Vice President Jalloh Sets Agenda for 2025 Budget, Emphasizes Governance and Stability

By Amin Kef (Ranger)

The Vice President of Sierra Leone, Dr. Mohamed Juldeh Jalloh, has set the stage for the 2025 fiscal year with a compelling keynote address at the Budget Policy Hearings held on August 15, 2024, at the New Brookfields Hotel in Freetown. In his speech, the Vice President outlined the Government’s strategic priorities and fiscal roadmap, emphasizing the need for sustained economic growth, improved governance  and targeted investments.

Opening the hearings, Dr. Juldeh Jalloh commended the Ministry of Finance and its team for their steadfast efforts in stabilizing the economy amidst global economic uncertainties. He framed the 2025 budget as a “bridge budget” designed to build on existing achievements and further propel the Government’s Big Five Game Changers, which include initiatives like Feed Salone and job creation.

In his remarks, the Vice President highlighted key areas of progress during President Julius Maada Bio’s first term, notably in education, healthcare, infrastructure, governance and security. He urged stakeholders to focus on consolidating these gains while addressing emerging challenges.

Dr. Juldeh Jalloh called for improved tax management and governance within critical sectors like public utilities, advocating for a reduction in budgetary allocations to the energy sector by enhancing operational efficiency. He emphasized that instead of increasing taxes, the Government should prioritize better fiscal management and resource allocation.

The Vice President also acknowledged the contributions of key Ministries such as Fisheries and Marine Resources, Tourism and Lands in driving revenue generation. He expressed optimism about the country’s economic future, reiterating that the 2025 budget is designed to bridge past successes with new opportunities for growth.

As the budget hearings continue, stakeholders will delve deeper into policy discussions, guided by the Vice President’s vision for a fiscally sound and development-focused 2025.


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