President Bio Highlights Tech Advancements at Sierra Leone Innovates Summit

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By Alvin Lansana Kargbo

The vibrant Sierra Leone Innovates Tech Summit commenced on Tuesday June 11, 2024 at the Freetown International Conference Centre, drawing over 100 delegates from 15 countries worldwide. This dynamic three-day event aims to shape Sierra Leone’s digital and technological landscape through discussions, brainstorming sessions and idea exchanges.

Sponsored by Orange Sierra Leone, the summit focuses on creating a connected ecosystem that drives technological advancement, digital inclusion and infrastructure development. The goal is to empower the youth, open doors to global employment opportunities and foster innovation.

Salima Bah, Sierra Leone’s Minister of Communication, Technology, and Innovation, highlighted the summit’s primary objective: to position Sierra Leone as a leading technology and innovation hub. “We aim to create an environment conducive to business expansion, fostering innovation, incubation and growth,” said Salima Bah. She emphasized the importance of forward-thinking policies and robust mechanisms to support entrepreneurship in the evolving market.

“We’re charting a course for Sierra Leone’s Tech Future,” she declared.

A significant highlight of the summit was Starlink’s official debut in Sierra Leone, marking the country as the 100th market for the global satellite internet network.

In his keynote address, President Julius Maada Bio underscored Sierra Leone’s role in shaping the future digital landscape. He urged the nation to transcend being mere end-users in the 4th Industrial Revolution and embrace the opportunities technology offers to revolutionize service delivery. President Bio praised his Government’s initiatives, such as establishing the Directorate of Science, Technology, and Innovation and the pioneering the Ministry of Communication, Technology, and Innovation. He also highlighted transformative programs like the Fintech Sandbox and the first Drone Corridor in West Africa.

“Technology must not merely captivate but fundamentally enhance service delivery,” said President Bio, emphasizing its role in improving education, health and financial services.

Addressing the nation’s challenges and opportunities, President Bio stressed the importance of leveraging technology to navigate the digital ecosystem. “Sierra Leone stands at a crossroad of unprecedented opportunities and daunting challenges. We must position ourselves to explore the opportunities that these innovations present,” he said.

The summit showcased tech companies’ solutions, including Sierra Leone’s ambitious Tech City project, reflecting the country’s forward-thinking approach. President Bio toured various exhibition booths, with Orange Mobile Company prominently featured.

The summit continues to buzz with energy, featuring exhibitions, panel discussions, and presentations. Orange Sierra Leone, a key sponsor, will host sessions offering aspiring innovators, students and entrepreneurs hands-on experiences with their cutting-edge products and services. Participants can also access scholarships for professional web design courses and enriching learning experiences through Cusera.

The Sierra Leone Innovates Tech Summit offers a platform for collaboration, innovation and inspiration, propelling the nation towards a brighter technological future.


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