NP (SL) is a Symbol of Resilience and Excellence in Service Delivery

By Amin Kef (Ranger)

NP (SL) Ltd continues to stand as a model of steadfastness and excellence in service delivery within the country’s petroleum sector. The company’s resilience, even during challenging times, can be traced back to the determined efforts of 35 former employees of British Petroleum (BP). When BP decided to exit the market, these visionary Sierra Leoneans seized the opportunity by using their end-of-service benefits to acquire shares, laying the foundation for what has become one of the most outstanding and vibrant companies in Sierra Leone.

Establishing NP (SL) Ltd was a significant achievement in itself. However, the journey from its humble beginnings to its current status as a market leader is a testament to the selflessness and dedication of its Management. Their focus on collective success over personal gain has shaped a company that today exemplifies integrity, sound financial management, and an unwavering commitment to quality.

Over the years, NP(SL) has earned widespread recognition for its superior performance in marketing petroleum products. The company’s reputation as the leading oil marketing entity in Sierra Leone is uncontested, thanks to its ongoing expansion and drive to break new frontiers.

NP (SL)’s brand is synonymous with exceptional customer care—a core value that is not just a slogan but a deeply ingrained practice. The company’s commitment to customer satisfaction is as crucial as its responsibility to import high-grade petroleum products. By prioritizing the provision of quality fuels that ensure optimal vehicle and machinery performance, NP (SL) Ltd has built lasting trust with its customers.

One of the hallmarks of the petroleum marketing entity’s service excellence is the use of modern and standardized fuel dispensing machines at its Filling Stations. These machines, which transparently display the exact volume and cost of fuel pumped, guarantee customers receive full value for their money. The company’s management actively incorporates customer feedback into its policies, ensuring that decisions reflect diverse perspectives and are tailored to meet evolving consumer needs.

NP-SL Ltd’s dedication to innovation is also evident in the introduction of the NP Smart Card. This convenient payment solution simplifies the purchase of petroleum products, offering enhanced security features that safeguard against fraud. Customers can top up the card with funds and use it seamlessly at any NP station, making it a popular choice in today’s tech-driven environment.

Among its recent innovations is the NP Energy Pass Card, a cutting-edge solution designed to provide a seamless and secure fuel purchasing experience.

This smart card, part of the company’s “FUBU” (For Us, By Us) initiative, supports both online and offline transactions, offers instant SMS notifications, and features robust security measures, including One-Time Passwords (OTPs) for password changes. The NP Energy Pass Card is a significant step toward a cashless economy, allowing customers to independently fuel their vehicles while receiving real-time transaction updates. Additionally, station owners benefit from direct bank credits for card transactions, streamlining their operations.

In addition to petroleum products, NP-SL Ltd offers NP Gas, a  cooking solution available in various cylinder sizes. Widely accessible at all NP stations and authorized dealers, NP Gas is both environmentally friendly and medically certified as safe for household use. The company’s trained personnel are always on hand to provide tips and guidance, ensuring users make the most of this reliable cooking device.

A standout feature of NP-SL Ltd is its unwavering commitment to Sierra Leone’s Local Content Policy. As a fully Sierra Leonean-owned company, NP employs local talent at all levels of its operations, from shareholders and management to general staff. This approach not only empowers citizens through job creation but also contributes to poverty alleviation by circulating income within the local economy.

By providing training and development opportunities for its staff, NP-SL Ltd continuously enhances the skill set of its workforce, ensuring they can make significant contributions to the company’s growth. The decision to prioritize local employment over importing foreign expertise has been a key driver of the company’s success.

NP-SL Ltd’s contributions extend beyond business operations. Through its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives, the company has consistently supported Government efforts to improve living standards across the country. From capacity building for institutions to community-focused programs, NP has played an active role in national development.

The company’s expansion across West Africa, with branches in Liberia, Guinea, Ivory Coast, and The Gambia, speaks to its ambition and determination. These branches not only provide quality petroleum products but also create jobs and generate tax revenue that supports development initiatives in these countries.

As NP-SL Ltd continues to scale new heights, it remains a shining example of how an indigenous company can thrive, setting industry benchmarks and leading by example. The company’s journey is far from over, and with continued support, it is poised to achieve even greater success in the years ahead.


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