Sierra Leone Mourns Loss of Influential Diplomat Hashim Hashim in Lebanon

By Amin Kef (Ranger)

The Sierra Leonean diplomatic community and the country as a whole mourn the loss of Hashim Hashim, the esteemed Consul of Sierra Leone in Lebanon, who passed away on Sunday, 22nd September 2024. Affectionately known as “Pa Hashim,” he succumbed to a prolonged illness, leaving behind a legacy of dedication to his nation and remarkable service to both Sierra Leone and the wider Middle Eastern region.

During his tenure, Pa Hashim significantly elevated Sierra Leone’s diplomatic visibility not only in Lebanon but across the Middle East. His influence and reputation extended far beyond traditional diplomatic circles, as he became a respected figure among key political, diplomatic, and business leaders in the region. His network of relationships made him a key figure in fostering connections between Sierra Leone and the Middle East.

Known for his warm personality and generous spirit, Pa Hashim was regarded as a unifying force in the communities he served. Described as having a “tiger heart,” he possessed immense courage and resilience. He was deeply admired for his kindness, humility, and ability to treat everyone, regardless of background or status, as family. Throughout his life, he was committed to helping those in need, often extending his support to individuals who were not directly connected to him by blood but by his boundless compassion.

Pa Hashim’s passing came just five days after the death of his twin brother, Hassan Hussein Hashim, who was Sierra Leone’s Trade Envoy to the Middle East. Both brothers were laid to rest in Lebanon, leaving a void in the hearts of those who knew them. Their lives were deeply intertwined with Sierra Leone, where they spent much of their adult lives contributing to the nation’s development. Based in Kenema for much of their careers, they later partially relocated to Freetown after the country’s civil war ended in 2002.

The death of Pa Hashim and his brother Hassan has left a profound impact on the diplomatic and Lebanese communities, both in Sierra Leone and abroad. They were admired not only for their professional achievements but also for their unwavering commitment to the betterment of others. Pa Hashim, in particular, was a respected figure within Sierra Leone’s Lebanese community, frequently consulted on matters affecting the group, thanks to his deep understanding of the country’s political landscape.

Sierra Leone has lost two dedicated sons who, through their exemplary work in diplomacy and trade, gave their best to serve the nation and humanity. Their contributions will be remembered for generations to come, and their absence will be keenly felt by all who had the privilege of knowing them.


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