President Bio Engages Burkina Faso Junta Leader to Address Sahel Crisis

By Esther Wright

In a move to strengthen bilateral relations and address pressing regional concerns, President Dr. Julius Maada Bio concluded a successful one-day working visit to Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso on Wednesday, August 7, 2024. The visit was made at the invitation of Burkina Faso’s Head of State, Captain Ibrahim Traoré.

President Bio received a warm welcome from Captain Traoré, who expressed his pleasure at hosting the Sierra Leonean leader. The two Presidents underscored the significance of mutual support in tackling the insecurity challenges faced by the Sahel region.

The primary purpose of President Bio’s visit was to acquire firsthand information on the current issues affecting Burkina Faso and the broader Sahel region. “I have had an extensive discussion with President Traoré and now have a full range of the information I wanted as a member of the ECOWAS region and in my capacity as President of the United Nations Security Council for the month of August,” stated President Bio.

During their discussions, both leaders emphasized their commitment to regional security, development and the unity of West Africa. The visit solidified the fraternal relations between Sierra Leone and Burkina Faso, paving the way for enhanced cooperation in addressing shared challenges.


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