Tripartite Committee Submits Final Report on Electoral Systems to President Bio

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By Amin Kef (Ranger)

In a significant milestone for Sierra Leone’s democratic process, the Tripartite Committee, comprising representatives from the Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP) Government, the All Peoples Congress (APC), and moral guarantors, has finalized and presented its recommendations on electoral systems and processes. The culmination of six months of intensive collaboration among key stakeholders, the final report was submitted to President Dr. Julius Maada Bio on Monday, July 1, 2024, at State House.

Receiving the conclusive Report on Electoral Systems and Management Bodies Review, President Bio expressed his commitment to deepening Sierra Leone’s democratic credentials through just and inclusive electoral management and process reforms. He commended the Committee members for their exceptional service and acknowledged the support of development partners who have upheld the principles and objectives of the Committee’s work.

President Bio emphasized the significance of this achievement in strengthening Sierra Leone’s democracy. He highlighted that this comprehensive review, the first in the nation’s history, reflects a joint effort by the Government and the leading opposition party to enhance the electoral process.

“The completion of this process is a significant milestone in our journey toward ensuring credible, transparent and inclusive electoral processes in Sierra Leone,” President Bio stated. He underscored the importance of the report’s findings and their potential to positively impact future elections.

The President lauded the unprecedented collaboration, noting, “The Cross-Party Committee’s mandate was to identify challenges, address longstanding gaps in our electoral system and pave the way for free, fair, and transparent elections. This historic cooperation between the Government and the APC showcases our shared commitment to democracy.”

President Bio acknowledged the extensive consultations, research and deliberations that shaped the report. He commended the diverse cross-section of society represented in the reporting body, including political parties, civil society, the media, and ordinary citizens, for their collective commitment to building a resilient and fair electoral system.

“My Government is committed to implementing the full recommendations of the Tripartite Committee. We will ensure that the process is as inclusive and participatory as possible,” he assured, expressing gratitude to the Committee members and development partners for their support.

Chief Minister, Dr. David Moinina Sengeh, also expressed satisfaction with the Committee’s outcomes, underscoring the joint effort’s importance for the nation’s democracy. The formal submission was marked by a joint statement signed by Dr. Sengeh, Chief Negotiator for the Government of Sierra Leone and Dr. Samura M.W. Kamara, Chief Negotiator for the All Peoples Congress Party, on July 1, 2024.

This report follows the ‘Agreement for National Unity,’ signed in October 2023, which aimed to foster peace, unity and national cohesion, focusing on electoral justice, accountability and transparency, especially after the contentious 2023 General Elections. The agreement resolved to establish a Cross-Party Committee to review electoral management systems and bodies, leading to the Committee’s inauguration in a public ceremony attended by political leaders, public institutions, civil society organizations and development partners.

The review, covering elections from 2007 to 2023, presented a mixed bag of issues, reflecting both consensus and contention between the Government and the APC. Despite disagreements, the report captures the spirit of cooperation for the country’s good. The next phase involves implementing the recommendations, a task that will test the commitment and sincerity of the involved parties.

The U.S. Embassy has praised the recent presentation of the Tripartite Committee’s final report to President Bio, recognizing the dedication and hard work of all Committee members. This report marks a significant milestone in Sierra Leone’s democratic journey, serving as a model for constructive political dialogue and dispute resolution.

Despite some disagreements, the Committee achieved 80 joint recommendations, which hold the promise of transforming Sierra Leone’s electoral system. By collectively working towards the implementation of these recommendations, there is an opportunity to strengthen democratic processes and foster unity in the nation.

The United States reaffirms its commitment to partnering with Sierra Leone on this vital journey, underscoring the shared goal of bolstering democratic institutions and practices.

Sierra Leoneans and international partners are eagerly anticipating the implementation phase, hopeful for timely and impactful reforms that will modernize and enhance the nation’s electoral system to meet global standards. The journey has been challenging, but the continued commitment of all parties and partners remains a source of hope and motivation for the country’s democratic future.



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