President Bio, Where is Our National Diagnostic and Radiotherapy Cancer Treatment Centre?

By Foday Moriba Conteh

In a solemn keynote address commemorating World Cancer Day 2019, His Excellency President Julius Maada Bio pledged to the people of Sierra Leone the establishment of a Radiotherapy Cancer Treatment Centre and a National Diagnostic Centre. This commitment was further solidified in December 2020 when the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) of Sierra Leone made a significant stride towards recovering stolen public funds. The ACC presented a cheque of Le 7,578,449.077 to President Bio, who announced that these funds would be allocated to the construction of the promised medical facilities.

However, years have passed since this promise was made and despite the initial anticipation, there has been no visible progress towards the construction of the National Diagnostic Centre and the Radiotherapy Cancer Treatment Centre. This delay has led to growing concerns among citizens, who are now asking: “President Bio, where is our National Diagnostic Centre and the Radiotherapy Cancer Treatment Centre?”

On Thursday, August 17, 2023, the Minister of Health, Dr. Austin Demby, in an exclusive interview, reaffirmed President Bio’s commitment to fulfilling this promise. He assured that the cheque of Le 7,578,449.077 remains intact and dedicated to the project. However, Dr. Demby explained that the delay in construction is due to the complexities involved in selecting the appropriate equipment for the new centre.

Traditionally, a radioactive mineral (Cobalt-60) is used in such facilities. For Sierra Leone to proceed with constructing the Diagnostic and Treatment Centre, consultations with the International Energy Agency (IEA) were necessary to determine the best equipment. The IEA initially recommended the Cobalt-60 product, but newer technologies, such as the Linear Accelerator Machine, have since become available. The back-and-forth discussions with the IEA have contributed to the delays, as the Government sought to ensure the most suitable and advanced technology is procured.

Dr. Austin Demby revealed that the Government has now agreed with the IEA to include both the Cobalt-60 and the Linear Accelerator Machine. In December 2022, the Government met with Varian Medical Systems, leading to the signing of a 10-year Memorandum of Understanding. This agreement covers screening, diagnosis, advanced treatment and the training of local staff.

“We are now working to activate this engagement with Varian Medical Systems to help us with the right specifications,” Dr. Demby stated. He apologized for the delay, emphasizing the importance of bringing in equipment that meets the country’s requirements and ensures the longevity of the Centre. Dr. Demby reassured the nation that the funds are secure and reiterated the Government’s commitment to constructing the Diagnostic Centre and the Radiotherapy Cancer Treatment Centre.

Despite these assurances, nearly a year has passed since Dr. Demby’s interview, and citizens have yet to see tangible progress. As the nation continues to wait for the fulfillment of President Bio’s promise, the need for accessible and modern healthcare facilities remains urgent. Citizens are calling on the Government to prioritize the establishment of these crucial medical centres, essential for the well-being of the population.

The question on everyone’s mind is clear: “President Bio, where is our National Diagnostic Centre and the Radiotherapy Cancer Treatment Centre?” The people of Sierra Leone are hopeful that the Government will take swift and decisive action to honor this commitment, ensuring that the promised healthcare facilities become a reality.

This medium will continue to follow the issue keenly.



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