MP Praises Pavi Fort’s Outstanding Road Construction Work

Pavi Fort AL Associates (SL) Limited.jpg

By Amin Kef (Ranger)

A notable member of the Parliamentary Committee on Works, Hon. Daniel Koroma of the main opposition APC Party, on the 11th July 2024 profusely commended Pavi Fort AL Associates (SL) Limited, under the leadership of Alimu Barrie, for the company’s exemplary work in road construction.

He heaped praises on the company during the ratification of the Concession Agreement between the Government of Sierra Leone and the Gento Group of Companies for the construction of a seaport at Banana Island and a logistics hub at Kent.

Expressing his full confidence in Pavi Fort, Hon. Daniel Koroma highlighted the company’s strong commitment to the development of Sierra Leone. He emphasized that awarding contracts to Pavi Fort, led by Alimu Barrie, is a wise decision and urged the Government to continue doing so.

The Member of Parliament noted that, unlike other companies that take Government funds out of the country, Pavi Fort reinvests in Sierra Leone. Hon. Daniel Koroma stressed the importance of road infrastructure in promoting development and attracting investors.

He concluded by thanking Pavi Fort for their contributions to the country and urging them to continue their diligent service. The MP also advocated for more road contracts to be awarded to Pavi Fort, praising the quality of their roads as comparable to those in Europe.

It could be recalled that the Parliamentary Committee on Works and Public Assets conducted an extensive oversight visit on June 8 and 9, 2024, to inspect ongoing road construction projects in Kenema and Kabala.

The Oversight Committee, led by Hon. Ing. Habib Fabbah, the Deputy Chairman of the Committee, aimed to evaluate the progress and quality of the work undertaken by Pavi Fort AL Associates (SL) Limited and assess the project’s adherence to set timelines and quality standards.

Hon. Daniel Koroma noted that the Kenema project is 74% complete, indicating substantial progress. He also addressed potential legal challenges, particularly concerning compensation for affected properties, assuring that the Sierra Leone Roads Authority (SLRA) and Pavi Fort are actively resolving those issues.

Alimu Sanu Barrie, Chairman and CEO of Pavi Fort, provided updates on the project, initially planned for 25 kilometers with a 5-kilometer extension, adding that 20 kilometers have been completed and the project is on track for a December 2024 completion. He cited previous successful projects, such as the Kabala Township Road, to highlight their commitment to quality.

The Chairman and CEO also addressed challenges faced during construction, including initial delays due to the lack of a suitable quarry, which delayed the project by about a year.

According to Alimu Barrie, once a suitable quarry was found, the project gained momentum. He praised President Julius Maada Bio and the Government for their support and emphasized the role of strategic planning to mitigate weather-related challenges.

The Pavi Fort boss pointed out that the road construction project has created over 600 direct jobs for Sierra Leoneans, with additional employment through subcontractors.

Alimu Barrie highlighted the company’s focus on knowledge transfer by pairing local graduates with expatriates, enhancing local expertise. He also mentioned efforts to resolve community concerns, particularly regarding compensation for affected residents and noted that a meeting with parliamentarians resulted in a settlement plan to include compensation in their payment processes, ensuring timely and equitable solutions.

Hon. Daniel Koroma expressed satisfaction with the progress and quality observed and reposed confidence in meeting the project timeline despite potential weather-related challenges.

Following the Kenema visit, the Parliamentary Committee on Works and Public Assets moved to Kabala on Sunday, June 9, 2024, to assess the road construction project implemented by Pavi Fort Construction Company. After the assessment, the Committee proceeded to examine the project works of the company in Freetown on Monday, June 10, 2024.

The committee inspected the company’s implementation of the World Bank-funded Integrated Resilient Urban Mobility Project (IRUMP), which entails the enhancement of three specific areas in Freetown: Kissy Ferry Junction, Congo Cross Roundabout, and Lumley Roundabout.  An examination of major streets that the company rehabilitated in Freetown was also done.

In its estimation after the completion of the oversight exercise, Members of the Parliamentary Committee on Works commended the impressive implementation of works by Pavi Fort in all the areas where the company implemented contracts won.


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