kono District with the theme: “Empower Her: Exploring Diverse Paths Beyond Traditional STEM Careers,” The event was aimed to inspire young women and girls to explore the diverse and thrilling world of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). It was graced by various personalities and the Director General of the Sierra Leone Civil Aviation Authority, Madam Musayeroh Barrie, delivered the keynote address virtually.

Madam Musayeroh Barrie’s speech was both enlightening and motivating. She began by emphasizing the boundless opportunities within the aviation industry. “The skies are not the limit, but just the beginning of countless opportunities,” she stated, underscoring how aviation is a dynamic and evolving field where technology, engineering and science converge.
She vividly described the aviation industry as a testament to human ingenuity, where the principles of physics and engineering come to life. The Director General highlighted the crucial role of mathematics in ensuring precision and safety and how technology drives innovation. She painted a picture of the myriad opportunities awaiting young women and girls in aviation, from designing aircraft and solving complex engineering problems to the excitement of piloting planes. “These are not distant dreams but achievable goals made possible through dedication to STEM,” she asserted.

Madam Musayeroh Barrie also acknowledged the historical male dominance in aviation but celebrated the achievements of pioneering women in Sierra Leone who have broken barriers and shattered glass ceilings. She pointed to the winds of change sweeping through the industry, demonstrating that women can excel in any field they choose.

She also emphasized the broader impact of embracing aviation for Sierra Leone, a nation on the rise. According to her, beyond economic growth, aviation connects communities, fosters tourism and opens new avenues for international trade. Stating that by encouraging more women to enter aviation, she said the benefits of the industry can be felt widely and equitably.

Addressing the young women and girls present, Madam Musayeroh Barrie, in a powerful message, intimated: “Your dreams are valid and your potentials are limitless.” She stressed that the journey to a career in aviation begins with education and urged them to embrace STEM subjects with passion and curiosity. Madam Musayeroh Barrie encouraged them to seek out mentors, participate in workshops, internships and training programs, and reminded them that every pilot started as a student and every engineer began with a single problem to solve.

She did not shy away from discussing the challenges that lie ahead. Acknowledging that the path to success in aviation, like any other field, would have its doubts and obstacles, Madam Musayeroh Barrie instilled resilience and perseverance in her audience, assuring them that every challenge is an opportunity. With the support of their community, they can overcome any hurdle, she added.

The Civil Aviation Director General also called upon the community to foster an environment that supports and nurtures young women underscoring that families, educators and leaders must work together to provide the resources and encouragement needed for girls to thrive in STEM fields. She pointed out that such includes investing in education, promoting gender equality and celebrating the achievements of women in aviation and related fields.

As her speech drew to a close, Madam Musayeroh Barrie left the audience with a powerful vision: a future where the skies over Sierra Leone are filled with aircrafts designed, built and piloted by brilliant women. She urged everyone to commit to empowering every girl to explore diverse paths, break new ground and soar to new heights. “Remember, the sky is not the limit it is just the beginning,” she concluded, leaving the audience inspired and motivated to embrace STEM and aviation.

Madam Musayeroh Barrie’s keynote address marked a significant step towards gender equality in STEM fields in Sierra Leone, setting a precedent for future initiatives aimed at empowering young women and girls to reach their full potential. Her leadership and vision continue to pave the way for a brighter and more inclusive future in the aviation industry and beyond.


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