Pavi Fort Set to Hand Over Transport Transit Terminal as 98% Work Nears Completion

Transport Transit Terminal.jpg

By Amin Kef (Ranger)

As part of the Sierra Leone Integrated and Resilient Urban Mobility Project (SLIRUMP), Pavi Fort AL Associates (SL) Limited, one of Sierra Leone’s leading construction companies, is set to hand over the newly constructed Transport Transit Terminal at Lumley, West End of Freetown. This disclosure was made on Monday, June 10th, 2024, during an exclusive interview with Pavi Fort Engineer, Ing. Sulaiman Conteh, at the Huta-Golden Quarry Site in Lumley, Freetown.

Speaking during the interview, Ing. Sulaiman Conteh stated that the Government of Sierra Leone successfully secured funding from the World Bank for the implementation of the Integrated Resilient Urban Mobility Project (IRUMP). That project, implemented by the Ministry of Transport and Aviation along with relevant agencies and other stakeholders, saw Pavi Fort emerge as the competent roads construction company that won the bidding for its implementation.

He pointed out that the main objectives of the project are geared towards improving the quality of public transportation, addressing climate resilience, improving road safety in selected areas and enhancing institutional capacity in the transport sector.

According to him, since the commencement of the project, the company has worked on corridor improvements, including complete traffic management measures, intersection improvements, coordinated traffic lights, improvement of sidewalks for pedestrian movement, and drainage.

Ing. Conteh revealed that the current construction of a Market and Transport Transit Terminal at Lumley is part of the project. He stated that the Transport Transit Terminal is already 98% complete and will be officially handed over to the Government of Sierra Leone within the next few days.

He noted that the Transport Transit Terminal includes five terminals to accommodate Kekehs, Mini Buses and Waka Fine Buses, facilitating easy transportation access.

Commenting on the market, he said the company is also working tirelessly to complete it. When finished, the market will accommodate a large number of traders and will feature a four-story building with two car parks: one on the ground floor for shop owners and another outside for customers.

Ibrahim Sesay, a passerby, stated that he will praise Pavi Fort for one key achievement: implementing various projects simultaneously in different and distant locations, a feat that others could not achieve. This, he maintained, shows how competent and efficient Pavi Fort is.

He added that the Transport Transit Terminal has given a new facelift to the Lumley community saying he is strongly convinced that, once completed and handed over, it will significantly improve transportation access.


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