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1000 Bed Hospital to be Constructed by Padiyath Healthcare

Theresa Kef Sesay

Padiyath healthcare is an India Multi-national healthcare group operating in India and in some African countries with twenty two hospitals. The aim is to provide world class medical technologies with affordable Indian Healthcare expertise in the continent of Africa covering the major part of its socio-economic strata.

While presenting the concept note for the construction of a proposed 1,000 bed hospital to the Deputy Minister of Health and Sanitation, the Focal Person for Padiyath Healthcare, Hon. Alex Mattia Rogers, stated that the partnership which he facilitated between Padiyath and the Ministry is to help improve Sierra Leone’s challenged healthcare system. He added that following the visit of the Chairman of Padiyath Healthcare, Dr. Hazeeb Rahman, to the country earlier this month, the institution has expressed interest to upgrade some health facilities key among them is Connaught Hospital in Freetown. He furthered that Padiyath will be sending forty healthcare professionals to provide technical assistance and aid in providing quality health services.

Receiving the concept note, the Deputy Minister of Health and Sanitation, Dr. Anthony Sandi ,commended the initiative while noting it will help address the numerous challenges in the health sector. He noted that such a gesture is timely stating that the Sierra Leone health system is challenged with high maternal mortality rate. He welcomed the initiative adding they will do their best to ensure that a land is provided for the construction of the 1000 bed hospital they intend to provide for Sierra Leoneans.

The partnership will seek among other things the provision of low-cost healthcare services, facilities and improve on existing health structures in the country.


3 Days Lockdown Declared

Head of National COVID-19 Response Team, (Rtd) Brig Gen. Hassan Kellie Conteh

By Foday Moriba Conteh

In order to curtail the spread of the coronavirus in the country, the Head of National COVID-19 Response Team, (Rtd) Brig Gen. Hassan Kellie Conteh, during a Ministry of Information and Communications Emergency Press Conference, convened on Wednesday 1st April, 2020 at Youyi Building in Freetown, disclosed that the Government of Sierra Leone is declaring a nationwide three days lockdown starting from Sunday 5th April 2020 to end on the 7th April, 2020.

According to him, the lockdown was declared in order for us as a nation to curtail the spread of the virus maintaining that at the moment the country has recorded two confirmed cases adding that with regards the 1st case it has been estimated that 130 contacts were established out of which 43 primary contacts were traced and 8 tested cases were proven to be negative saying the process is ongoing.

He noted that three of these contact persons have already travelled to Kenema and Kono and that during the lockdown they will ensure that they try to get all the contacts traced and tested.

He also stated that from Thursday 4th April, anyone arriving in Sierra Leone via boat or land from Guinea and Liberia will be held in custody for not less than 14 days.

He admonished the public that if community transmission has started, safety measures will be made more stringent stressing the need to avoid crowded areas, practice social distancing, hand washing among other preventive measures.

(Rtd) Brig Gen. Hassan Kellie Conteh said that passengers in all vehicles should be limited to the barest minimum
underscoring that taxis should have 2 passengers at the back and 1 in the front.
He furthered that Kekeh must have 2 passengers, in Poda-Poda/Buses/Mini-buses no standing is allowed, there should be no passengers on the middle seats and that all vehicles should have sanitizers for their passengers, that ferries & boats should have the barest minimum of passengers and social distancing must be practiced and enforced on ferries.

The Minister of Health and Sanitation, Prof. Alpha Wurie also informed that gathering that three 3 ventilators are  now in the country at Choithram Hospital, adding that the Government of Sierra Leone has procured 8 more ventilators but they have not yet arrived.

He said that the Africa Union will be donating 11 additional ventilators and that the Government intends to procure up to 50 more ventilators in order to fight the virus in the country and that only critical cases will be treated with the use of ventilators.

He disclosed that Jack Ma donated 20,800 test kits which are now in the country. “Using approved methodology these are sufficient for testing 4,000 persons and 3,500 test kits are expected from WAHO although there are 1,000 already in the country,” he intimated.

In another development in a position paper dated 1st April, 2020 from the Sierra Leone Medical and Dental Association it was recommended that the three day Lockdown (i.e. Limiting movement of citizens) be extended to 14 (fourteen) days based on the known disease incubation period.

They also recommended that PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) and N95 masks are available at all health facilities for healthcare workers and that all the 26 (twenty six) doctors and staff at the Ola During Children’s Hospital are potential contacts of Case 2 and should be isolated and tested after quarantine, whether symptomatic or not.

He noted that Secret societies are banned until further notice, that religious houses should not be operational until further notice, funerals restricted to family members of not more than 20 people,  weddings limited to immediate family and during burials the practice of washing bodies must be discouraged until the scientists confirm whether the virus can be transmitted from corpses or not.

To Help Combat Deadly Coronavirus… NP-SL Donates Le 1 Billion to Covid-19 Fund

Kobi Walker

By Amin Kef Sesay (Ranger)

In a  bid to complement the efforts of Government in the fight against the coronavirus, the country’s foremost oil marketing company, the National Petroleum Sierra Leone Limited (NP-SL-Ltd) has on Thursday 2nd April, 2020 donated one Billion Leones to the Covid-19 Fund as its own contribution towards combating  COVID-19. The donation was done at the forecourt of the Emergency Operation Centre at Cockerill in Freetown. Present at the occasion were ministers of, Defence, Health and Sanitation, Water Resources, Youths, Sports, and Trade and Industry.

In his address, Chairman of the Board of Directors of NP-SL, Mike A. Carroll, stated that indeed the virus is very deadly and it is on record that we have reported two cases furthering how we must collectively join hands in complementing the efforts of the Government in its strides towards scaling up the fight against the virus stating how it is only by doing so that the common enemy will be defeated.

“As a responsible company we thought it fit to make this donation on behalf of the shareholders and Management. We are doing so with the strong belief that such could be helpful especially at this decisive moment,” he said before presenting the cheque of one Billion Leones (Le 1 Billion) to the Chief Minister, Professor David Francis, who represented the Government of Sierra Leone.

Mike A. Carroll added that we must adhere to all the precautionary measures that the Government and its partners have put in place also underscoring that it is only when strict adherence is maintained that we could stay safe.

On his part, the Chief Executive Officer of NP-SL, Kobi Walker, stated that the gesture by the company is a clear manifestation that NP-SL cares for the nation and its citizens pointing out that they ready to make all sacrifices in order to contribute to the socio-economic development of the nation. He added that they are determined to stand by the side of the people of this country during good and bad times furthering that indeed we are now going through challenging times. He also admonished to strictly practice what the Government, through the Ministry of Health and Sanitation and other stakeholders have put together in terms of the protective measures that have been outlined stressing how we must treat with all amount of seriousness the advices that the experts are churning out.

In another development on the same day, Bankole Richard, who is a Board Member of Leoneoil Petroleum Company, made a donation of Le 750 million, to the Coronavirus Fund as the contribution of the company to assist Government in the fight against the deadly virus.  He was accompanied by the company’s Managing Director, Ibrahim D. Cole.

“No donation should be considered small as these contributions to the Fund will go a long way in scaling up the fight,” he stated.

Receiving both donations on behalf of the Government, the Chief Minister, Professor David Francis expressed profound thanks and appreciation to the shareholders and Management of both companies adding that it is a step in the right direction. He appealed for more support to the Government also maintaining that collectively we could defeat the killer virus. Chief Minister, after receiving the cheques from the Oil marketing companies, handed it over to the Minister of Defence, who is the interim head of the body responsible to combat the deadly virus.

It is on record that one thing that is indisputable is the undeniable fact that NP -Sierra Leone Limited is a major contributor to the socio-economic development of this country. In any nation there are certain Non- State actors that do, in diverse ways, complement Government’s development trajectory and in this country the successful petroleum business entity has been commendably doing so.

Africell signs MOU with The University of Sierra Leone for the implementation of E-learning Big Data Project

Africell SL, the Managing Director of the company, Shadi Gerjawi and the Vice-Chancellor and Principal of The University of Sierra Leone, Brigadier General Professor Foday Sahr exchanging the MOU after the signing

By Amin Kef Sesay

On Monday March 30, 2020, Africell SL and the University of Sierra Leone (USL) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for the implementation of the e-learning big data project.

The MOU covers provision of mobile connectivity to staff and students of the University, access to and the utilization of the USL web portal in a reliable and cost-effective manner and access to students and other users of the USL web portal to make payments into USL administrative accounts using AfriMoney services provided.

Additionally, Africell will:

– Provide SIM cards to all users

– Provide zero-rating of the USL web portal mobile application, which shall eliminate the need for payment of mobile data tariffs to access the web portal.

– Provide special data bundle rates, to be agreed, that will give access to web URLs established solely for delivery of digital lectures by the University.

– Provide Free SMS services via Africell platform

– Offer periodic promotions in which all student users of the portal shall be eligible to win prizes such as computer devices, smart phones and scholarship awards.

– Provide USL with a Toll Free short code 5505 for The University Complaints Commission in the Academic & Career Advisory and Counselling Services Centre. This will obviously increase and improve reach and access to USL.

The e-learning big data project will not be limited to USL only. It shall be extended to an additional institution of higher learning to be nominated by the USL.

The USL shall make available designated locations to Africell as Points of Sale/Services in all 3 campuses of the University: FBC, IPAM & COMAHS. Both parties to the MoU are expected to establish a Technical Working Group to examine all the technical and operational aspects of implementing the MoU.

On signing the MOU on behalf of Africell SL, the Managing Director of the company, Shadi Gerjawi said, “The whole world is trying to digitize much faster than it would have because of the existential threat of the Coronavirus Disease. People are fast tracking their plans to ensure there is seeming continuity of life. This agreement is Africell’s support of the digitization leap taken by USL with technology that will give students the access to the portal of the University at a Zero-Rated cost”.

The Vice-Chancellor and Principal of The University of Sierra Leone, Brigadier General Professor Foday Sahr signed the MoU on behalf of the University. He expressed appreciation for the collaboration and partnership that USL has had with Africell over the years especially at this time when the University has gone digital.



Olive A.K Barrie

University Registrar



Dr. Tonya Musa- USL Director of Media, Alumni & International Relations

Email: tonya.musa@usl.edu.sl

Mobile: +232-76 507 160


John Konteh – Africell SL. MediaContact


Mobile: +232-77-928-401

Africell SL, the Managing Director of the company, Shadi Gerjawi and the Vice-Chancellor and Principal of The University of Sierra Leone, Brigadier General Professor Foday Sahr exchanging the MOU after the signing
Africell SL, the Managing Director of the company, Shadi Gerjawi and the Vice-Chancellor and Principal of The University of Sierra Leone, Brigadier General Professor Foday Sahr with Staff of the two institutions
Vice-Chancellor and Principal of The University of Sierra Leone, Brigadier General Professor Foday Sahr Signing the MOU

Africell SL, the Managing Director of the company, Shadi Gerjawi and the Vice-Chancellor and Principal of The University of Sierra Leone, Brigadier General Professor Foday Sahr .
John Konteh – Africell SL. MediaContact singing the MOU on behalf of Africell

United Bank for Africa (UBA) donates over Le1 Billion to the Government of Sierra Leone to fight COVID-19

L- UBA’s MD/CEO, Chinedu Obeta, Nigerian High Commissioner H.E Dr. Habiss Ibrahim Ugbada- the Committee Chairman of the COVID-19 Emergency Response Committee Brig Gen (Rtd.) Kellie Conteh and R- Board Chairman of UBA Abdul Sheku Kargbo

April 1st, 2020 –  the United Bank for Africa Plc (UBA) has on Wednesday 1st April, 2020 made a donation of One Billion, Four Hundred and Forty Million Leones an equivalent of ($150,000) as part of the UBA’s Foundation direct relief support to the government of Sierra Leone to the fight against COVID-19.

The donation was made at the Forecourt of the Emergency Operation Centre at Cockerill in Freetown in the full view of the Nigerian High Commissioner H.E. Dr. Habiss Ibrahim Ugbada, The Minister of Defense who also doubles as the Committee Chairman of the COVID-19 Emergency Response Committee Brig Gen (Rtd.) Kellie Conteh, The Deputy Minister of Information and Communication Mamadi Ngobeh Kamara, Deputy Minister of Social Welfare, the Board Chairman of UBA Abdul Sheku Kargbo, the MD/CEO of UBA (SL) Ltd.  Chinedu Obeta including other senior government officials from the Ministry of Health and Sanitation and the Media.

In delivering the donation on behalf of UBA Sierra Leone, the Chairman, Board of Directors, UBA (SL) Abdul Sheku Kargbo said that UBA Bank has always being a good friend of Sierra Leone since the Bank started it operations on July 21st 2008.

He revealed that they were extremely humbled to donate the said amount to the government and people of Sierra Leone to support the strides the government had made in the preventive measures in curtailing the spread of the Coronavirus COVID 19.

Chairman of the Board UBA Abdul Kargbo

He therefore admonished everyone to follow the set precautionary measures that have been put aside by the government and health authorities.

“COVID-19 is no respecter of race, status, wealth, gender or whether a state is economically developed or under developed. It is an equal opportunity enemy that is a harbinger of tragedy and chaos wherever it goes,” he said.

The Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of UBA (SL) Ltd Chinedu Obeta, firstly thanked President Bio’s government for the timely and laudable measures put in place to prevent the country from recording high number of Coronavirus cases.

Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of UBA (SL) Ltd Chinedu Obeta

He disclosed that the donation would provide significant and much needed support to Sierra Leone by supplying relief materials, critical health care items, and financial support to the Government through the COVID-19 Emergency Response Committee set up by President Bio to contain the virus.

The MD/CEO added that the bank was established in 2008 and ever since in Sierra Leone, the bank has contributed significantly to the economic development of the country. Adding that the bank has 250 Sierra Leoneans employed as direct and outsourced staff, and has paid over 60 billion Leones as tax.

“UBA-SL has been at the forefront in promoting financial inclusion through its digital products, adding that plans are underway to rollout additional five branches in the next 12 months, which would subsequently create jobs” he disclosed.

Nigerian High Commissioner to the Republic of Sierra Leone, Dr. Habiss Ibrahim Ugbada, said the whole world has found itself in a dilemma through the emergence of a devastating disease known as Coronavirus (COVID-19).

Nigerian High Commissioner to the Republic of Sierra Leone, Dr. Habiss Ibrahim Ugbada

“Although an index case was discovered on Tuesday, 31st March, 2020, it would have been a different story if not for President Bio’s visionary leadership in stemming this deadly virus from entering the country,” he said.

He assured the government that the government of Nigeria, through her business men and women, will continue to answer the call for assistance to Sierra Leone.

“UBA has taken the lead through this noble venture to present this token to the government and people of Sierra Leone. We hope this would go a long way in providing some basic equipment to fight the virus,” he said.

Receiving the donation on behalf of Interim Coordinator of the COVID-19 Team, Deputy Minister of Information and Communications (MIC), Mamadi Gobeh- Kamara registered her profound thanks and appreciation to the management and staff of the United Bank of Africa for their gesture and support in the fight against Coronavirus COVID – 19.

Deputy Minister of Information and Communications (MIC), Mamadi Gobeh- Kamara

She noted that the donated money would be used for its intended purpose while assuring His Excellency President Julius Maada Bio government’s commitment to the prevention and spread of the Coronavirus COVID – 19 in Sierra Leone.

“This is a crucial time in the history of the world, so we need to come together as a nation and stop the spread of the Coronavirus,” she cautioned.

It’s worth mentioning that, a press release published on the 26th March, 2020 by the UBA Foundation revealed that the UBA Group Chairman Tony O. Elumelu, stated ‘This is a time when we must all play our part. This global pandemic must bring citizens, governments and business leaders together – and quickly. As we see a rapidly increasing number of cases of the coronavirus in Nigeria and Africa, the private sector has to work hand in hand with various Governments, in stemming the spread of the global pandemic. We commend the efforts of governments and we are keen to partner and contribute our resources to the collective effort, that will ensure the response to the pandemic is swift and effective’.

UBA operates in 20 African countries and globally, in the United Kingdom, the United States and France, the United Bank for Africa has a strong record of supporting its communities, through challenging times.

Credit:  Communications and Marketing 


Njala University Donates Preventive Equipment, Elects New SASA President

Mr.Thomas Philip Songu,the newly elected President for the Senior Academic Staff Association,Njala University

By Foday Moriba Conteh

Authorities of Njala University on Thursday 26th March, 2020 complemented Government’s preparedness efforts in preventing the deadly corona virus. The University through the Community Relations Office and the Njala Hospital distributed veronica buckets and also sensitized town chiefs within the Kori Chiefdom on the symptoms of the Corona Virus and the need for them to institute bye-laws to control the possible spread of the virus in their communities.

The distribution and sensitization meeting was held at the Njala University Hospital and in attendance were town chiefs from Mosongo, Mokende, Gbonjeima,Tiama and Kombelehun communities. Community Relations Officer, Njala University, Thomas Bamie Charles intimated the chiefs that the University is responding to the clarion call by Government to scale up sensitization in communities on the epidemic.

He called on them to remain vigilant and re-activate their community task force groups and bye laws to support government to prevent the virus just like they did during the Ebola epidemic.

Dr Mohamed Coker, Senior Medical Doctor,Njala University Hospital admonished the chiefs to sensitize their subjects to inculcate hand washing as a normal habit.

The Corona virus according to him has hugely affected developed nations with better and sophisticated medical systems. He appealed to the Chiefs to protect their communities by taking direct leadership in Government’s preparedness efforts.

The Town Chiefs assured the University that they will do all in their powers to ensure that their communities are safe and disclosed that they have instituted bye-laws and remain vigilant to support Government.

Njala University has similarly supplied veronica buckets to all the main administrative and academic buildings in the Njala and Bo Campuses with a view to heighten the minds of students and staff of the University on the need to wash their hands daily and to maintain social distancing.

The Community and Public Relations Offices of the University and the Njala Hospital are expected to hold more sensitization meetings with communities on the Corona virus.

In another positive development Thomas Philip Songu, Director of Information and Communication Technology was on Friday 27th March 2020 elected President of the Senior Administrative Staff Association (SASA), Njala University; having a a cabinet of seven elected members. They include: Dr. Edward Obed Kebbie (Vice President), Mr. Anthony Abdul Rahman Jalloh (Secretary General), Mr. Lansana Jonathan Senesie (Financial Secretary), Mr. Thomas Bamie Charles (Public Relations Officer), Mr. Idrissa Claudius Swaray (Auditor), and Mrs. Kade Melrose Gevao (Social Secretary).

SASA was formed pursuant to Part Ⅴ Section 28 (1) of the 2005 University Act of Sierra Leone; stating that: “The staff of the University shall be bound by the terms and conditions of service negotiated by the appropriate staff associations or other negotiating bodies and the University authorities and approved by the Court.”

SASA as per its mandate is primarily responsible for safeguarding the administrative interests and personal welfare of Senior Administrative staff as well as ensuring that the University is acting in a way to promote the interests and welfare of all staff of the University.

The Newly elected President Mr. Thomas Philip Songu is the Director of Information and Communication Technology, Njala University. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree (BSc.) in Education with Mathematics major and Economics minor from Njala University, and a Master’s degree of Science (MSc.) in Information Systems Management from University College, London, UK.

He is a seasoned IT professional with over 20+ years implementation experience in strategic management of ICTs spanning Education, Finance, Media, Defence, Telecomm, Mining and Pharmaceutical industries at home and abroad.

Mr.Thomas is also currently serving as the Regional Quality Infrastructure Expert (ICT) for the United Nations Industrial Organization (UNIDO); and recently worked as ICT Expert through the International Organization for Migration (IOM) funded programme in the area of ICT Capacity Building in tertiary education to Sierra Leone.

The newly elected SASA President has worked as ICT Consultant for leading global organizations, including the UK Home Office, Computer Sciences Corporation (CSC), Siemens IT Solutions and Services, T-Systems UK, Barclays Global Investors, Credit Suisse, Abu Dhabi Investment Authority (ADIA), etc. mainly in the UK, USA, France, Spain, Switzerland, Germany, Portugal, the Netherlands, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

During his acceptance speech just after his victory, Mr.Songu called on his political opponents to come on board and help him resuscitate the dormant SASA. He assured all that he is keen in moving towards improving the welfare of his colleagues by providing loans, canteen and other welfare services.

The newly elected President has an enviable track record of initiating a number of projects that have benefitted Njala University especially around the areas of ICT and Communication.

Youth Affairs Deputy Minister Unveils ECOWAS Youth Council

Hon. Lusine Kallon launching the ECOWAS Sierra Leone Chapter

By Foday Moriba Conteh

Lusine Kallon, Sierra Leone’s Deputy Minister of Youth Affairs has launched the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Youth Council, Sierra Leone Chapter.

Launching the Sierra Leone Chapter, the Deputy Youth Minister said young people should come together and speak with a united voice to champion development. He said young people have been very pivotal in all developmental issues undertaken by the current Government, adding that because President Julius Maada Bio believes in young people he has involved them in national governance to collectively build the country.

He assured that the Ministry of Youth Affairs will support the ECOWAS Youth Council to succeed in championing development at regional level for the good of the youth in West Africa. He said the establishment of the Sierra Leone chapter shows commitment on the part of the New Direction administration to address the challenges of young people amidst difficulties. He said Sierra Leone is a member of ECOWAS and the Government is doing everything possible to ensuring the aims and objectives of the regional body (ECOWAS) are fully achieved.

The Deputy Youth Minister went on to say the launching was taken place at a very crucial moment in Sierra Leone’s history where citizens are worried of being unsafe over the deadly coronavirus disease (COVID 19) which has killed over one thousand innocent people across the globe from China where it started, to Italy, USA and parts of Africa. He called on every citizen not to panic but to continue to adhere to all precautionary measures being instituted by the Ministry of Health and Sanitation through the World Health Organisation (WHO).

“We have a very proactive President who values the lives of every citizen,” he said, and therefore added that, “the virus is deadly and real but our President is fighting to ensuring that we win the fight against COVID 19.” He said the citizens’ contribution to this fight is to be compliant.

Given an overview of the ECOWAS Youth Council, Hannah Kargbo, said the council was established in 2014 to address the challenges confronting young people in West Africa. She said the establishment of the chapter in Sierra Leone was timely and therefore should be a great opportunity for young people.

The Managing Director of Rokel Commercial Bank, Dr. Gilpin said the Bank is always ready to support young people to achieve their dreams and aspirations. He called on the current executive to continue the good work and strengthen ties with other Chapters and share knowledge.

Coronavirus Covid-19 pandemic surface in Sierra Leone, and what Now?         

Johnathan P. S. Bangura, Ph.D 

 By  Johnathan P. S. Bangura, Ph.D 

 !…making a commonsense case for a Diaspora Trust Fund as an economic recovery measure for Sierra Leone to come out of this crisis even stronger. 

This week, we have seen many African leaders declaring potential lockdown and enforcement  measures to reduce the spread of the Coronavirus Covid-19 pandemic. This includes our own Sierra Leone Government declaring a state of emergency, and the closure of borders including the banning of all regional and international flights in and out of the country, and changing the outlook of the economy and the country from struggling to an out-right negative reflecting an extremely weak and sluggish operating environment for Sierra Leone.

What to Expect:

It is obvious that the counter measures currently been put in place by the government to prevent the spread of coronavirus Covid-19 in Sierra Leone will further deteriorate the sluggish domestic economy, with negative business sentiments and trade uncertainty clouding growth prospects. Sierra Leone government in particular have high debts and their GDP growth will remain insufficient to boost per capita income levels or increase economic resilience.

The coronavirus Covid-19 mitigation will continue to engender a weakening operating condition in the country and pressuring governments’ credit quality, and set to have a knock-on effect on the overall economy through reduced business generation, slower credit growth and rising asset risk with a doubled-down negative outlook on the sovereign ratings of the Sierra Leone economy even though the virus did take some time before it surfaced in the Country.

Also, the well-connected individual citizens and Residents including entrepreneurs and businesses benefitting from government support uplift – and the financial institutions especially banks with ratings capped at the sovereign level because of heavy exposure to government debt – face pressure too.  Asset risk is also high as a result of rising government arrears, high loan concentrations, adverse borrower legal frameworks, and still-evolving risk management and irrational supervision capabilities. Therefore, it is highly unlikely the government will be able to manage the macro-driven impact of the virus mitigation and reverse a subdued economy specifically, the inability to address fiscal pressures and severe weaknesses throughout the economy that’s also affecting investor sentiments.

If all of the predictions and modeling for COVID-19 take hold in Sierra Leone, this pandemic disease could spread beyond the control of the country where the healthcare system is  underfunded and understaffed, and there are only between four and eight nurses for every 10,000 inhabitants in country. However, in one of the world’s richest countries, Norway, there are 180 nurses for every 10,000 inhabitants. This makes the healthcare system in Sierra Leone extremely vulnerable and unprepared for such a virus and thus crying for an immediate help from the Sierra Leone diaspora community to provide assistance to mitigate the socio-economic impact on the country and its inhabitants of eight million.

In Ethiopia, the Ethiopian Diaspora Trust Fund (EDTF) was launched on 22 October 2018, in a response to their Prime Minister, H.E. Abiy Ahmed’s call for $1 a day by the diaspora to help support critically needed social projects in the country. This is an initiative that can be replicated in Sierra Leone; working with the diaspora to set up a Sierra Leone Diaspora Trust Fund (SLDTF) which will allow people of good will to donate or contribute money as minimum as $1 a day which can be used towards supporting Citizens and Residents of Sierra Leone with basic needs and also to support the government in the response against Covid-19.

Such Sierra Leone Diaspora Trust Fund (SLDTF) can be launched effortlessly by well-meaning diaspora Sierra Leoneans in partnership with International development partners that calls for a donation or contribution of $1 a day by all persons for Sierra decent in diaspora to help support critically needed and provide social safety-net in Sierra Leone as a response to help home based Sierra Leoneans weather the Economic impact and fallout from the  coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic.

This is an initiative with the aim to unite Sierra Leoneans across the world working together as a diaspora residents and community to support our vulnerable country, a significant of time and money for people of Sierra Leone decent across the world to unite, to support and advise the government and to create immediate short-term innovative solutions starting with the sourcing and distribution of  essential food, medical equipment, medicines and other goods to the most vulnerable citizens in Sierra Leone, and a long-term effort to put in place an economic recovery measures for the country to come out of this crisis even stronger.

Fighting Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic

In SIERRA LEONE, there should be a targeted campaign towards raising awareness about the virus. This campaign should be at the heart of the work of the Sierra Leone journalists, as they play a vital role in shaping the narrative in a local context. How can people practice social distancing, self-isolation and be quarantined in SIERRA LEONE?  How can you practice social distance in a busy marketplace in the heart of Freetown or self-isolate when you live in a small space with your family and with friends of your family? The country must look beyond the measures that have been urged by WHO, in order to find local solutions to prevent the spread of the virus.

In an already bleeding economy in SIERRA LEONE, this challenge might be catastrophic. A lockdown is asking the population to stay at home in order to prevent being infected by the virus and to prevent its spread. However, it is also asking the majority of the population to stay at home with limited or no food and water security. This is very challenging as these are necessities and the spread of the virus will continue unless these major issues are addressed.

It is significant for not only the current government and administration of H.E. Julius Maada Bio, but also the small but extremely  influential private sector in the Sierra Leone, together with bilateral and multilateral development partners and ALL people of Sierra Leone decent in the diaspora to look towards finding solutions for the most vulnerable. Whilst analyzing the spread of the virus, it is important to note that the world has seen that no person is immune to it. However, as more governments are enforcing measures to keep their population at home, it is vital to also look at innovative solutions in order to make it possible for vulnerable populations like incase of Sierra Leone to actually survive in these new conditions.

As proven through various investments in SIERRA LEONE, the private sector plays a major role in the country’s development. This includes corporations but also individuals. According to the United Nations Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner, the SIERRA LEONE has an abundance of natural wealth, including a multitude of minerals such as gold, diamonds, Rutile, Bauxite, Iron Ore, etc., and as well as excellent climate to grow and produce coffee, Cacao, Palm oil, Piassava, Tea, and timber.

However, these resources have failed to benefit the people of a country which is often referred to as one of the “poorest countries in the world”. Although the country is rich in terms of its resources, it remains very poor, and the challenge for this nation will be to limit the virus’ spread whilst at the same time ensuring that the population have access to the basics, such as food and water.

Protecting the most vulnerable in Sierra Leone

Protecting Sierra Leone’s vulnerable urban and rural poor, millions of whom live in squalid conditions with limited or no access to sanitation or healthcare, and where the burden of infectious diseases is already great, must be the immediate concern of the government, and the private sector that includes domestic local corporates, bilateral and multilateral development partners and ALL people of Sierra Leone decent in the diaspora to provide means to mitigate the impact of the virus on Sierra Leoneans in urban areas that have no ready access to place to wash their hands, a crucial weapon against the spread of the coronavirus and the majority of rural Sierra Leoneans who also lack basic handwashing facilities at home steads.

Therefore, government Policymakers, working with international donors and the aid community, must prioritize deliveries of soap and other sanitation essentials in a bid to ensure that the virus does not take hold in poor urban and rural communities. While the interaction between Ebola – which suppresses the immune system of Sierra Leoneans who survived the epidemic – and coronavirus remains largely unknown, government policymakers must ensure that survivors continue to have access to anti-Ebola therapeutic medicines. Efforts to combat deadly malaria and tuberculosis must not be allowed to fall by the wayside either as focus shifts to the new coronavirus Covid-19 pandemic. But Unfortunately, extensive economic damage is already assured. To prevent a financial crisis turning into a terrifying health crisis, Sierra Leone and its partners must act now.

A call for innovate solutions

It is imperative that the government work closely with the private sector that includes domestic local corporates, bilateral and multilateral development partners and ALL people of Sierra Leone decent in the diaspora in order to reduce and cap the prices of necessities. These needs to be managed strictly and sanctions must be enforced if not followed. Furthermore, the government must urgently work with companies within the country to increase the production of hand soap and hand sanitizers locally.

Along with the production, measures must be taken to ensure that these products can reach the ones who are unable to pay for it, and that’s where the diaspora of all people of Sierra Leone decent living in countries that are currently in lockdown can play a major role in the fight against COVID-19 in SIERRA LEONE. They have a deepened understanding of the measures that their respective countries like United States, United Kingdom, Italy, France, Germany, Spain, Canada, Australia, and Asia-Pacific Countries have been forced to take, and also understands the local context in the SIERRA LEONE.

The word “State of Emergency” raises great concerns in Sierra Leone where the majority of the population is forced to go out every day in order to make ends meet. In other parts of the world, we have seen governments play a significant role in ensuring the economic safety of its population and working hard towards implementing innovate initiatives in order to reassure the population that “everything will be okay”.

An example is in Norway, where on 15th March, 2020, the Prime Minister announced that a $10bn fund would be created to support SMEs and large companies to survive the country’s worst economic downturn in years and today the United States Congress pass the largest main-street Stimulus package of $2 Trillion dollars to support individual American citizens, Small businesses and large companies to survive the economic impact and downturn in the broader economy as result of the mitigation efforts by all levels of Federal. States and municipal government to contain the Coronavirus Covid-19 pandemic.


The Authored of this Article:

Johnathan P. S. Bangura, Ph.D

Economist, and Banking & Finance Executive    

Resident of New York, USA

Tel: +1 (914) 474-2174

Email: jpbangura@msn.com


Pregnant Girls Legally Mandated to Attend School

pregnant girls in Sierra Leone

By Foday Moriba Conteh

After a long drawn wrangling side by side with series of advocacy it has been finally resolved that pregnant girls in Sierra Leone must attend school. This came in the wake of a recent ministerial statement to overturn with immediate effect the ban on pregnant girls attending schools. This was disclosed by  Marta Colomer, Amnesty International’s Acting Deputy Regional Director for West and Central Africa  who said:

“Today we have cause to celebrate as thousands of pregnant girls across Sierra Leone will be allowed back into classes nationwide when schools reopen after COVID-19.

This inherently discriminatory ban which was formalized for almost five years now has already deprived too many young women of their right to education, and the choice as to what future they want for themselves. It has now rightly been consigned to the history books.

Marta Colomer, Amnesty International’s Acting Deputy Regional Director for West and Central Africa. “This inherently discriminatory ban which was formalized for almost five years now has already deprived too many young women of their right to education, and the choice as to what future they want for themselves. It has now rightly been consigned to the history books.

“Indeed, pregnant girls are given back their dignity and we welcome the government announcement to overturn with immediate effect the ban on them attending school. It’s a victory for all those who campaigned tirelessly to make such a great change happen.

“We now hope that authorities in Sierra Leone will develop strategies to address the negative societal attitudes and stigmatization that pregnant girls have been facing for years.  This decision gives also hope to other pregnant girls in Africa who have been stigmatized, discriminated against and, in some countries, also banned from school.”

The background to the this sudden transpiration could be  sum up as thus: 

The Minister of Basic and Senior Secondary Education issued a statement announcing that the 2010 Government decision preventing pregnant girls from attending school and sitting exams has been overturned with immediate effect. It said it should be replaced by two new policies focused on the ‘Radical Inclusion’ and ‘Comprehensive Safety’ of all children in the education system.

It went on to state that President Julius Maada Bio made it clear that his ‘New Direction’ Government makes decisions based on both evidence and constitutional due process.

Furthering that on 12 December 2019 the regional Economic Community of West African States’ (ECOWAS) Community Court of Justice ruled that the ban should be revoked. It revealed that the case challenging the ban was brought by Sierra Leonean NGO (WAVES) in partnership with Equality Now and the Institute for Human Rights and Development in Africa (IHRDA) and Amnesty International intervened as an amicus curiae (“friend of the court”).

The organization previously documented how the ban put the rights of thousands of girls under threat. The ban was formally issued in April 2015 during the Ebola crisis. Due to Ebola, there was a sharp increase in teenage pregnancies.

Chief Minister Sets the Pace in Rice Cultivation

Professor David Francis

By Amin Kef Sesay

The Chief Minister will soon have his harvested rice on sale. It was unearthed that a total of 45 acres out of the 443 acres which was under cultivation is now ready for harvest.  Known as the country’s current Rice Champion, Professor David Francis, is enthusiastic of becoming the first Sierra Leonean millionaire in dollars from Agriculture who has set a target of more than 1,000 hectares of development by 2021.

This move by the Chief Minister is in line with President Bio’s vision of reducing rice importation to 50% by 2023 and to promote food sufficiency in the country.

The Chief Minister is also set to harvest his cucumber yields from one of his gardens which will be followed by okra, pepper and garden eggs in the coming weeks.

He is commended for revealing that he is committed to enjoin others to come on board to push this country’s development trajectory. It will be recalled that President Bio proclaimed that all political class must engage in farming. Responding to that clarion call, the Chief Minister, Professor David J Francis as a technocrat, a doyen in academia and a leader leading by example decided to go into agriculture proper, in practicalizing the statement of the President in ensuring sufficient food production in Sierra Leone.

Professor David J Francis as the new rice champion in Sierra Leone said he is quite aware of our balance of payment aspect that has to do with import especially rice and the quantum of money used to import rice in Sierra Leone. On that note the Chief Minister engaged in hundreds of hectares of rice farming in small Bo Chiefdom, Kenema District.

The harvest was done and the rice has been packaged and ECO RICE is the brand as it is set to hit the market. The Chief Minister stated if we have many Sierra Leoneans investing in rice production then we will start eating what we produce as a nation.