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Returned Migrants Release Song about Coronavirus


By Esther Wright

Having attempted to migrate to Europe but failed in their sojourn, all is not lost for certain young Sierra Leoneans as, with support,  they are contributing immensely towards nation building.

Three talented young returned migrants from Sierra Leone, Henry Bessman (Henry B), Ibrahim Kargbo (Adkay) and Abdul Karim Sankoh (Gift), used their creative skills to write and record Corona virus is real, an original song about Covid-19. The song is available in English and Krio and aims to inspire people in Sierra Leone to take this virus seriously and protect themselves.

The young men took the initiative to write the song to raise awareness about the virus in a way that people will pay attention to. They sing, “We are calling everybody, please listen to this message… please don’t ignore this message… let us say no to this virus, let us kick it out of this world.” The song also shares practical information about hygiene, physical distancing and mask-wearing measures.

The chorus of the song references Ebola, which impacted Sierra Leone between 2014 and 2016 with more than 14,000 cases and nearly 4,000 deaths, reminding people of the importance of taking action now, so that history doesn’t repeat itself: “Corona virus is real and it’s killing ….Let don’t condone it, so it won’t be like Ebola.”

Gift, an active member of the community and documentary filmmaker, said: “My motivation for doing this song came about as a result of my personal experience with the Ebola outbreak. I lost my mother to the disease and I can still clearly remember the pain.”

“I thought that the best way we can prevent corona from affecting the country the way Ebola did is to record a song to remind and sensitize people about our difficult past, to protect each other and not repeat the mistakes we made with Ebola,” said Adkay, a musician and local activist.

Henry B. aspires to be a professional musician and is motivated to empower young people with music. “My inspiration for doing this song came when the pandemic reached Africa. I decided to collaborate with Gift and Adkay to do this song in order to educate the public about the dangers of this disease if we allow it to spread in our country.”

The three talented artists are volunteers with IOM’s Migrants as Messenger project, a peer-to-peer messaging campaign supported by the Government of the Netherlands that aims to empower young people in West Africa to make informed migration-related decisions. The project works with returned migrants to share first-hand information about the trials and tribulations of irregular migration.


NP-SL Continues to Keep our Vehicles Moving, Our kitchens Functioning & Above All is Sustaining Lives

National Petroleum Sierra Leone Limited, NP (SL-Ltd).

By Amin Kef Sesay

One can really imagine what life on earth would look like without petroleum products. Understandably, scientific and technological means should have been devised alternative ways of fitting into what products like petrol, diesel, kerosene, gas and other lubricants are capable of doing, maybe within the realm of renewable energy.

Fortunately, mankind is blessed with the availability of crude oil, in some parts of the world, which can be refined to produce various end products that are collectively considered as fuel.

These are what we use to power our thermal engines to generate electricity as we do the same with generators that are used in homes, offices and business entities. Fuel is utilized in our cars, vans, lorries, trucks to convey people and goods from one locality to another. We use kerosene for various domestic purposes as well as utilize other petroleum products for their intended purposes. The significance of the availability of petroleum products cannot be overemphasized as they are inextricably linked to continued human existence.

One important entity in this country that is not only importing petroleum products but also marketing them is the National Petroleum Sierra Leone Limited (NP-SL-Ltd) which has been doing such transactions remarkably well to such an extent that there have been rare cases when shortages had occurred but that in itself could not lie squarely on the shoulders of the company but rather as a result of external forces that may be beyond the control of NP-SL-Ltd.

Towards maintaining that goal, the National Petroleum Sierra Leone Limited, NP (SL-Ltd) is tirelessly working round the clock, engaging oil producing companies in business discussions, to always ensure that supply flows in timely.

Through concerted efforts the company has been making it quite possible for stocks to last over periods of time in order to avert the occurrence of shortages.

Interestingly, NP-SL is not a Government entity or appendage; no politician has a share in it as its shareholders are mere ordinary Sierra Leoneans, starting with 35 of them who some time ago bought shares from the Government out of their end of service benefits to establish what today has become a towering entity (NP-SL) to reckon with in the business landscape.

As had been fallaciously propagated by certain ill-motivated persons, who do not mean well for this country, that there are certain politicians that have vested interests in the company, our investigations have proven otherwise.

NP-SL is a 100% indigenous company to the letter and it has weathered various storms that could have dwarfed it or left it to extinct save therapeutic intermittent Managerial injections that keep it upright and on the right course.

Demonstrating its dogged commitment to the socio-economic development of the country the company is maintaining a policy of strictly adhering to the Local Content Policy ensuring that it has a maximum of indigenous staff in its employ. What this actually means is empowering our brothers and sisters to access employment opportunities and reduce poverty.

As a matter of fact some members of staff continue to benefit from various trainings that have afforded them the conduit to imbibe useful skills to efficiently carry out certain tasks.

If we are counting the number of companies that have upheld the Local Content Policy, without any iota of doubt, NP-SL could be seen at the top. This intrinsic nationalistic posture of the company runs through and it is a sine qua non for overall national development.

If such a compliance rate should have been followed by other local companies, willingly, without any pressure from the relevant authorities then indisputably this country should have been miles away in its development trajectory.

It has been made abundantly clear that the way and manner in which customers are cared for in terms of talking to them, making them feel at ease goes a long way to attract them or gain their attention. Such should be done sincerely in order to make them more important. NP-SL for a very long period now has mastered that art and executing it so well which definitely is paying dividends.

1st for Customer Care was earned by the company because it has been widely acclaimed by many for solidly executing such. In its drive to optimize customer satisfaction the company went the extra mile to install calibrated pumping machines which are not only modern but trustworthy, as opposed to old pumping machines which certain unscrupulous individuals used to cheat unassuming customers.

This is helping in holding customers’ confidence high assuring them that they are dealing with a very transparent entity. The friendliness of NP’s pump attendants is very impressive and they are always there to timely respond to various concerns.

Still within the purview of 1st for Customer Care, the company is always in position to enter into payment plans with its reliable and dependable customers including Ministries, Departments and Agencies for supplied fuel and lubricants as long as all the necessary modalities have been put in place.

When cognizance is taken of the fact that some of these institutions receive intermittent budgetary allocations then such an arrangement is very significant. Its significance in real terms borders on functional continuity of those institutions as they will be assured of supplies of petroleum products in as much as they keep honoring their obligations.

For those who have not tried NP Gas for the first time it is now time to give it a try. Designed in sizable varying cylinders and sold at various NP Filling Stations, this cooking device has been rated as one of the best that is on offer for sale. NP Gas is safe, user friendly and portable. Trying it will spur you to recommend it to others.

NP Smart Card is now in vogue and is one of the latest technological devices used to purchase petroleum products. Using it has attendant advantages as evident in procuring fuel at any working time of the day even during times when monies could not be accessed from banks. It is secured, easy to use and very quick. It is now trending.

To crystallize proposed projects into tangible realities on the ground, Government needs the required financial resources to effectively do so and one sure way is from collection of taxes which is the mandate of the National Revenue Authority (NRA).  NP is one big tax payer to Government and it has been doing so timely.

The company’s presence in Guinea, Liberia, The Gambia and Ivory Coast shows that it is around for serious business. It is an embodiment of serious mindedness on the part of Sierra Leoneans who believe that what man can do then man can still do. It has been proven beyond all reasonable doubts that NP-SL is the power-house that powers power. It is the incontestable power house of the nation.

Our cars are moving, our NP Gas keeps serving us, lives are being changed in communities, employment opportunities are offered and above all the nation is benefitting all becoming possible simply because NP is vibrantly operating. The company is indeed seriously contributing to the socio-economic growth of the country and many are appreciative of all what it is doing in effecting positive changes.


US Commits $6.4M Health Assistance to Combat COVID-19    -U.S. Ambassador Maria E. Brewer

U.S. Ambassador Maria E. Brewer

By Amin Kef Sesay

If ever the world needed a reminder of the critical importance of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is it.  The coronavirus knows nothing of national boundaries, race, religion, nationality, or politics.  We are at risk simply because we are human.  But we can – and we will – defeat this virus using the strengths that respect for human rights give us.

Take freedom of expression.  As individuals, we are powerless against this virus, so we warn one another by using every means of communication at our fingertips.  We share vital information about the disease and its spread and sound the alarm if something (or somebody) is a threat to our communities. Or, consider freedom of religion or belief.  Individuals may seek spiritual guidance and protection from the pandemic, either individually or in community.

Then there’s the right to assemble peacefully and to freely associate.  We work with others to organize efforts to support and keep safe our committed first responders and essential workers, including through online advocacy.

And, because our very lives depend on it, we expect our political leaders to tell us the truth about the challenges ahead, and to accept criticism and responsibility with humility, grace, and compassion.  This is political and moral accountability.

When our leaders and media share credible, timely information about risks and benefits, citizens can make informed choices about how to protect themselves, their families, and their neighbors.

Without these freedoms and the accountability that comes with them, it’s impossible to develop either the medicines that will defeat this virus, or the political and financial strategies needed to repair our economies.  It is Government’s responsibility to protect both.

Officials who choose to protect their power and pride rather than the health and welfare of their people place their own people’s health and future at risk.  We know that a bright, post-pandemic future is possible if – and only if – Governments listen and serve the public during this time of adversity.

Authoritarian systems, by contrast, expose their weaknesses in times of crisis.  Governments that imprison or oppress those who would warn us that something is seriously amiss engage in the crudest form of denial.  Governments that forbid or seek to limit publication of vital information or to limit scientific, social or political collaboration not only threaten the lives of their own people, but of people in other nations as well.  And Governments that use this pandemic to crush religious expression seen as a threat to their control suppress both the instincts of their people and a profound source of personal strength and social solidarity.

It is contrary to the very concept of human rights to suppress communication of crucial public health information.  “Public safety” demands freedom and political accountability.  Without that accountability, our communities are put at risk.

By contrast, history proves that leaders who are truly transparent, accountable and responsive to criticism better protect the safety and flourishing of the families and communities that they serve.

Democracies like Germany and the United States have been open and honest about not only the grim statistics, but also the aggressive tactics they are employing to fight the virus.  Taiwan and South Korea were among the first to record infections outside of Wuhan, and quickly managed to prevent run-away outbreaks without resorting to oppression and fear.

As Americans, we are proud that our public and private sectors – in an “All of America” approach – have already marshaled resources to help the fight against COVID-19.  Since the outbreak began, the U.S. government has committed $775 million in assistance.  American businesses, NGOs, faith-based organizations and individuals have given at least $3 billion in donations and assistance. In Sierra Leone, we have committed $6.4 million in health assistance to address the COVID-19 outbreak.  This assistance joins decades of U.S. investments in Sierra Leone, totaling more than $5.2 billion in total assistance over the past 20 years, including nearly $260 million in health assistance.

There is profound wisdom in the African proverb that says, “If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”  Our American communities face the same suffering and the same challenges as yours.  We will overcome this crisis by reaffirming that which makes us human and free:  honest and transparent communication, creative collaboration and genuine accountability to our loved ones and communities.

Aki-Sawyerr Draws on Experience to Fight COVID-19

By Alpha Sesay alias Penpusher

Yvonne Aki-Sawyerr Mayor of the Freetown City Council- Yvonne, former Director of Planning at the National Ebola Response Center  (NERC) during the Ebola epidemic thought it fit to inject her wealth of experiences and expertise in the fight against the roving pandemic. Through the knowledge gained in the defeat of the Ebola epidemic couple of years ago, she has now sought to embark on localizing the fight against the dreadful monster (Covid-19).

In her strides and efforts to actualising her dreams of defeating the Covid-19 in the Capital, she thought it prudent to engage Ward Councillors as well as Ward Committee Members across the 48 wards under her watch on an intensive training program.

These trained Councillors and WDCs were capacitated with the requisite COVID-19 education and messages that they could efficaciously serve as community champions in sensitizing, educating, and influencing their people of  various communities in ensuring adherence to all the necessary precautionary measures that should  be used to curtail and contain the  pandemic.

The commencement of this community engagement on Saturday, 25/04/2020, across almost all the municipalities has vividly unravelled the need for such bottom-top approach as the nation is trying to decelerate the speed of the virus.

Through engagement with community people, it came to be realized that many held different perspectives about the virus. Some hold the belief that the virus is real but not here, others are still skeptical about its existence looking at the massive death rates in the Far East and the Western world and the slow pace of deaths or its shocks in our country. However, with this timely training, the Councillors and WDCs have started engaging their communities and these engagements are proving fruitful and so worth the efforts to obliterate the former perceptions and myths locals have towards the virus that has caused a total halt of operations in all spheres of our socio-economic activities.

A Community Chief revealed to this medium that during the Ebola epidemic, he was solidly informed and involved in  the fight against Ebola as he was trained by so many organizations including SMAC to be able to actively take part in the fight. But the COVID-19 fight is a different ball game altogether as till date there has not been any training or dialogue from any organization or NGO with regards the current virus. Thus, he urged the authorities concerned to localize the fight and get them involve.
He however commended Mayor Aki-Sawyerr for such an approach.

Govt. Secures $30M Loan to Commence Fiber Optic Connectivity, Phase 2

By Foday Moriba Conteh

President Julius Maada Bio on Friday, 24th April, 2020, through the Ministry of Information and Communications,  fully kick-started his agenda of digitalizing the entire Sierra Leone as promised in the last elections campaign of 2017.

Realizing that to participate in the global economy, every country requires to be digitized, President Bio has successfully negotiated and secured a loan of 30 million Dollars with one percent interest rate to ensure the effective implementation of the Fiber Cable Network project tagged as Phase Two Project. The loan is intended to finance the essential infrastructure required to connect the Fiber Cable to hospitals, schools, colleges across all districts headquarter towns and villages in Sierra Leone.

The Phase Two of the Fiber Cable Network Project as intended by the President is to boost both the public and private sector economy thereby activating the engine of the economic growth nationwide.

The Minister of Information and Communications, Mohamed Rahman Swaray when receiving the fiber optic cables, stated that he was excited to be part of history making and that the resources of  the State would be all time effectively and efficiently managed under President Bio’s Administration-hence the one percent interest rate of the fiber programme. The Minister further referenced President Bio, that Sierra Leone like the rest of Africa has missed out on three industrial revolutions but can no longer afford to miss out on the fourth digital revolution under his stewardship; and this fiber network project would lead to easy connectivity of schools, councils, hospitals, communities etc.

The Managing Director of the Sierra Cable Limited (SALCAB), Mr. Kebbay stated that he would do everything within his powers in ensuring that the digitalization dream of the President succeeds and in making the fiber project a reality, he would ensure that there’s always effective collaboration between the Information Ministry, Huawei and SALCAB.

The Acting Director of Communications of the Ministry of Information and Communications, Mr Muemeen Jalloh, took the Minister and team, the SALCAB team, journalists etc. round the Sierra Leone Shipping Agency’s warehouse and premises as to see all the fiber cables and all other required equipment and pledged unflinching commitment to the realization of the project.


Rokel Commercial Bank Joins COVID -19 Fight with large Donation

By Samuel Serry Jr

On the 24th April 2020 the Rokel Commercial Bank became the first indigenous corporate financial institution to identify itself with the Government’s fight against COVID-19.

A mouth watering consignment of food and medical accessories presented to the Ministry of Health and the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) was nothing short of the Bank’s overarching goal of giving back and standing with the nation in its trying times.

The excitement from the Hon. Minister of Health, Alpha .T. Wurie and his EOC allies was palpable. The Minister believed Rokel Commercial Bank’s donation will blaze the trail for both Government and private corporate institutions in the fight against COVID-19. “This is not just very very timely…it shows great responsibility from one of our most reliable financial institutions in Sierra Leone…… feeding represents a major pillar in our fight against COVID-19….” he averred.

Rokel Commercial Bank’s Managing Director, Dr Dayoh Gilpin, brilliantly analysed the obvious consequences of COVID – 19 to the country’s human resource base as well as the economy emphasizing that “This is an invisible enemy and we are standing with the Government of Sierra Leone to eradicate this plague and we truly don’t have a choice in this…” he stressed.

The Head of the EOC, who was also in attendance to receive the donated items assured that the items will be used for their intended purpose.

The donated items included: 100 bags of rice, 200 bags of sugar 50 bags of onions, 100 gallons of cooking oil, hundreds of dozens of other cooking condiments, facial masks and PPEs.

President Bio Addresses the Nation on 59th Independence Anniversary

His Excellency the President, Dr. Julius Maada Bio

By Amin Kef Sesay

His Excellency the President, Dr. Julius Maada Bio, on the 27th April 2020 delivered a short address to the nation after the country woke up to celebrate or observe its 59th Independence Anniversary.

The President stated that as we observe the 59th anniversary of the nation’s independence, we are once again reminded of how we are a resilient people, who have stood together as a nation in trying times and come out every time a stronger and better nation.

He stated that these are not normal times in our country and in the world at large as the ravaging Coronavirus has overwhelmed nations and left over two hundred thousand dead in its trail.

“This pandemic has changed societies, unsettled notions of unilateralism and left economies in shambles,” he highlighted informing that as we mark the day, he would like to thank our healthcare and other essential workers, Chiefs and community leaders, journalists, development partners (local and international), and Sierra Leoneans who have volunteered to work hard to rid our great nation of COVID-19.

“I am also profoundly grateful to every Sierra Leonean who has complied with restrictions on movement, assembly, livelihood, and lifestyles,” the President expressed appreciation further mentioning that those measures may seem intrusive and unbearable now, but they are necessary to break the chain of transmission in order to return to normal life and routine.

He thanked all for doing the needful by preventing, protecting themselves and others and to curtail the disease. He admonished all to be communicators and social mobilisers who should not only act to prevent Corona but also educate loved ones, neighbours and communities about the highly infectious disease.

The President said all are aware that before the COVID-19 pandemic, we had made steady progress as a nation stating how there had been improved macroeconomic stability, increased revenue mobilization, and  measures taken to open the country up for competitive and rewarding investments in various sectors.

“We had allocated 21% of national budget to support free quality education for two million children regardless of gender and ethnicity. We were building effective and resilient institutions and fettering corruption because corruption is inimical to our development. We were deploying new technologies for governance, education, healthcare, agriculture and for business. We will continue pursuing these and many more as we fight to contain COVID-19,” he mentioned some of the programmes that his Government has rolled out.

President Bio said the baseline for the country’s development remains to be human capital development stating that  as he has always maintained, a fit-for-purpose education that nurtures talent and promotes innovation; a resilient healthcare system that is affordable and accessible; and a vibrant agriculture sector that targets food security through promoting modernized farming, value-addition, and agro-based businesses for our citizens, are the very precursors and the very foundation for our development.

He reminded all that the task ahead is arduous furthering how now is the time for every patriotic Sierra Leonean to unconditionally contribute his or her fair effort for Sierra Leone.

“Patriotism is not about standing up only for people with whom you share the same political loyalties, ethnicity, or region. It is about embracing and caring about people who hold different views, and who belong to different ethnicities and different regions. It is about standing up for the ideal that your country’s call in its hour of need is supreme,” the President intimated.

The First Gentleman said only with our collective commitment, determination, focus, and unity of purpose, shall we prevail over Corona.

The President ended by entreating every Sierra Leonean to strictly adhere to all hygiene protocols and healthcare directives, and to report anyone showing symptoms of COVID-19. “You must also continue to use healthcare facilities for all other illnesses,” he further enjoined maintaining that if natural disasters, war and the Ebola

Pandemic never vanquished our resolve to survive, we shall overcome this yet again and together build a strong and productive SIERRA LEONE.

2018 Procurement Assessment Report to be Laid in Parliament Today

Chief Executive Officer NPPA, Ibrahim Brima Swarray,

By Allieu Sahid Tunkara           

A report on procurement activities of 134 public procuring entities undertaken in 2018 is set to be tabled in Parliament this Tuesday, 28th April 2020, by the Minister of Finance, Jacob Jusu Saffa. Parliament will vet the report after its presentation before it is made public.

The objective of the assessment report is to provide a clear picture of all procurement activities embarked upon by Government agencies almost two years back.

The report would help identify weaknesses in the public procurement system to support the development of evidence-based public procurement policies, strategies and future reforms.

NPPA Chief Executive Officer, Ibrahim Brima Swarray, elated for the publication of the procurement report, saw it as the fulfilment of an important milestone in Sierra Leone’s procurement landscape. “With the publication of this report, I can proudly stand up and tick off one major milestone that we have been able to achieve as it is clearly contained in Section 14(2)(m) of the Public Procurement Act,”  Swarray said.

Swarray also told this medium that he was gratified to see the completion of the report which he referred to as an “arduous and daunting journey.”

The report titled: “Annual Public Procurement Assessment Report, 2018” contains two basic segments referred to as first and second generations. Sierra Leone, according to the report, has undergone what is usually termed in procurement circle as “first generation” procurement reforms.

The term: “first generation,” within the context of the report, refers to legal and regulatory enhancements as well as the creation of a cadre to undertake procurement and reform of the rest of the institutional framework. NPPA, the report says, has embarked on several initiatives centred on “second generation” procurement reforms.

The second generation focuses on the overall development of the human resources whose activities impact on and drive the practice.

The expected outcome, according to the report, should result in greater adherence to processes and procedures with the aim of achieving strict compliance with the law. It is hoped that the successful implementation of these processes and procedures contained in the report would greatly rely on support from the Executive and Legislative arms of Government.

The report also pointed out that the second generation reforms are on-going. “The reforms are centred on the introduction of electronic procurement to further overall improvement in the procurement sphere,” a portion of the report reads.

Deepening overall improvement of the country’s procurement sector, the report further states, is aimed at enhancing the integrity of the procurement system, ensure the professionalization of the procurement function, strengthen accountability and performance measures, work within the wider public financial management reforms and collaborate, through information sharing, with other key Government stakeholders such as the Anti-Corruption Commission and the Audit Service Sierra Leone.

The report also claimed that despite the number of years procurement practice was integrated into the country’s public sector administration, execution of procurement processes by procurement entities remain “dismally low.”

It also indicated that over-use and abuse of the ‘Request for Quotation’ (RFQ) method of procurement continues to hinder the achievement of savings through the use of framework contracts for the repetitive purchase of goods and medium term value items.

The excessive use of the RFQ, the report says, by some procurement entities indicate a deliberate effort to undermine competition by splitting procurement activities to keep them below the threshold of open competitive bidding.

According to the report, procurement professionals do not make effort to explore innovative strategies that would improve on their turn-around time, reduce on the administrative cost of doing business and produce tangible benefits and cost-saving.

Weak contracts management resulting in major delivery delays, specifications deviations and poor quality of supplies, lack of adherence to contractual terms and obligations, under reporting or selective reporting among others are key findings contained in the 2018 Procurement Report.

Making special reference to previous public sector reform and audit reports on procurement activities, the aforementioned anomalies are compounded by the “abysmal state of records management in Ministries, Departments and Agencies of Government.”

The report refers to the poor records management as a “fatal flaw” in public sector management. “It is unthinkable, yet a fact, that upon request for documents, procurement personnel will claim they do not have records preceding their transfer to another entity as the last officer ‘took them along.’ This portrays a system that is endemically flawed,” the report also reads in part.

Almost invariably, the purchase of furniture and equipment by procuring entities is also captured by the report.

The report shows that 1,029 activities undertaken with a total expenditure of over Le40 Billion the equivalent of US$ 40M were related to purchase of furniture and equipment noting that no standards exist to guide the procurement of airline ticketing service.

“It is completely unregulated and also an additional avenue for leakages. Though we are aware of the many conditional variables that go into the pricing in this sector, yet the disparity between similar classes to the same destinations is glaring,” the report reads.

The report similarly indicated that the public sector being a purchaser of fuel, NPPA had sought in the past to prompt Government to negotiate with the fuel suppliers for volume discount. “Since this field has a very limited number of suppliers, obtaining the savings of a few hundred Leones per litre would produce a substantial amount of savings in this sector,” the report says.

On the positive side, the report went on, NPPA’s unrelenting insistence on the use of price norm and adherence to prices therein, price variations for similar items with similar specifications has been appreciably reduced.

NPPA was created in 2004 through an Act of Parliament as an autonomous, regulatory and oversight body in public procurement. Procurement Regulations were developed in 2006 to complement the Act with step-by-step guidance on how to conduct procurement activities.

The first set of procurement officers in the civil service were employed in 2010 which resulted in the establishment of the ‘procurement cadre’ to provide professional and technical procurement services within procuring entities. Public procurement is a strategic component in resource allocation and that if conducted in an efficient, transparent and competitive manner results in the effective delivery of public services.

In Sierra Leone, like in most developing nations, public procurement accounts forms a significant portion of Government expenditure.

In recognition of the fact above and with the support of development partners, Sierra Leone’s procurement system has undergone a number of reforms over the years mainly through experimentation with various forms of centralized and decentralized systems eventually culminating in the current fully decentralized system which has been embraced by Government.

The procurement system was formally decentralized in 2004, and a comprehensive legal instrument was developed based on the model law of the UN Commission for Trade Law on the procurement of goods, works and services created as an autonomous regulatory body.

Minister of Finance, Jacob Jusu Saffa

Partnering to Serve Humanity Consortium Donates 6000 Bags of Rice to MBSSE

Chief Executive Officer of Lanyi Foundation, Philomena Yumkella doing the symbolic handing over ceremony of the 10Kg Rice to the the Director of Administration, National School Feeding Programme, Sorie I. Fofana

By Foday Moriba Conteh

To complement the efforts Government is making towards enhancing and sustaining the National School Feeding Programme in the country, Partnering to Serve Humanity Consortium, comprising Tzu Chi Foundation, Healey International Relief Foundation, Lanyi Foundation and Caritas Freetown has on Friday 24th April, 2020 donated 6000 bags(10 Kilograms) of rice to the Ministry of Basic and Secondary School Education (MBSSE). The event took place at the Caritas Head Office at Kingtom in Freetown.

Present at the handing over ceremony were the Director of Administration, National School Feeding Programme, Sorie I. Fofana, President/ Executive Director of Caritas Freetown, Rev. Fr. Peter Konteh, Permanent Secretary Ministry of Basic and Secondary School Education (MBSSE), David Benya, Chief Executive Officer of Lanyi Foundation, Philomena Yumkella, National Programme Coordinator of the Free Quality School Education Programme (MBSSE), Amara Sowa, Programs Manager for Healey International Relief Foundation in Sierra Leone & a volunteer of Tzu Chi Foundation, Ishmeal Alfred Charles, staff of Caritas and MBSSE.

In his presentation, the President/ Executive Director of Caritas (Freetown), Rev. Fr. Peter Konteh described the gathering as symbolic and timely as they will be handing over 6000 bags of Rice of 10 Kg to the Ministry of Basic and Secondary School Education (MBSSE) to support the National School Feeding Initiative in the country.

He noted that even though organized schools are shutdown but the children are still living and they need food to survive.  The Reverend Father stated that the consortium, over the years, has been working assiduously to support the Government and the people of Sierra Leone through diverse programs and initiatives, adding that they felt humbled to support the National School Feeding Program stating how they are always humble to serve especially the less privileged in society.

He said it is very important that the young shall grow well and that one way they could grow well is to have good nourishment which is why they decided to support the Ministry with the donated bags of rice.

He applauded the Ministry of Basic and Secondary School Education (MBSSE) for the tireless efforts they have been expending to implement the Free Quality Education program adding that the role the Ministry is playing is very key towards the development of the nation.

Chief Executive Officer of Lanyi Foundation, Philomena Yumkella, noted that her organization was primarily established to promote education further revealing how they have renovated schools and provided financial supports to pupils. She said that since Lanyi Foundation joined the consortium they have been supporting the course of education in the country.

Philomena maintained that the donation of the bags of rice to the Ministry is a manifestation of their continuous support towards the course to serve humanity. She extended appreciation to Tzu Chi Foundation for providing the bags of rice that were donated to the Ministry for the school feeding program stating also that Ebola Survivors are going to benefit.

Programs Manager of Healey International Relief Foundation in Sierra Leone & a volunteer of Tzu Chi Foundation, Ishmeal Alfred Charles, disclosed that in 2014, like many other humanitarian organizations, Tzu Chi Foundation responded to help the people of Sierra Leone when the Ebola scourge was consuming lives and threatening the livelihoods of people adding that the Foundation was initiated by Dharma Master Cheng Yen revealing that in her wisdom and humanitarian sprit she mobilized volunteers to coordinate relief support for Sierra Leone.

He said that the consortium is handing over 6000 bags of rice of 10 kilogram which will be distributed to targeted beneficiaries.

On his part, Director of Admin for the National School Feeding Programme, Sorie I. Fofana expressed appreciation to the Partnering to Serve Humanity Consortium for the kind gesture which he described as very timely.

He disclosed that the 6000 bags of rice of 10 kilogram will be distributed in 6 districts, Bombali, Karene, Kambia, Kono, Kailahun and Kenema, adding how primary school children will be targeted and each child will be provided with 10 kg of rice to take home. According to him, the distribution will be led by the Ministry with support by the partners of the consortium.

He said schools were selected at random within the most food insecure and vulnerable chiefdoms in each district according to the comprehensive food security and vulnerability analysis that was undertaken by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security and the World Food Programme in 2015.

He assured the Consortium that the Ministry will ensure that the bags of rice will be used for the intended purpose and will reach the targeted beneficiaries.

President/ Executive Director of Caritas Freetown, Rev. Fr. Peter Konteh also doing the symbolic handing over to the Permanent Secretary Ministry of Basic and Secondary School Education (MBSSE), David Benya

Cross section of the Rice donated

SLCB Assures Customers of the Bank’s Safety -DMD

Deputy Managing Director of the Sierra Leone Commercial Bank (SLCB), Bockarie Kalokoh

By Amin Kef Sesay

Following the fumigation of all its branches across Sierra Leone in a bid to curtail the spread and prevention of COVID-19, the Deputy Managing Director of the Sierra Leone Commercial Bank (SLCB), Bockarie Kalokoh underscored the fact that SLCB is the safest bank for customers.

The Deputy Managing Director reiterated that the fumigation of its facilities is a precautionary measure against the coronavirus and in ensuring that their customers do not contract the disease when accessing their facilities nationwide.

He furthered that the fumigation of their facilities done by Mr. Klin, a cleaning agency contracted by the Bank, is to complement the efforts of President Julius Maada Bio and his Government in taking proactive measures in the fight against the disease.

Apart of the proactive precautionary measures taken as a Bank to prevent their valuable and loyal customers and the country at large in all its branches across the country, he said SLCB is playing its part again in engaging the public to prevent themselves from the disease.

He further reiterated that “prevention is key, Corona virus is real, prevent the spread of corona, wash your hands regularly with soap and water, practice social distancing and avoid hand shaking.”

“Adhering to the precautionary measures, together we say NO TO CORONAVIRUS,” he averred. He called on all to adhere to the directives of the President and the Ministry responsible for the fight against the spread of the coronavirus in the country.

Everyone could attest to the fact that the Sierra Leone Commercial Bank (SLCB), the innovative and profit making financial institution f was the first public institution to have taken a giant step in embarking on sensitization and awareness raising on the precautionary measures against the spread of coronavirus.

The Bank demonstrated exemplary leadership as the Big Brother in the financial sector undertook series of street parades with stickers carrying messages of preventive measures from the Ministry of Health and Sanitation as well as the global health body, the World Health Organization.