Ambassador Wang Qing Hosts Symposium to Deepen China-Sierra Leone Ties

Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the Republic of Sierra Leone.JPG

By Millicent Senava Mannah

In a bid to fortify the enduring friendship between China and Sierra Leone, Ambassador Wang Qing hosted a round-table meeting titled the China-Sierra Leone Relations Symposium on Thursday, May 16, 2024. The event, held at The Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in the Republic of Sierra Leone, Wilberforce, drew significant participation from esteemed dignitaries and representatives, including Hon. Ibrahim Tawa Conteh, Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Hon. Unpha Koroma, Member of Foreign Affairs Committee of Parliament, Alan Logan, Acting Director-General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, along with members of the media.

In his keynote address, Ambassador Wang Qing expressed gratitude for the ongoing efforts dedicated to fostering the longstanding bond between China and Sierra Leone. Reflecting on the 53 years of diplomatic relations, Ambassador Wang Qing highlighted the steady growth in bilateral ties characterized by sincere friendship, equality, mutual trust and beneficial cooperation across various sectors. He underscored the recent State visit by HE President Julius Maada Bio to China in February, where both leaders reaffirmed the significance of the relationship, with President Xi Jinping lauding it as a model of China-Africa solidarity and cooperation.

Amidst global challenges, Ambassador Wang Qing emphasized the need for both nations to elevate their strategic partnership, contributing to a fairer and more equitable international order. He urged collective efforts to oppose hegemony and unilateralism while advocating for true multilateralism and the protection of international norms and laws. Notably, Ambassador Wang Qing reaffirmed China’s stance on the Taiwan issue, emphasizing the importance of upholding the One-China principle and countering any attempts to challenge it.

Furthermore, Ambassador Wang Qing highlighted the importance of synergizing development strategies between China and Sierra Leone, aiming to enhance practical cooperation and support each other’s developmental agendas. He cited notable achievements in infrastructure and trade partnerships while expressing optimism for further collaboration under initiatives such as the Belt and Road and China-Africa cooperation frameworks.

Lastly, Ambassador Wang Qing underscored the significance of deepening traditional friendship and fostering people-to-people exchanges. He praised Sierra Leone’s unwavering support during challenging times, such as the joint efforts in combating Ebola and COVID-19, illustrating the resilience of their bond.

Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Ibrahim Tawa Conteh, commended the Chinese Government and the Embassy for all they have been doing in the country. According to him, the mutual relationship has greatly benefited both countries and peoples.

He maintained that the two countries have maintained 53 years of diplomatic relations upholding equality, mutual trust and support underscoring that the Government is hopeful that the bilateral relationship will continue to flourish.

Hon. Unpha Koroma, Member of the Foreign Affairs Committee of Parliament, further buttressed what Hon. Tawa said also reiterating how Sierra Leone has benefited a lot from the friendship citing the offering of Chinese scholarships and other supports even revealing that he was a beneficiary of a scholarship to study in China.

Statements were also delivered by representatives of the China-Africa Institute of Makeni University, China Alumni Association, China Sierra Leone Friendship Association and others stressing the mutual beneficial relationship between China and Sierra Leone emphasizing continuity of the friendship.

The China-Sierra Leone Relations Symposium served as a platform to reaffirm commitments, explore new avenues for cooperation and strengthen the enduring friendship between the two nations. With mutual trust and shared aspirations, both China and Sierra Leone look forward  to a future of enhanced collaboration and prosperity.


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